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possible development of open PvP Ilum(personal idea)


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Ilum is the central problem of its development, I think you should put ilum as a stage of development bigger ....

1) in the first phase there will be a battle of ilum for code capture Starfleet republican or imperial.

2) in the second phase, once obtained the codes stellar fleet, you will fight a space battle strictly with other players of their faction allied or enemy is.

3) in the third phase once destroyed the Starfleet republican / imperial, you will have access to 3 hours of the planets republicans / imperial as they are, you will land on Coruscant / Dromundus-Kaas and kill the faction leader of the Republic or the Empire, I think for the Republic can be Satele Shan.

4) in the fourth stage after killing the enemy faction leader, you will have the opportunity to go to Tython / Korriban and delete the council jedi / sith.

5) Now you will get a substantial reward for the heroic token and you can buy powerful artifacts or pieces of world pvp September

sorry for the problems and inaccuracies but written straight off, tell me what you think.


ok I have spoken of the theoretical part of the discourse we see what might be mechanical.

In Ilum are vehicles, but they have a very marginal role, here I thought a greater use of these, your goal is to get supplies for vehicles and make them so advance on the battlefield, the field will also be present 3 knots connection that we must win to disable enemy shields, once the shields have fallen and vehicles destroy enemy defenses have access to the enemy base where you will get the codes stellar fleet.

this is a chance I will post more when in my mind

May the Force be with you.

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Good idea but every server need a stronger population (on NL is dropping quickly)


you're right, good observation, you need to have good people, I think we need to increase the merge of the European servers to increase the population, so as not to have many servers empty seeds.


I think also that when swtor will switch to freemium, it will be even easier.

ps: I'm on Nightmare Lands Empire side: D

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