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Why, of all species, the Cathar ?


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Thunder, thunder, thunder, ThunderCATS!


I think the maker of SW:TOR love everything (WoW, AoC, LotRO, Thundercats, Galaxy Rangers, Saber Rider) but not Star Wars!


They try to give it a broad appea by making the armors and races look like other pop culture, but its not really helping with the Star Wars theme of a STAR WARS game.:confused:

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Because I see two big, big, big issues with them


1)The Cathar have a major antagonism with the Sith and the Empire. They fought the Sith Empire during the Qel-Droma War and were later subject of a genocide attempt by the Mandalorians (CF : the bounty hunters) This was btw the event that prompted Revan to intervene military against the Mandalorians


2)Half the Imperial missions on Taris involve a racist Imperial telling you to commit another genocide on Cathar settlers, using rather deragotary terms


''Hey, Cathar, we have a mission for you. It's about poisoning the food for those half-cats-AAARGH''

(Noise of a head falling of the ground, followed by all the guards at the camp engaging you)


Last time I checked Cathar was mainly for the Republic not the Empire. Since in the trailer the Cathar they show is wearing a Republic military uniform.

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Last time I checked Cathar was mainly for the Republic not the Empire. Since in the trailer the Cathar they show is wearing a Republic military uniform.


They wouldn't bring a race out only for one side.

They only set a few races one sided, due to their force inclination. That and the Chiss, as they are a Unified race sided with the empire.


And regarding the Cathar missions on Taris, you do have the option to tell them to go shove it.

Should be used more often ;)

Edited by Evgen
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Last time I checked Cathar was mainly for the Republic not the Empire. Since in the trailer the Cathar they show is wearing a Republic military uniform.


A Republic military uniform? Funny, that looked like a Smuggler outfit to me.


And can you imagine the outcry if they released a new species for Republic only? Yeah, that's not going to happen.



Edited by Blackavaar
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They wouldn't bring a race out only for one side.

They only set a few races one sided, due to their force inclination. That and the Chiss, as they are a Unified race sided with the empire.


And regarding the Cathar missions on Taris, you do have the option to tell them to go shove it.

Should be used more often ;)


Actually currently the species available by faction are already short one on the Republic Side. So they could release a species available just for one side.


Imperial :

1) SIth Pure Blood

2) Ratattaki

3) Chiss


Republic :

1) Miraluka

2) Mirialan


Weird Right?

You would think that the Republic would have more aliens since the imps are so anti alien.


(BTW make sure to watch the video of cathar in my signature)

Edited by kirorx
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Actually currently the species available by faction are already short one on the Republic Side. So they could release a species available just for one side.


Imperial :

1) SIth Pure Blood

2) Ratattaki

3) Chiss


Republic :

1) Miraluka

2) Mirialan


Weird Right?

You would think that the Republic would have more aliens since the imps are so anti alien.


(BTW make sure to watch the video of cathar in my signature)


ya but that kind of all went out the window with the legacy system... I mean now for some credits or leveling a toon to 50 every species is available for every class on both sides... so even if they put Cathar as Republic only it would still end up being available for both factions

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1. It was a consistent top 5 in polls, so it made sense. Also, easier than the top 2.. Togruta and Nautolan.


Models for all 3 species were already in the game, there are several of said NPCs involved in BH and SW class quests. It's not like they'd have had to come up with a whole new model for any of them.


And where were all these polls? I never saw one... I would have said Rodian... or Gungan.

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Models for all 3 species were already in the game, there are several of said NPCs involved in BH and SW class quests. It's not like they'd have had to come up with a whole new model for any of them.


I'm pretty sure he meant 'easier' in the sense of 'don't have issues with tentacles/lekku clipping through hoods and helmets'.

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The old development team before lauch actually said if people wanted new species they would be very easy to add after launch. However given how long it has taken for Cathar to come in I am starting to doubt this was the case. I am just hoping that Cathar might be the first free species to be added however other speices might come in on the cash shop.
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Given the original reason for now allowing more alien species was that you couldn't relate to them and then to add a species that really can't be related to the Imperial side seems to suggest the more alien species must be back on the drawing board. If the devs can't see a Trandoshian Bounty Hunter as being relatable a hoard of cat like people that in a screw you attitude to your parents side up with people that tried to wipe you out and enter a hunt to impress the Mandalorians can't be much more relatable.


Not to mention that fur must be harder to implament than scales or other options hence it seems we have a face painted human. It is a shame that either because of stylised graphics or design vission where as Charr or even the feline species in STO appear far more cat like. So in that way it seems a very odd choice given they haven't been able to fully implament a feline species.

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Because it was easier to slap face paint on a human model than to activate the other aliens that actually are related to both factions.


Probably for this reason. It's just another humanoid model. I don't expect cathar to do much for swtor comparatively to what an alien race like Jawas or Chewies can do in terms or popularity and drawing in new customers. BW might as well not bother with cathars.

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Models for all 3 species were already in the game, there are several of said NPCs involved in BH and SW class quests. It's not like they'd have had to come up with a whole new model for any of them.


And where were all these polls? I never saw one... I would have said Rodian... or Gungan.


By easier I mean the easiest to implement (or least hours of work), seeing how the head is human and has no clipping issues, as the other 2 would offer (look at the drama about twis and later Miraluka`s clipping). Also, Togruta has only head implemented in the game.. about 3 or 4 female variants only and no body, as the Slave Outfit folks founded out :) .





About your vote...

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=479757 <-- which is fairly accurate and dead on about species if we compare to pre-Forum wipe polls. Your Rodian is a distant 4th.

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Because I see two big, big, big issues with them


1)The Cathar have a major antagonism with the Sith and the Empire. They fought the Sith Empire during the Qel-Droma War and were later subject of a genocide attempt by the Mandalorians (CF : the bounty hunters) This was btw the event that prompted Revan to intervene military against the Mandalorians


That wasn't the Sith Empire.


2)Half the Imperial missions on Taris involve a racist Imperial telling you to commit another genocide on Cathar settlers, using rather deragotary terms


''Hey, Cathar, we have a mission for you. It's about poisoning the food for those half-cats-AAARGH''

(Noise of a head falling of the ground, followed by all the guards at the camp engaging you)


Credits make the galaxy go round. ;)


And for the posters whom keep bashing BioWare for creating the Cathar species:


Not BioWare.

Edited by TORHipster
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I would seriously have loved to have been at the meeting where Bioware devs came up with the Cathar. I mean, if cat people was the best idea they came up with, how hilariously, monumentally bad must the other ideas have been?


Cathar were invented for the Tales of the Jedi comic series published by Dark Horse back in the mid-90's. They are not a BioWare creation.

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