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Are you going to renew and keep paying $15/mo?


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Star Wars geeks and WoW haters will stick around, but that's catering to a niche market.


So only geeks and haters will stick around? Seriously?


I think what you meant to say was that only WoW fanboi's would leave - everybody else stays :p




I plan to be around for many years.

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I'll keep paying as long as I am having fun.


Me too, probably a while after I get tired of the game even, and as it looks like right now that will probably be much longer than I subbed to WoW (about 6 years, was extremely tired of the game about 4 years in)

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Probably not. I know everyone is going to jump on me, but this game lacks polish. It's pretty upsetting for me because I really, REALLY wanted to enjoy this game.


How can a company release an MMORPG today and NOT have the basic features of other big MMOs? Star Wars geeks and WoW haters will stick around, but that's catering to a niche market. It's clear to me that Bioware isn't trying to make the next big thing, but to simply make a profit before skipping town.


This! But ill come back at patch 100.99

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I am enjoying playing this game so far.


The time I get to play is generally short increments, which is quite unfortunate because I spent most of my TOR time on the weekend waiting for queues or coming back down to my puter and finding i had been logged off and THEN waiting in queues again.


I will not continue playing if the queues keep up. I find it quite silly that they assigned guilds to servers but they are still almost all overpopulated, even before launch date. It seems to me the queues are only going to get worse. I will be very disappointed if I am forced to not play this game due to queue times.






You should also never go afk on a first week of a mmo since they will log you out after a certain amount of afk time

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I haven't redeemed my key yet, and I doubt that I will.


I really enjoy the game, but the community seems to be loaded with the worst type of 'leet' WoW player. General chat, Warzones and flashpoints loaded with these people. Totally ruins the experience for me.

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I have no problems with the interface... well, a few little things but I am sure they'll iron em out.


So, I will put down for 3 or 6 months when I get my product code thing.


My biggest issue is not being able to move the chat box (or me not being able to figure it out) I have trained myself for over 10 years of MMO’s and RPG’s to look down left or down center for chat.


P.S. For some reason it is very difficult to look up left on 32” TV monitor too.

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Is this game good enough to keep paying $15/mo for? Are you going to keep playing ? Or are you going to wait and see what they do in the first month?


I'm definitely going to continue to play. The story really is enough to keep me wanting to play more. They're strong enough to keep me from falling into my usual alt-aholic ways, so Bioware's got my money coming their way for quite a while.

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At the very least I'll stay until I've leveled at least one from every class to 50. Just to enjoy the story. Considering I have over 30 hours of /played and I'm still at lvl 25 on my first one it seems like it'll take quite a few months. And that's only if operations suck really badly. If they're good...I don't see myself quitting in the near future.
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Going to stay for sure. Just added my own subs today. 1 month at the time, but I'm still fairly certain this game will keep me interested.


As for the reasons I want to stay with the game, the first and most important is the story. I'm enjoying the sith inquisitors storyline like hell, and what I have heard from friends, the sith warriors and bounty hunters storylines are also blasters. So those are going to keep me in the game for a long time.


Also, second important reason is Star Wars. Enough said. Oh, not to mention Star Wars+MMO. Combination for win.

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Unlikely. I still have not been able to register my CE Code, which means that once the grace period runs out, I'll not have any game to play at all.


I wish I could continue playing, but I can't. And I cannot afford, and would not if I could, to buy a second copy of the game.


It's enough being scammed once.

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6 month sub. I spend more money on cigs in a week than how much cost me a 6 month sub anyways.


So far game is looking okay and by the time new things will be added I suppose. Not happy with some things around but put in balance + and - so far went pretty well for me.


In rest what can I say same thing as I did with my previous mmorpg, in the moment I am fed up with it I just quit without no 'good bye letter' post on forums or no drama around.

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I'm going to keep playing, but I agree with you. There are some issues going on with the game that make me wonder what they were thinking.


Splitting item stacks, the GTN search issues, getting stuck in clear/open terrain, 4th crew skill bugs when switching characters... What were the beta testers doing for all this time? I mean, seriously?


I think what you meant to ask was: "What was Bioware doing with the beta testers' feedback all this time?"

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I paid for 6 months and as long as they do not pander to the WoW Fanboys I will stick here. After LFG came to Rift I quit long with basically the whole guild I was in. (over 200+ members) The game is good it does need some polish however I been playing MMOS for years and know that improvement of the game is always on going in an mmo. So you will not hear me cry because its not polished when the game is not even the official launch.
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