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So....a new set for PvE but nothing for PvP?


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Aside from the usual "why they get candy while we get nothing", this is going to screw up gearing if you want to min/max stats for pvp, meaning we will be back to pre-1.2, where the best was a combination of pvp and pve gear.

Very bad move bioware :(

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OK, I first read this as a QQ. But I totally get what you're saying. Now any character that wants to compete in PvP will need to use some of the mods from this new super duper PVE set and some of them from the War Hero set.


Yeah... I agree... that blows really really hard.

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They did say in a yellow post a week or so ago that we would be getting the weapons for the new PVP gear in this patch so that the new PVE ones won't be used in PVP for an extra boost


whether they're in or not is another story, i didn't see a patch note about it but i'm installing the patch now so i'll edit this post if i see them


Edit: found the dev post


I talked to David Hunt (Systems Designer), and he shed some light upcoming gear. He said that (for PvE), Terror from Beyond's Hard Mode will include a new set of gear that is a sub-tier of the larger tier that started with Campaign gear. It will also have non-slot restricted armornings. Nightmare Explosive Conflict will speed up the acquisition of the new set and provides new challenges for Operation groups.


For PvP, new mainhand and offhand items will become available from the PvP vendors when Terror from Beyond is released. These will be included so PvP players don't feel the need to get the hilts and barrels from PvE items to get the highest weapon damage in some cases. The rest of the set will release when Ancient Hypergates becomes available. We also have plans to release a new Recruit MK-2 set.


Edit 2: new level PVP weapons are in the game, they're called Elite War Hero .............


pic of Jedi Knight stuff here http://i.imgur.com/XO7nt.jpg

Edited by irishtim
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Well...there are new mainhand and offhand weapons per this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=530746


Additionally, the following changes have been made for Offhand weapons and remodding:


A majority of offhand items can now be modified. Shields, Generators, and Foci accept Armoring modifications, and Vibroknives and Shotguns accept Barrels. Additionally, they can contain Color Crystal, Mod, and Enhancement slots (though the Color Crystal slot does not currently impact the visuals of the item). Note that there are some exceptions – not all offhands can be modified.


The formula that determines extraction costs for modifications has been adjusted. Costs to remove Premium and Artifact quality modifications have been reduced substantially. The cost to remove Prototype modifications has been decreased slightly.
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