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Hey so I started playing when the game came out, always liked the game but was unable to renew my sub for financial reasons. I am finally back now though and hopefully can continue with a sub. Now when I was first playing you find a datacron you get a stat boost. I found a datacron and then was given a shard and no stat bonus. It mentioned that I can use the shard somewhere for something, clearly I am not well educated in the matter and am hoping someone can clear this up for me!
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Once you acquire 3 matrix shards you can combine them to form a matrix cube (goes in your relic equipment slot).

They give pretty good stat boosts.


There is a location on your capital planet that you have to go to to make the matrix cube. For the Empire, it's on Dromund Kaas near the dark temple in the far northwest. If you're looking at the steps to the temple, there is a cave to the west/left.

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Once you acquire 3 matrix shards you can combine them to form a matrix cube (goes in your relic equipment slot).

They give pretty good stat boosts.


There is a location on your capital planet that you have to go to to make the matrix cube. For the Empire, it's on Dromund Kaas near the dark temple in the far northwest. If you're looking at the steps to the temple, there is a cave to the west/left.


Thanks for the info!

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