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your most hated planet in swtor


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there is something wrong with all of the planets:

they are static, there is no day/night/weather change and the layout is too corridor like. Nothing dynamic whatsoever.

This is why pretty much every planet appears on that list.

There is no "most or least hated planet" imho.


also did you notice, if you have seen the outside spaceport area for the first time, you have seen the whole planet.

Too much copy paste going on afterwards.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Alderaan, I wish someone, maybe a cool dark lord or his moff overseer, would come and blow that crappy, peace-loving planet into an asteroid field.


No but seriously, I hate that planet, Pub and Emp side, it's just not fun, and it looks too.. normal. It's like a day in Colorado during the fall, and I don't like that place.... And the quests are so bland, I just can't ever bring myself to like it. I run my class quests, world quests as need be, and **** and run dungeons to get leveled.

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Most of all, Alderaan. The one planet that takes forever to load, and even then it wants more.

Taris because it's friggin' rakghouls everywhere. And then the questlines that try to make me feel sorry/merciful for Star Wars' version of zombies, ugh.

Belsavis. Never liked jungle maps.

Loved Nar Shaddaa, but that annoying Twi'lek voice constantly spouting "Muli ra Watta Wompa" in the background audio got on my nerves.

Edited by JediMarneus
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Many of the complaints in this thread ignore that SWTOR is indebted very heavily to the original KOTOR in design. If you've played that game, and recall what each planet was like, SWTOR makes much more sense.


I think all the planets were made really well, with unique and polished looks to them, save for Quesh.


My favorites are probably Hoth, Tatooine, Alderaan, and Voss. But I didn't dislike any except for Quesh, which was barely even a planet.


In general, I'd like to see most or all the planets expanded in size going forward, perhaps with alternate leveling zones, and level 50/endgame areas.

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I can understand why ppl hate Balmora but its quite interesting, Empire's storys are just taking off at that point, just having to run around the cliffs is a bit irritating.


For me personally it would be Taris, nothing really wrong with it, other than i just find the landscape really depressing (which its supposed to be from the lore i guess).

Edited by goodnamebro
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Republic Balmorra, no type on Empire. Was sick and tired of Voss for some reason. Maybe it was that orange tint and unoriginal, generic zones aside from the evil alien camp and the Voss temple that were a turn off for me. It just didn't feel any interesting for me except for the Voss mystic story arc.


But I disagree with so many people on the Belsavis. While I hate the rakata ruins that everyone is just so used to in there that they're nothing mystical anymore, I love the visuals of that zone. Giant glacier all around and pretty tropical alien jungle in the middle. I was always a fan of such motifs in games, movies and books.


And I hate Corellia. It's pretty and looks like they've put a lot of work into it to give us that war-torn feel, but it takes ages to get from 47 to 50 there and after two hours of running everywhere(because travel routes take you only between the HUGE questing zones) it makes you sick and tired of it. And endless grind.


Maybe I'm getting old and can't accept some aspects of the MMOs, but in my opinion we spend too much time on planets levelling. I get tired of each planet when I leave it and feel sick when I think that I will have to spend more hours going through the same stuff again on next character.

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for me its Balmorra, hands down, everything about this dreary little planet from the storyline to the background music to the blah quests makes me want to curl up and take a nap, i usually try to bypass it as quickly as i can. its just....dull
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  • 5 years later...

Story-wise, I loathe Voss. Almost everything about that planet annoys me on essentially every character.


Mechanics-wise, it's Quesh. For some reason, on Quesh it seems as though even the class mission has no companion interaction at all. No dialogue, no influence hits, nothing. Through most of the game, I speed through just playing class missions and maybe a few odd Flashpoints to level to 70, but every time I hit Quesh there is this speed bump where it feels as though I'm doing some random planetary mission that isn't even a part of the main arc.

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Corellia, Balmorra, and Belsavis were my least favorites because of annoying time sink pathing. Corellia and Balmorra were also a bit drab to look at. I did enjoy the planet stories on all three however.


I disliked just about everything from Taris and wish Bioware had chosen another planet in it's stead. I could have done without the KOTOR nostalgia particularly if revisiting a KOTOR location just means ruins and Rakghouls.


Although not crazy about either Quesh as a location or the stories there, I didn't mind it as much as some of the other posters in this thread. It was too short to leave a lasting negative impression. Even before 4.0 it felt like you were leaving not long after arriving.


My favorites were Voss, Alderaan, Nar Shadda, Tatooine, and Rishi.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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