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PvP Servers Will Be Ruined


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hahahahaha!!! You are even lying on the forums so you can look like you got in first. You have problems rofl.


Mmm k.....ordered mine July 25th and just got in to save a few names on wave 3(bonus)...


Wife decided to play as well so bought another copy in nov...



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Thats the main point...new servers will destroy the population on the pvp servers....wont really affect at all the pve.


Didn't WoW add in new PvP servers every so often? I'm pretty sure they had more severs over all when WotLK came out, then they did when they first released it...


Anyone who plays on a PvP server pretty much expects to get ganked from time to time, this isn't anything new. Releasing new severs now won't change that, and I kinda doubt that people are going to abandon lvl 15-20 characters just because a new server opened up.

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Thats the main point...new servers will destroy the population on the pvp servers....wont really affect at all the pve.


This isn't WoW that's been out there for years. You don't want servers that people started on before you because of the advantage, that will be fixed with new servers which are coming. You don't want people leaving the server that will be fixed by an infinitely greater number of people logging into the game in the days to come.

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Dear OP,




Since most of us work, and don't expect to be 1st to max level, it will be unlikely that we will never run into higher level PvPers.




No matter what we do. And we know it. And we're ok with it.




Your post is clearly a cry for attention because you did not get early access, and therefore,





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Valid concern, the people saying "Dont roll on a pvp server" or "deal with it" are people with their access already.


Sorry if people are to self serving to understand it's messed up to have level 40s live on a pvp server the day you are bestowed access.

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well too tell ya the truth its not that big a deal them getting a head start at launch ..... say you bought the game one year down the road after launch would you cry then that people are higher lvl then you??? they would hypothetically have a years advatage and be top lvl and you would be lvl 1 ..... omg im questing and i get ganked on a Player vs Player server ... what is the difference in this situation ..... nothing so woopy they get a few days of play before you cry some more. and just fyi i didnt get into the game today but i say DEAL WITH IT. Edited by Grescal
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Yeaa.. if you dont want to play on a pvp server, thats fine, no one is going to make you.


I, for one, am looking more than 2 days into the future and realize that while there will occassionally be high level trolls running around killing lowbies, eventually I will be high level too.



It seems like most of the people on these forums have no idea how to solve problems. Everything should just be easy and fair for everyone.. just like real life...



Anyways, from the sounds of it, OP is afraid to play the game.. maybe he should give up his account info to someone with actual BALLS.

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I was kinda looking forward to getting ganked 9000 times, being called a *** and people tea-bagging my toon....****, that's the whole reason I moved from EVE to SWTOR, No corpse tea-bagging lololol :D


Your story just gave me a giant *****! I freaking hope we have a bunch of lvl 50s running around ganking by the time I get in. Its all fuel for the fire for when I Max my toon.


lather, rinse, repeat.


safe-word? I don't want you to stop... xD

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Let me make it clear for people who can not read...maybe the crayola colors will help you understand.


Step1: High levels on a pvp server(#1) because they got to roll first.

Step2: Others who were planning on server roll on said server(#1).

Step3: A HIGH % of those new players get ganked repeatedly.

Step4: EA releases NEW pvp server(#2).

Step5: Said ganked players will roll on the NEW server(#2) to avoid the advantage given to the players who rolled there earlier.

Step6: Server #1 is left with a MUCH lower population than it should of otherwise had. Which will eventually cause that population to dwindle and call for server merges.


I thought PvPers were fine with being ganked? Why leave?

Edited by Matte_Black
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I was kinda looking forward to getting ganked 9000 times, being called a *** and people tea-bagging my toon....****, that's the whole reason I moved from EVE to SWTOR, No corpse tea-bagging lololol :D


Your story just gave me a giant *****! I freaking hope we have a bunch of lvl 50s running around ganking by the time I get in. Its all fuel for the fire for when I Max my toon.


lather, rinse, repeat.


safe-word? I don't want you to stop... xD


You will enjoy it then :p

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