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This game could learn from SWG


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I would love to see this game be more star wars.. Because currently all it has to do with star wars is the title and lightsabers


Are you serious? I mean really are you serious? only lightsabers? Clearly you have not played this game enough. So lets list to what makes this game Star Wars shall we?


1. Republic vs Empire


2. Sith vs Jedi


3. Blasters


4. Force abilities


5. Darkside vs Lightside


6. Space combat (regardless of how limited it is)


I could go into detail about these things but that would be a waist of time. So yeah to sum up, IMO this game far outdoes SWG in that the storylines are unique, Character progression is at a decent pace, and the game truly has elements of playing as a community examples Operations, HM's.


So please don't make a statement that you clearly can't back up when comparing different games.

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I don't post here often. My wife, and I, share ths account, and she's usually the one posting.


Most who hate SWG never played it, especially late in the NGE. Whether, or not, some people didn't like some features in the game doesn't mean that others won't if given the opportunity to try them.


I found out later after trying the game, loving it, and not understanding why it wasn't popular, that it had a cult of loud haters.


My wife, and I, didn't think we'd like player housing either, or would just use it for storage. I was pretty adamant about it too. We did get into it, however. It really became an enjoyment we shared in the game, one of many.


We eventually got involved with a wonderful guild who had a few player cities. I don't know who said cities were ghost towns, because nearly every one I came across had a lot of people about. Our main city always had tons of people, either guildies, or people shopping the vendors.


The crafting, while giving you carpal tunnel syndrome from all the clicking, was a thing of beauty. Just the race to get our equipment to the rare high quality material spawns brought us a lot of fun. The actual crafting part could have been streamlined in the UI area more, but it was still rewarding. You felt like you were doing something special when you capped a weapon, or armor. I'm sure the other crafters felt the same way about the ship parts, foods/drinks, etc. they made.


What other game made allowed you to craft items, then display them in your open house? There were some of the most unique, and creative apparel shops in SWG. All items they sold were displayed in a such a manner that it was fun just to go see their creativity. There were junk themed shops that sold ship parts, and they gave you the illusion that you were visiting a place like Watto's. This game really lacks giving us the illusion of living in a real world.


We both loved space. Leveling our pilots the old fashioned way was something we spent a lot of time doing. No afk macroing, or having guildies take us on gunboat runs. The actual mssions you got from the various faction trainers were pretty good. Not X-Wing Alliance good, but still good. I remember when we got our first POB. It was the huge mining ship. A ugly hunk of junk on the outside, but it had a wonderful interior. Probably the best looking of all the POBs. We didn't really use it for mining though, lol.


Pet crafting was another awesome thing. I didn't enjoy it as much as my wife, but she loved critting mutations, and getting something rare. I enjoyed the things she created for me very much.


For all the bad mouthing of SWG, I can say that so far it was the only game were glad to pay for multiple accounts.


We had 5 SWG accounts.


We only have one SWTOR account. Not because of character slots, because there's not nearly as much to do in SWTOR. Honestly, it's pretty boring once you hit max level. We both even beta tested this game from early on to help get it ready. It's too bad the devs didn't really listen to anyone who didn't already agree with everything they were doing.


Character customization in appearance is really lacking as well. Having no appearance tab hurts it for both of us.


I've played lots of MMOs briefly, or for a year at most, but I couldn't get my wife to enjoy one until SWG.


SWTOR could definitely take some things from SWG to make it better.

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SWG had over 1 million subscribers at one point (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Galaxies#History) and did not lose them until they made radical changes in the game (i.e. the CU, followed by the disaster of the NGE). Please learn your history before spouting pure ignorance, especially since at it's height that game did better than this one because it was able to maintain its 1 million strong subscriber base for a longer period of time. This game sprinted farther ahead, but it lost the race due to its inability to endure.


Please stop making stuff up.


According to http://mmodata.net/, the most reliable subscriptions tracking source on the internet for MMOs as far as I am concerned, the game peaked at 300K subscribers (preNGE). It held at ~300K for 18 months before starting into persistent decline. NGE collapsed it to ~100K overnight, and it's been slowly declining ever since.

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I mean... this game is much more polished... I enjoy the combat system more and such... but Im not having as much fun as I was having when playing Star Wars Galaxies... And Ive talked to several people about it and in serious discussion all tend to say SWG > SWTOR. In conclusion why dont the Devs take the opportunity and learn from such games instead of implementing own innovative ( often sucky ) mechanics.


Pvp is no fun , leveling alts is no fun , exploration no fun , ops no fun after 4th or 5th run.... Only reason I play this still is cause Im a star wars fan and this is the only star wars mmo.


PS : So generally i was a total noob back then in swg , i didnt have good gear but still managed to have way more fun than what im getting from this game :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(


SWTOR could gain much by implementing some features that SWG had





My friend summons it up perfectly



People tend to look at the past with rose colored glasses.... SWG had a ton of issues.... OP Combat Medics, OP Doc Buffs, Being able to shoot threw walls in pvp, little to no story content, lack of space missions.... And the game just got worse and worse with the Combat Upgrade and NGE....


That said SWG did have some cool mechanics like the flexible skill system, Bounty Hunters who hunted actual players, Player cities, creating your own store with npc vendors you made yourself....


The future will definitely be a hybrid Sandbox / Theme park MMO... Just wonder which Development Team will have the balls to create it... Now a days it's just copy what everyone else does.... There is no innovation in game designing anymore...


People want a game world to play in, not stand in line for roller coaster rides (which you have already ridden like 100x's)...

Edited by Monoth
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Please stop making stuff up.


According to http://mmodata.net/, the most reliable subscriptions tracking source on the internet for MMOs as far as I am concerned, the game peaked at 300K subscribers (preNGE). It held at ~300K for 18 months before starting into persistent decline. NGE collapsed it to ~100K overnight, and it's been slowly declining ever since.



comparing internet market in 2005 with todays internet market is well....

and btw....really...are u adding something or just posting for a fanboi T-shirt?

Game needs improvements and is just NOT GOOD ENOUGH

I loved SWG, but at some point it was old and bugged,...now i would pay twice this fee to go back there to have something this game does not deliver.....F U N

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Does that make the 1 million subs for SWG mark any less made up?


does it matters?


what is this a competition of googlesearchers trying to post some necroed info?

u win or loose something if swg had more or less ppl playing at some point in the past?

are u actually a major stockholder of EA - SOE or other big software companies and u need this game to get more subs to win something?


Dayum, I JUST WANT THIS GAME TO GET BETTER, ppl left , and i dont know how many, but hey, THEY LEFT

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does it matters?


what is this a competition of googlesearchers trying to post some necroed info?

u win or loose something if swg had more or less ppl playing at some point in the past?

are u actually a major stockholder of EA - SOE or other big software companies and u need this game to get more subs to win something?


Dayum, I JUST WANT THIS GAME TO GET BETTER, ppl left , and i dont know how many, but hey, THEY LEFT


Yes it does matter. Making up figures just makes you a liar and hurts your argument once exposed.

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Yes it does matter. Making up figures just makes you a liar and hurts your argument once exposed.



ok carry on

game is excellent, ppl is flowing and New servers are opening to hold em

nothing to do with fanatics but agree with em


I surrender myself to the army of LordMountainDew of the RottenCheetos

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we are speaking about pre nge/cu swg. which had 600k subs after 6 months. much more later on.



anyway , i like to have 1 character not more because this is how i play. and currently swtor offers so little end game content that id rather be here on the forums than actually playing the game. this is how swtors real entertainment value is :rolleyes:


You are so full of crap it is coming out of your ears.



At no time did SWG surpass EQ as the number 1 MMO, and EQ used to sport 450k. SWG started a touch above 300k, and quickly fell to around 250k. Of those 200 to 250k,a number of them were folks sporting multiple accounts due to only 1 character per server.



You need to read up before you spout "facts".

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Sandbox features. More complicated crafting. Non-instanced housing.





When I think of my first MMO, it was EQ, and we werent focused on RP material. Something SWG shined at. Folks that liked RP, & PVP were more apt to like SWG, and folks into PVE were playing EQ.



EQ sported about double(250k vs 450k) the subs SWG did, and themeparks have attracked a ton of more players since the old days. Sandbox MMOs, on the other hand, have remained stagnant. Yet we are to believe this game should be made into a sandbox?



"I dont think so Tim" goes out to all the SWG fans that wont drop the topic. This game wasnt designed to be SWG2, and I for one dont intend to sit back letting these folks spam the boards like theirs is the majority opinion.



IMO SWG sucked, and I would drop this game in an instant if BW were to NGE TOR into SWG2.

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Whether SWG had 600k, 300k or even 5k subs during pre-NGE is regardless. what is more impressive is that like it or not, The key features or mechanics that worked well gripped the community like a bear hug and are some of the most creative mechanics there has ever been (emphasis on some of) and considering SWG came out along time ago? ahead of its time maybe, but developers shouldnt be taking steps back into generic templates that are "safe"



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IMO SWG sucked, and I would drop this game in an instant if BW were to NGE TOR into SWG2.


I dont want SWTOR to become the next SWG. Even if it was possible. I would just be more interested in the game personally if some of SWGs good features were implemented over to this game. For example player housing ( instanced ) on our player ships ( perhaps soon on guild capital ships aswell? ). Imo multi-passenger vehicles/mounts would add a entertainment value ( you know its missing when you take screenshots of bugs to find fun ).


Also implementing pets as mounts instead of only vehicles ( like SWG did ) would add a big variety already. Among many other things

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Is the 500k players in SWG at peak or gross over its entire existence? If it's peak, than SWG may have indeed had more players than this game will ever see. After all SWG was around nearly a decade and was only axed weeks before this game went live.


Yes, SWG had failings but it had the longevity this game has yet to prove. Despite how long ago it was developed, it had complexity and core systems this game has yet to dream about. I highly doubt anyone is going to bother making an emulator of this game like SWG seemed to spawn.


Don't get me wrong, I am not comparing the two games. I never once expected this game to be like SWG. That being said, I am utterly shocked at the lack of core systems and progress of adding those features to this game this far after launch.

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Is the 500k players in SWG at peak or gross over its entire existence? If it's peak, than SWG may have indeed had more players than this game will ever see. After all SWG was around nearly a decade and was only axed weeks before this game went live.


Yes, SWG had failings but it had the longevity this game has yet to prove. Despite how long ago it was developed, it had complexity and core systems this game has yet to dream about. I highly doubt anyone is going to bother making an emulator of this game like SWG seemed to spawn.


Don't get me wrong, I am not comparing the two games. I never once expected this game to be like SWG. That being said, I am utterly shocked at the lack of core systems and progress of adding those features to this game this far after launch.


The game had 300k at peak, so it never quite rivaled the "success" of SWTOR.

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The game had 300k at peak, so it never quite rivaled the "success" of SWTOR.


"At its peak, Star Wars Galaxies had around 300,000 to 350,000 ... SOE has never revealed how many paying subscribers the game had"


You are correct , nevertheless there is a difference between commercial success and gameplay success :rolleyes: Most of us believe that if we take some of the successful features of SWG and put them into SWTOR it would become more like the MMORPG its supposed to be. And this is what this thread is really about. Not arguing about the number of subs because it is irrelevant

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Multicrew vehicles I've got nothing against personally. Battle pets however, yeah I'd outright stop PvEing and PvPing cause of those. Just ruins the experience for me. That'd have a high probability of having me unsub, and just go f2p to check out the continued class story of my 50s.


Wow, you don't like battle pets? Last time I looked you get a companion before you hit level 10 in SWTOR. A companion is just a humanoid looking battle pet.

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I would like to see more Sand Box content in the MMO. If I am not killing I am not playing. Hopefully a space style add on wil help here but also need more sand box cxontent. I am not a hard core player but even I am starting to get bored of the voiceovers on some missions because I have done them so many times.
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The game had 300k at peak, so it never quite rivaled the "success" of SWTOR.


Ok so that is peak number, I will accept that at face value. What about a gross value? How many unique subscribers did they have total? We are talking total player-base over the time the servers were live.


We would also have to look at development cost/operating cost vs income of both games. If this game goes offline any time in the next few years, SWG may in fact likely win as a more successful venture. We all know EA spent vast sums of money on development of this game. It is still possible that they have not hit the break even point with SWTOR yet.

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Ok so that is peak number, I will accept that at face value. What about a gross value? How many unique subscribers did they have total? We are talking total player-base over the time the servers were live.


We would also have to look at development cost/operating cost vs income of both games. If this game goes offline any time in the next few years, SWG may in fact likely win as a more successful venture. We all know EA spent vast sums of money on development of this game. It is still possible that they have not hit the break even point with SWTOR yet.


I think SWTOR production cost like 3 or 4 times more than SWG. So if we sum it all up...... :rolleyes:

Edited by krystianswtor
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