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This game could learn from SWG


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Imagine that you have been dirving a Ferrari, and then you would switch to a Renault :)

This is what we old SWG players feel if it comes to a comparision between SWTOR and SWG, but someone who has never driven a ferrari is doing absolutely well with a renault :)


feel me?


No.. Because I do not share your opinion.. I understand your example however.. But your perception of what a Ferrari is, is also a matter of opinion..


In my opinion, this is just your first time out in a real MMO without training wheels.. No more decorating doll houses, no more fussing around with meaninsless characteres like entertainers or something.. No more living in the slums.. The list goes on and on..


I am sure you get my point.. Again, this is all a matter of opinion.. In short.. All your opinion means to me is that you know very little about cars..


What you need to do is, decide if your view of what you had, your nice fast Ferrari, didn't leave you with expectations that were just a bit unrealistic or bias.. It has been said countless times that SWTOR was not SWG 2.0.. But it sure looks like that is what people expected.. Which is their own fault and mistake..


You are setting out to make an MMO..


SWG can barely manage to keep 100k subs over much of it's existence..


WOW which is a themepark MMO managed to peak out at 12 million subs..


Which game are you going to model your's off of?? That is not opinion.. The Ferrari around here, was WOW..


The fact that SWG was so unpopular makes it something for Bioware to stay away from.. And they have..


I would much prefer to have this discussion about individual features and not SWG.. It just seems to be a mission for some folks to make this some sort of final judgement of SWG.. The problem is, the popular judgment hasn't changed.. It still is and was a horrible game..


Now can we just talk about features??

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No.. Because I do not share your opinion.. I understand your example however.. But your perception of what a Ferrari is, is also a matter of opinion..


In my opinion, this is just your first time out in a real MMO without training wheels.. No more decorating doll houses, no more fussing around with meaninsless characteres like entertainers or something.. No more living in the slums.. The list goes on and on..


I am sure you get my point.. Again, this is all a matter of opinion.. In short.. All your opinion means to me is that you know very little about cars..


What you need to do is, decide if your view of what you had, your nice fast Ferrari, didn't leave you with expectations that were just a bit unrealistic or bias.. It has been said countless times that SWTOR was not SWG 2.0.. But it sure looks like that is what people expected.. Which is their own fault and mistake..


You are setting out to make an MMO..


SWG can barely manage to keep 100k subs over much of it's existence..


WOW which is a themepark MMO managed to peak out at 12 million subs..


Which game are you going to model your's off of?? That is not opinion.. The Ferrari around here, was WOW..


The fact that SWG was so unpopular makes it something for Bioware to stay away from.. And they have..


I would much prefer to have this discussion about individual features and not SWG.. It just seems to be a mission for some folks to make this some sort of final judgement of SWG.. The problem is, the popular judgment hasn't changed.. It still is and was a horrible game..


Now can we just talk about features??


All of your point's are hideous..


SWG would still bearound and kicking if SWTOR did release when it did.

I belive the subscriber numbers in july for SWG were actually 150k....


Not bad for a dead game.

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No.. Because I do not share your opinion.. I understand your example however.. But your perception of what a Ferrari is, is also a matter of opinion..


In my opinion, this is just your first time out in a real MMO without training wheels.. No more decorating doll houses, no more fussing around with meaninsless characteres like entertainers or something.. No more living in the slums.. The list goes on and on..


I am sure you get my point.. Again, this is all a matter of opinion.. In short.. All your opinion means to me is that you know very little about cars..


What you need to do is, decide if your view of what you had, your nice fast Ferrari, didn't leave you with expectations that were just a bit unrealistic or bias.. It has been said countless times that SWTOR was not SWG 2.0.. But it sure looks like that is what people expected.. Which is their own fault and mistake..


You are setting out to make an MMO..


SWG can barely manage to keep 100k subs over much of it's existence..


WOW which is a themepark MMO managed to peak out at 12 million subs..


Which game are you going to model your's off of?? That is not opinion.. The Ferrari around here, was WOW..


The fact that SWG was so unpopular makes it something for Bioware to stay away from.. And they have..


I would much prefer to have this discussion about individual features and not SWG.. It just seems to be a mission for some folks to make this some sort of final judgement of SWG.. The problem is, the popular judgment hasn't changed.. It still is and was a horrible game..


Now can we just talk about features??


You mean your personal opinion has not changed. YOU think it was and is a horrible game.


What I find interesting is, if SWG was universally hated as you would try and have people believe, how come, in 2012 people are making threads about what THIS game needs to learn from SWG in order grow and survive.


I also find it interesting that several of those systems that have been requested many, many times are apparently, technically not possible in this game. Even though they were very possible in a game from 2003?


This game, whilst I a still enjoy it does not seem to be much of a ferrari when viewed in that context....


And also I have not seen anyone requesting that SWTOR is turned somehow into SWG2.0....all I see is people discussing some features that this game needs to learn from SWG in order to grow and survive...there is a huge difference however you choose to ignore that fact as it does not suit your own agenda.

Edited by ImperialSun
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All of your point's are hideous..


SWG would still bearound and kicking if SWTOR did release when it did.

I belive the subscriber numbers in july for SWG were actually 150k....


Not bad for a dead game.


Yes... I know.. Facts are hideous sometimes.. That doesn't change the fact that they are facts..


You can believe whatever you want.. And if you believe that 150k isn't bad for a dead game?? More power to you.. Everyone else thinks otherwise.. Or knows otherwise in this case..


As for SWG being canned in favor of SWTOR?? Probably true.. So what.. That fact doesn't make SWG a better game.. In fact it shows the exact opposite.. In either case.. You will have to talk to Lucas Arts about that.. I am pretty sure they made the decision..


I know... More hideous facts.. How awful.. :p

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What I find interesting is, if SWG was universally hated as you would try and have people believe, how come, in 2012 people are making threads about what THIS game needs to learn from SWG in order grow and survive..


The problem you are having is reading.. Nobody in this thread has said that SWG is universally hated.. Just that the opinions and views of the people that love the game are a minority.. There is a big difference..


I also find it interesting that several of those systems that have been requested many, many times are apparently, technically not possible in this game. Even though they were very possible in a game from 2003?.


This statement here simply shows you don't know much about programming.. For some odd reason they still can't make a single program run on both Mac OS and Windows without special modifications.. Do you think that if there are incompatibilities with operating systems, they just might be incompatibilities in MMO game engines?? Is that possible?? Yes??


Have a nice day.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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What I find interesting is, if SWG was universally hated as you would try and have people believe, how come, in 2012 people are making threads about what THIS game needs to learn from SWG in order grow and survive.



there are people today in 2012 who also hang around the internet telling people that the Nazi's had it right and we should learn from them to make this world a better place...



just saying

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All of your point's are hideous..


SWG would still bearound and kicking if SWTOR did release when it did.

I belive the subscriber numbers in july for SWG were actually 150k....


Not bad for a dead game.


And the Pre CU EMU hits server cap of 3,000 concurrent players every single day....


Wish there were 3,000 people of my SWTOR server every night of the week....so yeah, not bad for a dead game that was universally hated :)



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And the Pre CU EMU hits server cap of 3,000 concurrent players every single day....


Wish there were 3,000 people of my SWTOR server every night of the week....so yeah, not bad for a dead game that was universally hated :)




Where was it said everyone hated the game?

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Yes... I know.. Facts are hideous sometimes.. That doesn't change the fact that they are facts..


You can believe whatever you want.. And if you believe that 150k isn't bad for a dead game?? More power to you.. Everyone else thinks otherwise.. Or knows otherwise in this case..


As for SWG being canned in favor of SWTOR?? Probably true.. So what.. That fact doesn't make SWG a better game.. In fact it shows the exact opposite.. In either case.. You will have to talk to Lucas Arts about that.. I am pretty sure they made the decision..


I know... More hideous facts.. How awful.. :p


You only like using facts that support your 'opinion' and not those that don't.


I believe TOR to be better than SWG overall however 'some' features from SWG would imo make TOR a better game. Those features did not cause SWG to fail. Lack of content did.


My opinion I know but the 3D space game was the most requested feature desired by those playing this game according to Bioware's poll so not every SWG feature should be canned surely?


Agree to disagree I guess.

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The problem you are having is reading.. Nobody in this thread has said that SWG is universally hated.. Just that the opinions and views of the people that love the game are a minority.. There is a big difference..




This statement here simply shows you don't know much about programming.. For some odd reason they still can't make a single program run on both Mac OS and Windows.. Do you think that if there are incompatibilities with operating systems, they just might be incompatibilities in MMO game engines?? Is that possible?? Yes??


Have a nice day.. :)


"The fact that SWG was so unpopular makes it something for Bioware to stay away from" - This is what you said...not a fact, it is simply your opinion which you try and focibly present as a fact. That does not make it a fact.


You claim anyone who does like SWG is a minority group. Where is your eveidence? Oh thats right you dont have any - again just promoting your personal opinion as fact.


The above is also a clear indication of your inferral that the game was universally disliked. Again, your own personal opinion.


And I am well aware of the difference in engines, coding, design and programming between a themepark game and a sandbox game thank you very much...however there is not very much this games engine can do is there compared to an engine from 2003?



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You only like using facts that support your 'opinion' and not those that don't.


I believe TOR to be better than SWG overall however 'some' features from SWG would imo make TOR a better game. Those features did not cause SWG to fail. Lack of content did.


My opinion I know but the 3D space game was the most requested feature desired by those playing this game according to Bioware's poll so not every SWG feature should be canned surely?


Agree to disagree I guess.


I use facts to make the point.. It just so happens that my opinions go along with the facts.. It is called being in the know for some people..


I have repeatedly asked that this discussion be about features and not SWG.. That request is ignored by people that want to make hyperbole comments like 'SWG is universally hated.' even though there isn't a single person that has said that..


That my points are hideous.. Is that even an arguement??


I have said it in this thread.. I would love 3D space combat.. Ala XWA.. I think it would be awsome.. But that bit was missed so someone else can get back to bashing everyone because they have a difference of opinion from theirs..


The difference is.. I don't put 3d space combat on the realm of SWG.. I played 'X-wing', 'Tie Fighter', 'X-wing Vs. Tie', all of which predate SWG.. X-wing Alliance being the most recent and the best in my opinion, but still predating SWG.. Did I mention Decent, Dencent2, Decent 3, and Decent freespace?? All of which was 3d flight combat.. And predated SWG.. Trust me.. SWG didn't invent 3D space combat..


But you don't see other people demanding to make the point that X-wing, or XWA, or any other game has something to contribute to SWTOR.. Just the SWG people..


Like I said.. Can we talk about the features??


Attempting to force SWG down someone's throat is a bad idea.. Especially since those opposing SWG have the number to back up their views.. I would perfer if no game was mentioned and we just talked about featuers.. After all, that is what it is all about.. Featuers.. Leave SWG out of it..


If you liked SWG.. Fine.. That is your opinion..

Edited by MajikMyst
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"The fact that SWG was so unpopular makes it something for Bioware to stay away from" - This is what you said...not a fact, it is simply your opinion which you try and focibly present as a fact. That does not make it a fact.


I am sorry?? What language are you reading?? I still don't see where that says SWG is universally hated??


I take you have never run a business?? I take it you don't understand the science of market research?? How about statistics?? No??


There is nothing wrong with the statement you quoted.. It is fact and Bioware stood by it and modeled this game after WOW with 12 millions subs.. Sorry.. But that is fact..

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I use facts to make the point.. It just so happens that my opinions go along with the facts.. It is called being in the know for some people..


I have repeatedly asked that this discussion be about features and not SWG.. That request is ignored by people that with to make hyperbole comments like 'SWG is universally hated.' even though there isn't a single person that has said that..


That that my point are hideous.. Is that even an arguement??


I have said it in this thread.. I would love 3D space combat.. Ala XWA.. I think it would be awsome.. But that bit was missed so someone else can get back to bashing everyone because they have a difference of opinion from theirs..


The difference is.. I don't put 3d space combat on the realm of SWG.. I played 'X-wing', 'Tie Fighter', 'X-wing Vs. Tie', all of which predate SWG.. X-wing Alliance being the most recent and the best in my opinion, but still predating SWG.. Did I mention Decent, Dencent2, Decent 3, and Decent freespace?? All of which was 3d flight combat.. And predated SWG.. Trust me.. SWG didn't invent 3D space combat..


But you don't see other people demanding to make the point that X-wing, or XWA, or any other game has something to contribute to SWTOR.. Just the SWG people..


Like I said.. Can we talk about the features??


Attempting to force SWG down someone's throat is a bad idea.. Especially since those opposing SWG have the number to back up their views.. I would perfer if no game was mentioned and we just talked about featuers.. After all, that is what it is all about.. Featuers.. Leave SWG out of it..


If you liked SWG.. Fine.. That is your opinion..


Then excuse me for my error. I'm happy to distance the features from the game. Let's avoid SWG all together and stick to certain features that 'may' make this game more popular.


The ones I liked were Player Housing and a 3D space simulator. I also would prefer a more complex crafting system to TOR's but I don't believe such a system would greatly benefit the playerbase.


I'm hoping for the Space Sim tbh and that seems to be the one BW 'may' be leaning towards.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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I use facts to make the point.. It just so happens that my opinions go along with the facts.. It is called being in the know for some people..


I have repeatedly asked that this discussion be about features and not SWG.. That request is ignored by people that with to make hyperbole comments like 'SWG is universally hated.' even though there isn't a single person that has said that..


That that my point are hideous.. Is that even an arguement??


I have said it in this thread.. I would love 3D space combat.. Ala XWA.. I think it would be awsome.. But that bit was missed so someone else can get back to bashing everyone because they have a difference of opinion from theirs..


The difference is.. I don't put 3d space combat on the realm of SWG.. I played 'X-wing', 'Tie Fighter', 'X-wing Vs. Tie', all of which predate SWG.. X-wing Alliance being the most recent and the best in my opinion, but still predating SWG.. Did I mention Decent, Dencent2, Decent 3, and Decent freespace?? All of which was 3d flight combat.. And predated SWG.. Trust me.. SWG didn't invent 3D space combat..


But you don't see other people demanding to make the point that X-wing, or XWA, or any other game has something to contribute to SWTOR.. Just the SWG people..


Like I said.. Can we talk about the features??


Attempting to force SWG down someone's throat is a bad idea.. Especially since those opposing SWG have the number to back up their views.. I would perfer if no game was mentioned and we just talked about featuers.. After all, that is what it is all about.. Featuers.. Leave SWG out of it..


If you liked SWG.. Fine.. That is your opinion..


"The fact that SWG was so unpopular makes it something for Bioware to stay away from" - This is what you said...not a fact, it is simply your opinion which you try and focibly present as a fact. That does not make it a fact.


You claim anyone who does like SWG is a minority group. Where is your eveidence? Oh thats right you dont have any - again just promoting your personal opinion as fact.


The above is also a clear indication of your inferral that the game was universally disliked. Again, your own personal opinion. So no, you dont use facts to make a point at all......


What number do you have by the way? You said "Especially since those opposing SWG have the number to back up their views.. " What number...where is it? What is it? I see no source for it linked in your post???? OH yes, just ANOTHER opinion of yours presented as fact.....


I'll tell you one thing that is a fact....over 3,000 people a night log on to an SWG EMU server to play. I do not have 3,000 on my SWTOR server every night to play with. Those are BOTH facts :)


Oh and another fact, in a recent BW poll the number 1 requested feature was 3d space combat like JTLS......the number 1 request!!!! That seems to indicate those that do not like SWG are actually the minority....see how hideous facts can be?


Happy trails...



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Then excuse me for my error. I'm happy to distance the features from the game. Let's avoid SWG all together and stick to certain features that 'may' make this game more popular.


The ones I liked were Player Housing and a 3D space simulator. I also would prefer a more complex crafting system to TOR's but I don't believe such a system would greatly benefit the playerbase.


I'm hoping for the Space Sim tbh and that seems to be the one BW 'may' be leaning towards.


Space combat in my view is a given.. I think that would be just awsome!!


Players houses, I am uneasy about.. I really don't want to see huge sections of space blocked in with player houses.. What about our ships?? Can that be our house?? Or perhaps instance the houses??

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Uh.. No.. We are not losing subs because of PVP.. We are losing subs because WOW changed the market and spoiled many people.. When this game launched it was expected to compete with an 8 year old WOW with 3 expansions.. Which is simply unfair.. An MMO is never finished, it is always changing.. Their are always bugs and their will always be bugs.. The biggest reason this game is having troubles is a lot of people simply had unrealistic expectations..


Look at GW2 now.. They having massive troubles.. Anything from rampet account hacking to lack of functionality.. Again, the same problem.. Nobody seems to remember what it is like to play a vanilla MMO..


There is nothing wrong with this game.. Can it improve?? Sure.. But there is nothing wrong with it.. Same is true for GW2..


People spend years of their lives working on these games and we the community don't even have the respect or compassion to work with them at making the game better.. Instead it is nothing but a bunch of 'I quit' posts, 'This game is horrible' posts, and more QQ and whine whine about whatever.. Which doesn't help new customers in the least.. I guess now we know why GW2 had their forums turned off..


Oh there is most definitely something wrong with it.


I resubbed for a month and got every single piece of gear I wanted (full campaign, BIS mods from bh gear and BIS armorings for my belt and bracers) and had nothing else left to do other than roll another alt in a dull lifeless world.


This is Star Wars lite for noobs.




Its hello kitty island adventures with lightsabers.


No meaningful world pvp, hell barely world pvp at all. Space combat is a joke. Who wants to roll 7 alts? Oops already done that, and main has all the gear I could ever want until TFB.


Lets face it Bioware dropped the ball here, and tbh SWG was more fun


Did SWG go free to play in under a year?


Didnt think so buddy.


. Say it sucks all you want and claim it was a niche game(lmao, it dominated EQ in its day when the entire market held less than 2 million players swg had over 300k)


The point is This game, if it can be called that even though its not fun, is a turd in comparison.


Swg was the first game with /dance


The swg team spawned patents that were used in the industry for years when they wrote the code for it.





Did bioware have anything like this to show for all of its work?


Oh thats right, Bioware didnt even write the code for their own engine, they bought the craptacular hero engine licence, and it cost them a whopping 75000 dollars to do so. http://www.heroengine.com/heroengine/licensing-options/.


Half of the VO touted in this game to be so ground breaking is in an alien language that is recycled over and over.



This game is pale even in comparison to any Bioware game released pre EA aquisition.


The game is too easy, the storylines are lackluster at best with not a single arch among all classes, and dont go saying that its impossible to make meaningful story archs in an mmo. This was pure greed to get the game out faster.


So continue on in your quest to try and deface the swg memory and cling to your sinking phailboat as long as you can.


Good luck ever seeing the 8 year mark before sunset.;)

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"The fact that SWG was so unpopular makes it something for Bioware to stay away from" - This is what you said...not a fact, it is simply your opinion which you try and focibly present as a fact. That does not make it a fact.


You claim anyone who does like SWG is a minority group. Where is your eveidence? Oh thats right you dont have any - again just promoting your personal opinion as fact.


The above is also a clear indication of your inferral that the game was universally disliked. Again, your own personal opinion. So no, you dont use facts to make a point at all......


What number do you have by the way? You said "Especially since those opposing SWG have the number to back up their views.. " What number...where is it? What is it? I see no source for it linked in your post???? OH yes, just ANOTHER opinion of yours presented as fact.....


I'll tell you one thing that is a fact....over 3,000 people a night log on to an SWG EMU server to play. I do not have 3,000 on my SWTOR server every night to play with. Those are BOTH facts :)


Oh and another fact, in a recent BW poll the number 1 requested feature was 3d space combat like JTLS......the number 1 request!!!! That seems to indicate those that do not like SWG are actually the minority....see how hideous facts can be?


Happy trails...




Hey buddy, it was 2999 on the server............

Until I logged in......



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Space combat in my view is a given.. I think that would be just awsome!!


Players houses, I am uneasy about.. I really don't want to see huge sections of space blocked in with player houses.. What about our ships?? Can that be our house?? Or perhaps instance the houses??


the ships pretty much ARE instanced housing... I'm sure BW could throw in some fluff modifications for them tho or maybe a minigame or something so people actually have a reason to go to other's ships


I don't really care about housing because in general it's not used all that much by most people even in games that have it...


now customizable guild ships on the other hand would be nice...

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Space combat in my view is a given.. I think that would be just awsome!!


Players houses, I am uneasy about.. I really don't want to see huge sections of space blocked in with player houses.. What about our ships?? Can that be our house?? Or perhaps instance the houses??


Player housing would need to be instanced as we do not have the free form terrain generation of a sandbox game. That would be fine imo however the ability to do somethig with that house, ala decorating would be essential. I just like somewhere to show off trophies and loot and such however some players will happily spend hours decorating a player house....it was a very much underestimated feature of another game that I will not mention.



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Space combat in my view is a given.. I think that would be just awsome!!


Players houses, I am uneasy about.. I really don't want to see huge sections of space blocked in with player houses.. What about our ships?? Can that be our house?? Or perhaps instance the houses??


Oh I agree. TOR's planets aren't large enough to accomodate Player Cities but instanced player housing (Drommund Kaas/Coruscant) would be doable imo.


Different style 'appartments' from student shack to penthouse :)


Rift has recently announced it's Player Housing update and it looks like something TOR could manage.


Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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"The fact that SWG was so unpopular makes it something for Bioware to stay away from" - This is what you said...not a fact, it is simply your opinion which you try and focibly present as a fact. That does not make it a fact.


The numbers do.. Sorry..

You claim anyone who does like SWG is a minority group. Where is your eveidence? Oh thats right you dont have any - again just promoting your personal opinion as fact.


You are a minority group.. Again the numbers don't lie.. You are gonna have to deal with it??


The above is also a clear indication of your inferral that the game was universally disliked. Again, your own personal opinion. So no, you dont use facts to make a point at all......


Sorry.. There you are simply incorrect.. I was stating statistical fact and mirroring a decision that Bioware made years ago.. Stop looking for things that aren't there.. Nobody said it..


What number do you have by the way? You said "Especially since those opposing SWG have the number to back up their views.. " What number...where is it? What is it? I see no source for it linked in your post???? OH yes, just ANOTHER opinion of yours presented as fact.....


SWG for close to the last 4 years it was active had 100k or less subscriptions.. Falling to 50k in mid 2009..


Click here


I'll tell you one thing that is a fact....over 3,000 people a night log on to an SWG EMU server to play. I do not have 3,000 on my SWTOR server every night to play with. Those are BOTH facts :)


And one server.. Seriously?? Isn't that a bit desperate?? Comparing SWG EMU to a single server on TOR.. If have to do that, then you have no point.. Sorry..


Oh and another fact, in a recent BW poll the number 1 requested feature was 3d space combat like JTLS......the number 1 request!!!! That seems to indicate those that do not like SWG are actually the minority....see how hideous facts can be?


Like I said... SWG didn't invent space combat sims.. I am guessing you aren't old enough to have played X-wing, Tie fighter, XVT, or XWA?? The desire for space combat has nothing to do with SWG.. Sorry.. But you can think what you want.. But please.. Don't kid yourself..





Responses in teal..

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Responses in teal..


The numbers don't lie thats right.


In a global market not exceeding 2 million at swgs launch, it held 300k subscribers.



This game, however, has under 500k subscribers in a market that now has 100 million potential customers.


A grain of sand in an ocean of lawl.


And also these numbers dont lie, swtor ftp in under a year, while swg charged for all 8 of its years.

Edited by TrakonBazzaak
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The numbers don't lie thats right.


In a global market not exceeding 2 million at swgs launch, it held 300k subscribers.



This game, however, has under 500k subscribers in a market that now has 100 million potential customers.


A grain of sand in an ocean of lawl.


And also these numbers dont lie, swtor ftp in under a year, while swg charged for all 8 of its years.


Unless you share your source.. Your numbers are fictional.. Simple as that..

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The numbers don't lie thats right.


In a global market not exceeding 2 million at swgs launch, it held 300k subscribers.



This game, however, has under 500k subscribers in a market that now has 100 million potential customers.


A grain of sand in an ocean of lawl.


And also these numbers dont lie, swtor ftp in under a year, while swg charged for all 8 of its years.


QFT...This is my point entirely.

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I use facts to make the point.. It just so happens that my opinions go along with the facts.. It is called being in the know for some people..


I have repeatedly asked that this discussion be about features and not SWG.. That request is ignored by people that want to make hyperbole comments like 'SWG is universally hated.' even though there isn't a single person that has said that..


That my points are hideous.. Is that even an arguement??


I have said it in this thread.. I would love 3D space combat.. Ala XWA.. I think it would be awsome.. But that bit was missed so someone else can get back to bashing everyone because they have a difference of opinion from theirs..


The difference is.. I don't put 3d space combat on the realm of SWG.. I played 'X-wing', 'Tie Fighter', 'X-wing Vs. Tie', all of which predate SWG.. X-wing Alliance being the most recent and the best in my opinion, but still predating SWG.. Did I mention Decent, Dencent2, Decent 3, and Decent freespace?? All of which was 3d flight combat.. And predated SWG.. Trust me.. SWG didn't invent 3D space combat..


But you don't see other people demanding to make the point that X-wing, or XWA, or any other game has something to contribute to SWTOR.. Just the SWG people..


Like I said.. Can we talk about the features??


Attempting to force SWG down someone's throat is a bad idea.. Especially since those opposing SWG have the number to back up their views.. I would perfer if no game was mentioned and we just talked about featuers.. After all, that is what it is all about.. Featuers.. Leave SWG out of it..


If you liked SWG.. Fine.. That is your opinion..


You want to talk about features, and then bring a game with almost no mentionable features into the argument.


Let me put all of this into perspective for you friend.

Im in my 30's I was playing online roleplaying games when the grandfathers of this genre were working for free moderating the text muds I played.


Ive seen the rise of every major release in the western market, and ive seen the fall where applicable. (everything other than wow and eve)

this game is lackluster at best. It launched with no features at all, other than a poorly executed raid, and about 15 flashpoints.


Here is what it offers in the way of entertaining me on a month to month basis thus earning my sub.


3 operations.

A few boring space maps ala star fox.

a few warzones that are pointless after the gear grind.

Sitting on the fleet watching people troll.

Rolling 7 alts.


You think were all spoiled by wow eh? That we should just wait here and pay while Bioware slowly makes the game pay to win, and releases barely any content for us to do.


This game is a vertical progression game, and the vertical progression takes a month at best, unless you cant find a guild, and at that point you are even more bored than I am.


What did swg offer for us to do?


It allowed us to swim an a seemingly endless universe of chaotic emergence. We were allowed to make our own story, and thus entertain ourselves in the world they created.


It was not static, it was not stale, and it certainly wasn't lifeless.


Every month I paid for it was money that sony earned.


I wouldnt give Bioware half of the credit I do sony in that regard and I hate sony.


For myself, my wife, and most of my guild, paying Bioware a monthly fee is literally equivalent to burning money, wasting it, it would be better spent giving it away to a homeless person.


I have never felt more ripped off in my life in reguards to a monthly gaming service.


Which is why the game will go Free To Play this year.


This game isnt a worthy successor to SWG, hell its not even a worthy successor to kotor.

Edited by TrakonBazzaak
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