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One big QoL change I really need.


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Hi there Bioware,


There's one particular bug that I would really, really love for you guys to fix. I've had an issue (and I don't think I'm alone on this, or at least I hope not) since launch with the music looping in/on almost every instance/planet/warzone, with the exception of Ord Mantell. My issue is that the star wars music that really drives everything home never plays. I havn't heard a music track once in a warzone in months (no hyperbole here), and only hear music on planets every 30 minutes to an hour it seems. The only exception is Ord Mantell, which actually loops its track pretty well (and perhaps the Cademimu FP which loops incessantly and drives me crazy).


The reason I bring this up is because one of my teammates on Aldeeran Civil War said how much he loved the track that played and made him really enjoy the star wars experience even more. This actually made me a little frustrated because, in fact, I don't think I've ever heard the music track for ACW.


Before some of you start puffing out your chests and ruffling your feathers, my music volume IS indeed turned ON, and it's at 100%.


I believe this is a crucial segment to the game, as we are playing a Star Wars RPG, and of the handful of things necessary to making it a Star Wars experience, music obviously has to be one of key focuses. Therefore if there are a lot of users experience this issue with the track looping I ask you to take a look at it.

Edited by Maurdiib
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Is anyone else having this issue? I understand only posts regarding the end of this game and rage towards bioware are the only ones regarded on the forums, but I see this as a big issue. And, as I recall, there were some posts about this a few months back.


Is there anything I can personally do regarding this issue?

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Bioware have admitted it's a problem and are looking to fix it.


The soundtrack picks up when you log in or load into a new planet but that's about it.


More looping would be great.



First off, music should be looping on a fairly regular frequency. There could be some issues preventing this, and we'll definitely take a look and address any bugs we find. Secondly, we're definitely open to providing more customizable options for music looping and frequency in the future; it's something we'd like to take a look at.
Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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