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LF Gear Upgrade Guide Scrapper PvP - Recruit --> BiS


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Hey Guys,


Scrapper PvP.


What is the most efficient way to go from Recruit Gear --> BiS pvp gear?


Ive seen a lot of information floating around but cant find a simple list of what items to buy and in what order to buy them


Thanks to anyone who can take the time to answer this!

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Sorry, I jumped ship to GW2. I encourage you to play a Thief for a day and tell me it's not way more fun, what with Shadowstep and on-demand combat rolls with on-demand stealth options.


But since you want to know, I semi-answered this already here.


As for the most EFFICIENT way to get there, I couldn't tell you since I fully optimized my BM gear before going War Hero because farming the BM Eliminator's Cannon was a better use of my comms for increased combat effectiveness, since I figured I was going to be in BM gear for a while.


My best suggestion is just rushing for vanilla BM set and then for the WH stuff piece-by-piece would be the best bet. You'll need 6 War Hero Field Tech Leggings and 6 War Hero Field Tech Boots, plus 4 WH armorings, 1 of each piece that's not a PvE shell (for the +15% Backblast crit) since WH armorings care where they came from (you can't put glove armorings into a helmet). I suggest getting the PvE chest and PvE leggings for the set bonus, because they are the most expensive ranked comms-wise and all WH armorings have the same stats regardless.


I can update if you have further questions, but there's already a BiS thread =P

Edited by Daiyukie
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