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Star Wars Future of Legacy ideas?


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I enjoy playing Star wars the old republic a lot.


and I been wondering what would help it more as people ask and ask and the guys do listen to us so I gonna say this idea witch I hope you all like.


a Legacy offspring slots. they be 4 char slots for chars that you get to level 50, 2 or more chars are needed to be level 50.


it work like this, you can choice 2 of your chars to mix their skills and story's


for one if you choice a bounty hunter class and a Jedi knight or Sith warrior.

the char you make as a offspring will be what you choice like a bounty hunter that use the force and lightsabers.


or even a Sith warrior or jedi knight to use DoubleBlade Lightsaber.


as well as the offspring idea is you can choice to mix a story, like you could start off as a jedi knight story, yet at the point of act 2 ending where the Sith Emperor take control of you, you begin sith training on the Sith story.

you keep your level and all even your armor, as well as your weapons. then at a key point you can choice to be a Jedi again or remain sith, or quit the Jedi and sith and become a bounty hunter.


the idea of this Legacy Offspring is to be your chars children and have a lot more choices.


also the armor settings for like a Jedi to have sith armor or Sith have jedi armor, they should let that happen.

as well as they can use any companions that you have completed their story's and missions.


the idea this help people live more ideas and be more Star wars.


offspring can gain to have all armor types depend if one has heavy armor so the chars that have light can have heavy or the others.


also your offspring chars gain clothes armor mix of your chars you use so you can choice to have that armor all the way in the story, also the armor be class as as a Red Armor grade known as offspring a armor that upgrades with the chars levels. and the weapons as well.


the Offspring chars are to help people to gain more Credits to. also once you finish the story you can Team him up with his family as your own chars become companions for the offspring char.

This is something i am hoping they do to so you can do a 4 group heroic with 3 AI companions

knowing people have a hard time finding people to help even with group finder.

also I hope they put in the Weapon Changer like in Star wars knights of the old republic for the Offspring legacy.

for like you could use a single or duel sabers then switch to doubleBlade saber or guns or so on.


here is 2 basic ideas to give people a idea.


Jedi Knight Sentinel + Sith Inquisitor Assassin

a jedi padawan who wish to train as a Jedi weapon master (a class that was in Knights of the old republic) a Jedi who use all types of Jedi saber styles, single, duel or doubleblade saber.

you do the jedi story and when you get to level 10 to choice a class you get a combine of your family you choice for this char.

he will get the armor types, the sabers use and all force powers.


or you could choice the offspring to start as the Sith Inquisitor story and when get to level 10 you gain all of both you choice as the combine of this char.


Jedi knight Sentinal + Bounty hunter Powertech


you start as a bounty hunter in robe like armor or bounty hunter armor (cause you choice the armor look you want for your chars as said offspring choices for clothes)

your bounty hunter can start with using lightsabers like 2 cause it a Sentinal as one of the family offspring.



the story goes as you want. as well as the voices would be added to have a voice choice to help so your voice doesn't change when you choice a other story line to follow.


What does everyone think?

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Good read, doesn't sound too bad :0


What i would love to see is a Legacy bank. i have 8 toons im leveling and its a pain in the bum sending Mats back and forth, so id love to see 1 bank style setup i can put my mats in and all my toons be able to use.

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I can get behind extra char slots from legacy. However, the rest of what you're saying sounds incredibly difficult to implement, and even more so to balance. A sentinel able to use all armor types? *shudder


The primary difficulty with switching stories midway is the writing programming and voice acting involved. At the world's current level of technology, the task is nearly impossible. An ops every week would be awesome too, but without a humongous development staff or technological breakthroughs in the world of programming(like creating an AI) it can't be done.

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I can get behind extra char slots from legacy. However, the rest of what you're saying sounds incredibly difficult to implement, and even more so to balance. A sentinel able to use all armor types? *shudder


The primary difficulty with switching stories midway is the writing programming and voice acting involved. At the world's current level of technology, the task is nearly impossible. An ops every week would be awesome too, but without a humongous development staff or technological breakthroughs in the world of programming(like creating an AI) it can't be done.


it wouldn't really, it would be a set of code files like a copy of all the story parts, with exters, like when the Jedi fall to the Emperor and you choice for his next part to start as a sith beginning there, it will have a seen showing them wiping your mind and sending you to the sith home world.

also for the Offspring char move choice you might be able to choice the moves you want like a full free way to train your char.

but as I said this just a idea I thought hard on, I wonder if they read it themselves

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Id actually like to see some kind of story branch out from your legacy. Afterall conflicts and teaming from family and allies / enemies have alot to play in the SW world. I dunno, start off simple based on female / male, Position in the legacy tree, faction, class, alignment. I won't deny that it would be very difficult to bring into the game and even more difficult to please everyone... But something creative and fun to do no doubt.


Hell... even if a story board was given to us to play around with and then to play out and see from each toons perspective

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I would like to see legacy perk costs decrease each level past 25... If you are not gonna have any perks for us beyond level 25, at least start making it easier for us to purchase the perks you DO have. I have a legacy level of around 40ish and many have 50 by now.... We are playing the game you wanted us to play, we are creating and leveling alts, so why, oh WHY do I still have to pay 2M creds for rocket boots which only give a brief increase to movement speed, or 5M creds so I dont have to keep going back and forth to the fleet ( an extremely HIGH populated area making for much lag) just to put something on the GTN (since after any purchase of a legacy perk I CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY ANYTHING). This is extremely EXTREMELY ridiculous credit sink. I mean after all the items on the GTN and at some of your vendors are already incredibly overpriced, and still we have to get robbed from something we earned to unlock. Or here is even another thought (just had it) If you dont want to lower the costs then make more of these perks have secondary unlocks at higher legacy levels. For example, the GTN: If one does not have 5M creds then make it automatically unlock at say legacy 50 since I can see the unique luxury of this particular perk, but the rocket boots... come on make those automatically unlock around 35-40. There is so many of these perks that would be entertaining and fun but come on, at these prices... Most people are funding 8 toons, trying to gear (GTN has ridiculous prices as i stated above), You charge us between 30-45K creds to rip mods from end game gear so we talking around 135K just to rip one piece or armor, any social gear or Legacy gear set costs approx 1M credits for the set, Switching specs to go between pvp and pve, funding crew skills, 6 companions worth of gifts, ability funding/training usually every two levels can easily cost 2-300K depending and lvl 50 alone is about 300K now take all these figures and times them by 8 and you have a small fortune. Seriously for what im paying in game for all of this, WHY AM I FIGHTING A WAR.... I should just buy a damn planet somewhere and retire! Please look into this, I would like to by some of these perks but I can never afford to while still paying for basic in game necessities!
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They'd run into a lot of problems with voice overs, like usual. At best, your character would change voices depending on which class mission you happen to be running. It's a neat idea, it's more like basic game design that gets built into the core experience from the ground up, rather than tacked on later.
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Here is another idea I just thought of.... What about adding a series of Legacy quests into the game.... Make them a little rough and tough or kinda add some side-quests into the Story lines for each class... And upon completing these quests Open up certain "High Costing" perks from legacy. Like we could have some sort of a smuggling chain sending us back and forth working for the Hutts (This does NOT have to be for smugglers alone, in game AND in lore ANYONE could be convinced to run errands for the Hutts, the benefits CAN be worth the small detour) and in return for your services, at the end of the chain (and make it a decent one that takes you to almost every planet, makes you FIGHT YOUR WAY IN OR OUT, at the end the Hutt that hired you CHOOSES to instal a GTN on your ship in gratification for your help. I mean im not a dev so im sure they could do a FAR better job implementing this idea... but the jist is, give a series of quests: either legacy chains or add them as side quests into our stories and let us EARN and unlock THROUGH NPCs and Story lines these way OVERPRICED perks
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