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Juggernauts.. how are you approaching pvp?


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Now I know there are no expert or great juggernaut players yet. Surely they will start to pop up and hopefully some of us will become them. :)



So I wanted to get an idea of what kind of tactics, skill sets, and chains people are using in pvp so far. I just realized last night that you can get into instanced pvp and I was having a blast. Not winning or doing all that well at first but after some changes and upgrading my lightsabor I started doing much better. Currently I am level 17, going the vengeance route, and it seems that using sundar with my stuns can be effective. Although I have not picked up a set way to fight yet besides flanking every chance I get.


So how are you performing? What kind of tactics are you using?

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i group with a jug regularly, he almost always does the lowest damage, but he is almost always the one guy that wins the match for us too when it's close. He is a monster when it comes to taking a beating and he is great at escorting ball carriers with his guard and aoe snare. Also very effecting at defending points and harassing healers. He may not get the big numbers but he definitely is an invaluable resource for winning the warzones. Edited by iinsom
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Now I know there are no expert or great juggernaut players yet. Surely they will start to pop up and hopefully some of us will become them. :)



So I wanted to get an idea of what kind of tactics, skill sets, and chains people are using in pvp so far. I just realized last night that you can get into instanced pvp and I was having a blast. Not winning or doing all that well at first but after some changes and upgrading my lightsabor I started doing much better. Currently I am level 17, going the vengeance route, and it seems that using sundar with my stuns can be effective. Although I have not picked up a set way to fight yet besides flanking every chance I get.


So how are you performing? What kind of tactics are you using?


What stuns? As vengeance you have no stuns that work in pvp till you get choke at which point you stun yourself as well.


I do well when a group with a class that can heal and I stay near him. I typically get top 3 in damage done. That would drop quickly if I was not getting healed. I use ravage anytime I'm next to a target that gets stunned. and pick out the healers to attack and interrupt since it seems no one else does in Warzones.

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Two options if you want to go into the tank tree and PvP.


1. Stack defense gear, and you will survive a long time but not do much damage.


2. Stack crit gear and be close to a marauder in damage output but have more survivability.




1. Always have guard on someone (preferably healers).

a. Ideally group/guard with a healer.

2. Don't hesitate to use your AOE and single target taunts, especially on people that are not targeting you.

3. Use chilling scream on everyone you see.

4. Always use Ravage when enemies are stunned.

5. Don't worry about getting kills. Focus on interrupting, slowing, etc.

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I would recommend going vengeance or rage until 30s.. but don't hesitate to use tank stance + guard if it's needed.


To play juggy well it seems you need to have many keybinds and be able to tactically change what you are doing.. e.g. stance + guard, leap up 3 floors, intercede, aoe snare, burst dps with enrage, etc..


I'm enjoying juggernaut. But it takes a lot of work and concentration. I bet bounty hunters or sorcerer's don't work this hard..

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Like the others have said, find a buddy, or a guy that looks like he is kicking butt on your team, guard him and take the hits.



Don't forget to taunt.

Taunt reduces the damage a target does to everything but you.



So if there is one dude on your ball-carrier/healer, taunt him and watch as you turn his weapons into Nerf versions of their former selves.

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i group with a jug regularly, he almost always does the lowest damage, but he is almost always the one guy that wins the match for us too when it's close. He is a monster when it comes to taking a beating and he is great at escorting ball carriers with his guard and aoe snare. Also very effecting at defending points and harassing healers. He may not get the big numbers but he definitely is an invaluable resource for winning the warzones.




That's the job of the jugg right there, you can single handedly make or break the match.

With my specs I have 3 force charges for getting from plaform to platform very effective.

You also get the spammable aoe slowdown which is great for kepping enemies off your ball carrier. Of course guard is the big one and you should always be guarding someone taking damage.

There's no better feeling than guardin your carrier who is being focus fired so hard you have to pop saber ward and invulnerable and you pvp heal to stay alive as he scores. All the time your getting back to back medals poppin for your protection.

I always get the most medals, I think I get 5-6 ever match just from guard. Throw in your 10 kills freebie plus your death blow then its not hard to grab a few more and get 10-12 medals.


In addition you have the following stuns,slowdowns,snares to use.

Force charge

Force choke


Intimidating roar

Chilling scream ( I have this specced to cost 0 rage so I am always slamming it)

Use these when enemies are over fire traps or to lock them while you position for force push.


Using the 3 force jumps to get to the endzone or a platform is just icing on the cake.


My favorite move by far tho, is when you have the ball on the top platform at the corner between the two fire traps, and an enemy right in front of you trying to take you down. Force push them, they go flying all the way to the end zone, just at the max range of force charge, then you just force charge right to them for the score. Its about the most fun way to score I have seen.


GL out there fellow juggs


Darth bandon server

Edited by Raekwon
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That's the job of the jugg right there, you can single handedly make or break the match.

With my specs I have 3 force charges for getting from plaform to platform very effective.

You also get the spammable aoe slowdown which is great for kepping enemies off your ball carrier. Of course guard is the big one and you should always be guarding someone taking damage.

There's no better feeling than guardin your carrier who is being focus fired so hard you have to pop saber ward and invulnerable and you pvp heal to stay alive as he scores. All the time your getting back to back medals poppin for your protection.

I always get the most medals, I think I get 5-6 ever match just from guard. Throw in your 10 kills freebie plus your death blow then its not hard to grab a few more and get 10-12 medals.


In addition you have the following stuns,slowdowns,snares to use.

Force charge

Force choke


Intimidating roar

Chilling scream ( I have this specced to cost 0 rage so I am always slamming it)

Use these when enemies are over fire traps or to lock them while you position for force push.


Using the 3 force jumps to get to the endzone or a platform is just icing on the cake.


My favorite move by far tho, is when you have the ball on the top platform at the corner between the two fire traps, and an enemy right in front of you trying to take you down. Force push them, they go flying all the way to the end zone, just at the max range of force charge, then you just force charge right to them for the score. Its about the most fun way to score I have seen.


GL out there fellow juggs


Darth bandon server


Haha I like your tactics.

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i group with a jug regularly, he almost always does the lowest damage, but he is almost always the one guy that wins the match for us too when it's close. He is a monster when it comes to taking a beating and he is great at escorting ball carriers with his guard and aoe snare. Also very effecting at defending points and harassing healers. He may not get the big numbers but he definitely is an invaluable resource for winning the warzones.


Same here. I'm usually "tanking" ~100k damage a match. With smart healers, you can redirect so much damage that your team will seam down right invincible to unaware opponents. My damage is usually low, but I always walk away at the top of the score board with all the medals/commendations.


In summary, Juggs win at PvP.

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Now I know there are no expert or great juggernaut players yet. Surely they will start to pop up and hopefully some of us will become them. :)



So I wanted to get an idea of what kind of tactics, skill sets, and chains people are using in pvp so far. I just realized last night that you can get into instanced pvp and I was having a blast. Not winning or doing all that well at first but after some changes and upgrading my lightsabor I started doing much better. Currently I am level 17, going the vengeance route, and it seems that using sundar with my stuns can be effective. Although I have not picked up a set way to fight yet besides flanking every chance I get.


So how are you performing? What kind of tactics are you using?


My best suggestion, if you want to pvp as a Jug, get 7 points in Immortal for Battle Cry, Enraged Sunder, and Intimidation. Having one extra rage from Sunder is nice, a free Scream after a Charge is nice, and a free spammable aoe snare is REALLY REALLY nice.


Everything after that is just gravy really. Don't be afraid to switch forms as needed. If you need to take down a single target fast, switch into Shii-cho or Shien form, don't do it in Soresu unless you or your guard-buddy are taking damage. If you or someone nearby grabs the ball in Huttball, or needs support/is under attack, swap your guard to them. Jugs have some respectable burst damage when we need it, so keep an eye out for low-life targets and swap quickly for a Ravage/Scream/Smash combo, or to setup a Choke to help CC a healer while your teammates burn down the low target.


The best trait a good pvp Jug can have is situational awareness, more than any other class save perhaps a dedicated healer.

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My best suggestion, if you want to pvp as a Jug, get 7 points in Immortal for Battle Cry, Enraged Sunder, and Intimidation. Having one extra rage from Sunder is nice, a free Scream after a Charge is nice, and a free spammable aoe snare is REALLY REALLY nice.


Everything after that is just gravy really. Don't be afraid to switch forms as needed. If you need to take down a single target fast, switch into Shii-cho or Shien form, don't do it in Soresu unless you or your guard-buddy are taking damage. If you or someone nearby grabs the ball in Huttball, or needs support/is under attack, swap your guard to them. Jugs have some respectable burst damage when we need it, so keep an eye out for low-life targets and swap quickly for a Ravage/Scream/Smash combo, or to setup a Choke to help CC a healer while your teammates burn down the low target.


The best trait a good pvp Jug can have is situational awareness, more than any other class save perhaps a dedicated healer.



You misread my post. I'm not looking for advice. I'm just wondering how people are doing in pvp and what tactics they are using.

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You misread my post. I'm not looking for advice. I'm just wondering how people are doing in pvp and what tactics they are using.


He just told you what tactics.... scream, smash, choke etc.


Are you looking for builds? What more could you want from an answer than what Quor has given you......?


Warrior are very versatile and they can play based on situation. I cannot add anymore to this discussion than has already been said.



go to http://guard-this.com/ if you need more info on how to play a warrior.

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You misread my post. I'm not looking for advice. I'm just wondering how people are doing in pvp and what tactics they are using.


Ah, well, in that case, just fine really. 5+ medals a WZ with decent-to-good damage dealt and top two protection score usually.

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As Immortal (level 34) I often win Alderaan for the teams simply by keeping the enemies from slicing the control points. Force choke talented so it doesn't stop me from moving, Backhand as a secondary stun, AOE through smash, 2 'oh ****' buttons and the HP cooldown, AOE taunt and single taunt to keep my allies up, Force Charge talented to stun, AOE slow. I feel like a powerhouse.



In Huttball it's more of the same, I often score 3-4 times per round in the Immortal spec.

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