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Why I'm leaving...


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Believe it or not, this isn't a "parting shot" thread. It's a "What I believe is wrong with the game and what I'd like to see fixed before I return" thread. This is the opinion of a social/solo player who isn't here for endgame, but is here for solo leveling, leveling with friends, or a bit of PvP.


  • Conversations are static - Star Wars Galaxies had it. Mass Effect (1, 2 and 3) had it. Dragon Age (1 and 2) had it. Branching dialogue. As the game is now, I have three choices. I then say something and the NPC responds with one line that depends on what I said, then returns to the script. I want to see EVERY conversation branch. The ability to investigate and ask questions about something the NPC said that isn't part of the "script", similar to how you can in the Bioware games I just mentioned (These choices are usually the left side of the wheel in those games)
  • Leveling up is too linear - In the MMO that must not be mentioned (World of Warcraft), you have two paths you can choose. You can level up in the Eastern Kingdoms, or in Kalimdor. You can even mix and match if you want. In SWTOR, you go from (Home world) to Coruscant to Taris to Nar Shaddaa to Tatooine to Alderaan, etc. On every character. I would love to see more worlds added. Give me a choice of going to Taris or... Naboo, maybe. Have the world stories differ greatly so that leveling up a character on Naboo is completely different to Taris.
  • No guild progression system - As it stands, in SWTOR the only way to help your guild is by contributing crafted stuff or credits to the guild bank. I would like to see guild cities or capital ships, guild levels, guild achievements. A reason to come together that doesn't involve PvP or PvE.
  • Space is boring - To me, space is nothing but a minigame. Something to pass the time during ad breaks of your favourite TV show. I would like to see space added as a full 3D simulator. Give us the ability to roam space in our ships (It's called space because there's a lot of it, so don't worry about making it too big). Give us the ability to pick random fights with enemies in a system, or to duel other players with our ships. I would also like to see it made more meaningful. In Star Wars Galaxies, a quest on tatooine gave you the choice of intercepting an enemy on the ground, or in space. Allow Space to be a (optional) part of our class story experience.
  • Lack of anything to do - When I log into SWTOR, All I do is dailies and log out. If I log into WoW, I can have a look at my achievements, find something I haven't done and do it.
  • Affection is just another rep grind system. - who enjoyed grinding Stormwind rep back in the day before they made it easier? Not me. That's what the affection system and the romance system feels like. I'm showing my companion with gifts (cloth) to build up affection (rep) in order to romance him or her. What I would like to see is flexibility. Sure, let me shower them with gifts... or let me take them out on a date on Coruscant. Let me take them to the beach on Alderaan. Let me earn their favour in a way other than the Rep grind.
  • Lack of sandbox features - I don't mind the theme park style of MMO (Which is why this is last on my list), but... In Star Wars Galaxies, I felt like I owned a piece of the galaxy. I had a house on Tatooine. I customized the house how I wanted. Not true in SWTOR. I don't own any part of the game world. I'm not asking for houses to dot the landscape of every planet. I would settle for instanced housing. Even if it's just our ships. Let us customize them. make them our homes.
  • Worlds are static - In WoW, certain parts of the world react to me completing quests (The phase system brought in during Wrath). in SWTOR, I can do all the quests on a world and it's the same place as when I arrived. Nothing has changed. Nothing.
  • Rare items - Why is it impossible for my level 10 Jedi Knight to have a violet or aqua lightsaber? 'Nuff said.


This list was longer than I thought, but I hope it gives the developers an idea as to what I think is wrong with the game.

Edited by Bomyne
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[*]Affection is just another rep grind system. - who enjoyed grinding Stormwind rep back in the day before they made it easier? Not me. That's what the affection system and the romance system feels like. I'm showing my companion with gifts (cloth) to build up affection (rep) in order to romance him or her. What I would like to see is flexibility. Sure, let me shower them with gifts... or let me take them out on a date on Coruscant. Let me take them to the beach on Alderaan. Let me earn their favour in a way other than the Rep grind.


This. So much this. I really disagree with the whole "give them enough gifts and they'll like you" mentality, especially since it's so confusing and convoluted. I'd really like to be able to go out and do missions with them and have those missions give me affection (and not just dailies, but actual companion missions).

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