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loot tables


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Well, for starters the max damage on same tier lightsabers is exactly the same. Whats with that? They need to add uber items that have like 5% drop rates on the hardest bosses. I'm not talking about another tier of cookie cutter stuff. Also, there is nothing wrong with getting stuff in PvE that is useful in PvP. Not to say take expertise out, because some people don't PvE. Although, personally, after getting mostly war hero gear i really see absolutely NO reason to PvE except to just see the story or to say I've completed that. There is no real reward for doing it. Nothing to get excited about, etc. Typical world mobs don't really ever drop anything useful, either. When was the last time you "farmed" anything in this game? Major fail.
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I actually agree with this. I spent days/weeks farming for rare random stupid crap in WoW. Some not so random and stupid, but neat and useful; SWG too. Now that I think about it, most of my time spent in that game was "hunting" trying to get rare clothing attachments, peko feathers , krayt pearls etc.


We have world bosses, and those are great, but nothing really similar to "rare spawns" with interesting drops.

Edited by Exilim
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I actually agree with this. I spent days/weeks farming for rare random stupid crap in WoW. Some not so random and stupid, but neat and useful; SWG too. Now that I think about it, most of my time spent in that game was "hunting" trying to get rare clothing attachments, peko feathers , krayt pearls etc.


We have world bosses, and those are great, but nothing really similar to "rare spawns" with interesting drops.


I have to agree. Not with the top level hardcore boss having a 1% chance to drop some uber item, lets face it, 95% of people will never even have a chance none the less actually get it so that doesn't help overall. But as this post says, in WoW i spent way to much time farming stupid crap for the sake of something to do. I had my raid nights, but on other times i would hunt rare spawns, kill thousands of things for stupid mini-pets and for reputation gain.


The downside of world bosses, though fun, they lack that "ooh look a rare spawn lemme go kill it and see what it drops" feel.


As one of those completion'ist types things like that have a huge draw for me, even though it in no way boosts you in game, having those little pets, mounts, titles that are hard to get (or lets say time consuming to get) are worth my time to log in and play some more when I'm not doing my dailies.

Edited by Zilik
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Karagga's Hat

Malgus' Rendilli Speeder

SOa's Tirsa Prime

Lokin's Midnight Rakghoul


Denova's Black-Purple Crystals


...it's already there. You just don't have it.

Most of those are just accessories and not going to impact gameplay. The Black-Purple is just another +41 stat color crystal, it's not like its stats are better than the rest. This thread is discussing how some of the rare drops in the game should effect gameplay. Epic weapons, off-hands, and etc. The best gear shouldn't just fall on your lap by collecting tokens, but overcoming a challenge with a little luck as well.


I'm not against adding a bit more rare/epic loot. As a poster stated before, hunting for loot took up a good portion of my time (SWG, darn Jetpack Base). My favorite loot was the kind that you still had to work towards after acquiring, in other words, crafting schematics. Sadly, TOR's crafting system doesn't provide the same experience or challenge of other games I have played, but adding a few rare schematics with a one-time use for epic items that can only be acquired through crafting would be nice.

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Well, for starters the max damage on same tier lightsabers is exactly the same. Whats with that? They need to add uber items that have like 5% drop rates on the hardest bosses. I'm not talking about another tier of cookie cutter stuff. Also, there is nothing wrong with getting stuff in PvE that is useful in PvP. Not to say take expertise out, because some people don't PvE. Although, personally, after getting mostly war hero gear i really see absolutely NO reason to PvE except to just see the story or to say I've completed that. There is no real reward for doing it. Nothing to get excited about, etc. Typical world mobs don't really ever drop anything useful, either. When was the last time you "farmed" anything in this game? Major fail.


i disagree. pvp and pve gear needs to be separate and attainable equally by both. what you want is very unbalancing and is doomed for failure,


if you want uber pve gear drops usable only for pve then that is different. but don't make pve the only means to get the best gear and dont make pvp that way either. each needs to be equal especially in a game which is trying to do content equally for both. if this was a pve centric game then your idea would be more plausible but the game isn't


there is a lot that can be done in a pve centric game which doesnt have to deal with pvp balancing issues. what you want is that type of content and yes i too wish this game had them. it doesn't and it won't as is.

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I'm still waiting for those "loot bags" they promoted back in pre-release.


I want less RNG in my boss drops. Not More.



i disagree. pvp and pve gear needs to be separate and attainable equally by both. what you want is very unbalancing and is doomed for failure,


PvP shouldn't be gear biased to begin with.

Edited by Thuggy
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Karagga's Hat

Malgus' Rendilli Speeder

SOa's Tirsa Prime

Lokin's Midnight Rakghoul


Denova's Black-Purple Crystals


...it's already there. You just don't have it.


3 Items really isnt enough. And I say 3 because you can buy Tirsa Prime so it doesnt even count and the Black Purple/Black Orange drop while you raid. Theres no farming involved they drop off the bosses or chests in the normal progression of the raid.

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I'm still waiting for those "loot bags" they promoted back in pre-release.


I want less RNG in my boss drops. Not More.





PvP shouldn't be gear biased to begin with.


I disagree. Gear should have an influence in pvp. This is one of the reasons i'm not playing guild wars 2. By your logic, we should take gear out of the game completely.

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i disagree. pvp and pve gear needs to be separate and attainable equally by both. what you want is very unbalancing and is doomed for failure,


if you want uber pve gear drops usable only for pve then that is different. but don't make pve the only means to get the best gear and dont make pvp that way either. each needs to be equal especially in a game which is trying to do content equally for both. if this was a pve centric game then your idea would be more plausible but the game isn't


there is a lot that can be done in a pve centric game which doesnt have to deal with pvp balancing issues. what you want is that type of content and yes i too wish this game had them. it doesn't and it won't as is.


All that i said is that it would be nice if some of the gear you obtained in PvE would be useful in PvP. As it stands now PvP gear is pretty damn good in PvE. You see, I have no reason to PvE, ever. At no point did I ever say you should not be able to get really good items from PvPing.

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I would just like to state for the record that this does -not- mean go the route of WoW and cause players to grind literally several hundred thousand of one mob to gain exhalted with a faction or whatever, that is horrible. Stuff was farmable in vanilla wow and it was good. Does anyone remember elemental fire? I didn't mind something like that. PvP players PvE'd just to get gear to edge out players in PvP and it was good. This is an MMO, it is supposed to have good loot tables, and i'm tired of stupid vanity items all for the name of balance. its boring. there -should- be items in this game that make your character slightly overpowered.
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I would just like to state for the record that this does -not- mean go the route of WoW and cause players to grind literally several hundred thousand of one mob to gain exhalted with a faction or whatever, that is horrible. Stuff was farmable in vanilla wow and it was good. Does anyone remember elemental fire? I didn't mind something like that. PvP players PvE'd just to get gear to edge out players in PvP and it was good. This is an MMO, it is supposed to have good loot tables, and i'm tired of stupid vanity items all for the name of balance. its boring. there -should- be items in this game that make your character slightly overpowered.


As long as the rare drops are not so powerful they make PvE gear superior to PvP gear for the purpose of PvPing again, I agree with you that rare drops that are somewhat more powerful should exist. It'd give the hardcore players something more to do without much difficulty regarding programming and such.

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