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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1: Chat bubbles with on/off option for those that are not interested. Best of both worlds.

This is very much needed and especially on RP servers.


2: An Official OOC Channel ( Out of character )

General channel on RP servers are filled with OOC discussions and anything related to the game is flooded away. Attempts to politely ask people to respect others and continue in PM often just end up in profanity and you suffer any number of hateful comments in return.


3: A more strict follow up on the Naming Policy and the Rules of Conduct in general.

This includes to remove the info on RP servers that no special rules apply for naming or chat. We HAVE the Rules of Conduct and they DO apply to all servers.



Here is a link to the Rules of Conduct.


We do have both the Naming Policy and the Harassment as seen in there. Still people tend to claim that it does not exist and that you can be named whatever you want or act however you want. This is not the case and when you are confronted with player with this claim, link them to this.


For those that want the location of this original link, look below at the bottom of the screen under the big EA logo.

Edited by Grihm
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1. A proper friends system. Look at what Blizzard has. I see this as something very important, if not the most important.

2. A proper achievement system. The current codex system is a half-finished joke.

3. A fully customizable UI with support for mods. The default UI is not bad, but I want full freedom.

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Grt Thread!


Here is the top of the Iceberg ^^


1. More companion and NPC romance story content, give us that great SGR that BioWare can deliver!


2. Customize your Alt./Char. more after character creation, both appearance and gear. Example by appearance tabs, barber shops ect


3. why o why have't we got some grt Pazaak show-down in the cantina!


keep up the grt work.

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1. FULL 3D Star Citizen type space exploration.

Even if it requires me to goto a hanger in the current game then it suspends itself and uses very little memory to allow a new separate window to load and open that uses the CRYENGINE 3 for space exploration and space PVP / PVE gameplay. I realize something like this would be a 3 or 4 year project. However have you seen the videos for Star Citizen? That's a dream come true.

2. Shared PVE ungrouped experience. Well the only way to say it is. Have the environment SCALE like it does in GW2. Is there a patent on that? If not please enable something similar. Having to compete with everyone around me sucks. Need to encourage people to help out as everyone gets xp and credit no matter who hits it first. Of course this means changing how the world bosses are designed. If 100 people show up then scale the boss accordingly and allow everyone to have there own set of loot.

3. Get rid of rolling on loot. Let everyone loot mobs Bosses and chests / containers and get there own set of loot.

This eliminates arguments and the whining about need before greed and I want this doodad or that thingy for my companion or my dps set or my tank set of gear.

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Firstly, let me say what a great game it is. :)


Things I would like to see


1/ UI improvements.

Especially the ability to Filter and Resize buffs and debuffs and even move them. Incredibly important to me as a healer, but also very useful on dps characters. Note that I dont want third party mods, simple changes to the UI will do it.


2/ Better maps for the game.

I find the maps in this game sometimes confusing with especially the artificial segregations in the maps a major culprit. The map (s) in GW2 where excellent.


3/ More story please.

I play this game because it lives up to its advertising as a Story based MMO. The stories thus far are fantastic, please keep up the focus on Story, and more of it, lots more :D

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1. Fix Bowie for Soloing. He seems to work as a tank in groups, but soloing (y'know, smuggler.... independence) he tends to toss mobs into mobs of other mobs and dies when a boss looking at him crossly. He's a wookie for the love of Han.


2. Story content. As much as we can get. More of what bioware does so very well.


3. Opportunity to get off rails and go play on various worlds....would love to have something to investigate that doesn't center around combat. Actual archaeology / puzzles / mystery type of things.


oh, bonus one....would love to be able to drag some of the chat items to a hotbar and just click or something like that instead of having to burrow into menus to find an emote. At my age, you have to forget something in order to memorize something new, so I have no hope of using the slash commands.

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1) A 'barber shop'/Customization station to change character appearance and armor dyes

2) Heroic Class Story Mode - Replay your entire story with mobs inside of story instances being between 45 and 50. (with special rewards for completing missions like daily comms, special armor pieces and titles, etc)

3) Ability to use alts as companions (Ex. using my Sith Sorcerer Healer as my Juggernaut's companion, etc)

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I am still enjoying this game after playing since launch but three definate additions that would make it a game to stick at for a long time for me would be:

1. Extra planets where you could level up from 1 to 50 via two or three different routes. The same old route up to 50 gets boring after a while.


2. Free space combat as we had in SWG. I used to love that side of the game. I hardly bother with the current fair ground ride version. It would also be great to actually feel as though you are travelling to a different system and add skill points to space combat on it's own skill tree. (maybe thats two or three wishes in same one)


3. A more extensive range of crafting gear at all levels that varies much more than it does atm.


I have many others like city invasions that I loved in SWG...I could go on and on...


But so far great game Bioware and enjoying every moment of it. Well worth the sub for me. :cool:

Edited by vinchii
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1. More forum moderation. This place is renowned in the internet for being a troll nest and full of inflammatory posting. Too much pointless animosity, derailing into political flamefests and personal attacks. People need to start accumulating infractions and told to take a break if they rack up too many.


2. Chapter 4! Would like to see personal stories continue, and have story decisions have some consequences. Nothing major, but at least a couple of forks in the road.


3. More interesting things done with the physics engine. Gameplay mechanics feel a little stale. Want to see more interesting player mobility - this is a game with things like force powers and jetpacks, let's see people do some awesome things with them. This stuff could be added as expansion pack abilities.

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1) The ability to see how much an item will vendor for when scrolled over in inventory, as well as showing how many of that item you possess in your bank.


2) An in game "barber" of sorts where you can pay to change your hairstyle/color, as well as new styles added. (or horns/tattoos/face jewelry as it applies to some characters).


3) More variety in the cartel market for pets, toys, crystals, (etc.) that you can specifically purchase, instead of having to gamble on mystery variety packs. --as well as more diversely different armor. (and perhaps some in game vendors that sell some "common pets" that anyone can get with credits if they don't have cartel coins -and then keeping special pets specifically in the cartel market).

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1. 3D real space. SWG had an impressive space game. Why not buy the code and adapt it? It's collecting mothballs anyway, and I know Sony is not opposed to making money. lol


2. Appearance tab. SWG did it first and many games added it later. You can make an outfit for looks and then your "gear" is just gear. This could be a win-win for Bioware as well, because you could put civilian clothes and other outfits (Mira's Outfit, Bastila's, Revan, old-school KOTOR robes, etc) in the cartel market.


3. an IOS/Android app for crew skills. This would be amazing.


I am going to add a fourth:


4. Expand the crew skill system to be an end-game alternate. Add mats you can pick up in hardmodes, etc and create high-end crafting for crew skills. There is some of this already, but I would like to see it expanded. Also, a minigame for finding endgame mats all over the galaxy (similar to the minigame for finding HK parts) would be excellent as well.


There are a few things I miss from SWG (I know though, that the rest of the game was meh) that added to the base this game has already, would provide players more options for endgame play other than a gear grind. Also, the hardmodes and flashpoints don't get "old" as fast when there is something interesting to do in between.

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1. Nearly every has said it but, space! Open space, exploring, and not on rails.

2. More war. I want to see NPCs fighting to the death, and opposite faction operations.

3. More galaxy spanning side missions. This was my favorite Element in KOTOR, (my favorite being the GenoHaraden, and their poisonous sword reward) and the HK-51 was a perfect example of this. Please please please bring this into TOR! :D

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1 - cross faction friends lists - allowing both factions to be played on the same server makes it more difficult than it needs to be to keep track of friends and guildies.


2 - more huttball maps, same game but different maps. perhaps a league.


3 - more varied gear.

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