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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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Imma changin' mine ...


1.) Fix Shadows/shading to actually WORK again!!! (Pre 1.4 goodness was goodness for me ...)

2.) Stop "improving the quality of our lives" because the contrary is often the case.




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Imma changin' mine ...


1.) Fix Shadows/shading to actually WORK again!!! (Pre 1.4 goodness was goodness for me ...)

2.) Stop "improving the quality of our lives" because the contrary is often the case.





hehe... you know...given the current state of the game, i may have to change mine to this for the time being....

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the top 3 things that really need to be fixed are as follows


1. please fix the space combat in the game and get away with the whole rail feature and put the player in control of where and what the can do in a space battle or encounter with more of an open world to what space really should be like and add some kind of exploration option to the game.


2. please add or make available for purchase when the game goes to F2P more mounts like a dewback or other non machine mounts for example the creature that Obi-Wan had used in SW Attack of the clones.


3. please add dual spec to the current talent tree

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I'll order mine in the order os most important to least important:



1 - Interesting and well designed / well displayed armor sets. Not sure if it's my computer or not but every armor in this game looks bland and badly textured with an overblown lighting and weird highlights. Almost as if they took the designed armor set and went in photoshop to blur the whole texture so it wouldn't be shown well in the game. And that is compared to recent WoW armor textures. You can actually see the ridges the cracks and whatever embroided design on the armor. In Swtor I just can't see it. The armor details are almost like a blur to me. Also highlights in this game are so weird. What gives?


ps: I play in the highest settings.


2 - Again, textures on buildings and over utilization of tiling in dungeons. Particularly those that aren't taken from the well designed fleet station.


3 - Non-human races! Seriously. They are all human. Green human, red human with scars, blue human, robot human, red human with horns, blueish human with tentacles.


Make different species please. If WoW can do it with Tauren and GW2 can do it Chars you should be able to figure out armor equipment on different species. It's an mmo staple. Stop giving us humans.

Edited by Tiev
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1. Space Combat, at the very least take it off the rails

2. Continue the class storylines

3. Fix the overall chat interface to make it easier to converse with any player one comes across. Be it chat bubbles, or have less cumbersome ways to whisper, and even opposite faction players you run across on quests.

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1 Hood Toggle, I have wanted this feature since day 1. Still one of the top threads on the Jedi Knight forum.


2 Faster speeders, they are called speeders for a reason. The max speed should be at least double what it is now, I would suggest normal speed 150% middle speed 200% and max 250%. Speeders does not feel like Star Wars in thigs game, the only real speeders in the game is the taxis.


3 Option to replay your class story, no rewards or anything like that, just the option to play the storylines again without having to create a new character.

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1. Full appearance customization (not this half-assed thing we got now). I am talking looks, weapons, gear and the ability to pick between animations from your actual class and your mirror class (So a Smuggler can run around with a knife and an agent with a shotgun, or a bounty hunter can use a rifle, or a juggernaut a double-bladed lightsaber).

2. Legacy is fixed so perks no longer cost money but legacy points gained by levelling your legacy level. You can now buy legacy levels instead.

3. Player-created content such as houses, ships, etc.

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1. Game engine optimization for Graphics and Fps(Dx11/64bit client/View Distance fix/Improve the water plz..etc)


2. A lot more customization options(moddable and customizable ships/characters/companions/gear etc)


3. A LOT more lively worlds(cycle day-night,moving parts,nature,battles,animals,npcs,events,worlds changing around you)



+1 to Space exploration


Making a Permament choice to train 1 companion to the ways of the force(and thus,changing his class to a Jedi of your choice while retaining some of his abilities aka - Elara Dorne Jedi Consular/Healer) - Expand on this idea.

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I might have already indicated this, but my sig contains the most important things I would suggest.


With F2P my top three would be the following:


Convert all current armor offered to adaptive Orange gear, level 1 (or level 10 at least)

Add the ability to purchase an appearance change (physical appearance only, last creation options)

Add an item that allows you to change the color of any chestpiece, limited only by current textures available.


I think those three things would be top sellers.

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