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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1) Character Gear customization tab like in DCUO

2) Class story extra content and companion conversations (e.g. When i dumped Jaesa for Vette, Jaesa promised revenge. Wheres the revenge?)

3)Scale pvp down massively

4)Reduce mod pull costs dramatically (500k is far too much but i understand the need to have it)

5)Character customization in game (Barber shop, change facial details) Race change wouldn't be practical however

6)More FPs with a good story and full of conversations and LS/DS choices and less concentrating on combat


I know it's more than three things but there's just so much that can make this game better

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1): RvR or something that faction based pvp on a much larger scale than 8v8.

2) Different ways to gain PvP gear in the future other than Warzones. Wouldn't mind see a PvP based Operation.

3) Not taking a Month+ to get gear for one toon. I like to multiple toons, cuz I get bored after awhile playing the same toon over and over again. (Big reason why some of my friends left the game, because they don't have the time to spend a month plus to grind of gear)



1): Change the loot drop options for Operations, it's not really fair running multiple Operations and not getting a gear piece (Yes random rolls do not always work.)

2): I would like to see level 50 heroics from the other plaents, wouldn't mind redoing some of the old Heroics for daily comms.

3): Same as PvP 3.



1): Open World Space and combat. I would like to see space become more sandbox, guild ships, fleets, stations, etc..

2): More ship customization, changing the color of laser fire, different ships.

3): Space PvP!



1): Better crafting system, able to craft unique gear styles, color, able to craft PvP armor, mods, and enchantments.

2): Sort of like the one above or another option, but able to change the color of my armor set, or to dye it.

3): Remove cost of ripping out mods from gear.



1): More guild systems, logos, etc... Guilds needs to be more important in the game or the player base will just slowly die. Like it already is.

2): Guild armor sets or colors.

3): Guild ships, or housing.



1): Dual Spec, There are times I have to respec to switch from my dps build to my healing build. Would like to do that without paying a high fee.

2): No level advancement beyond 50. Rather see horizontal advancement. Classes become more and more imbalanced, as you add more skills and levels.

3): Would like to see an alt. skill system at 50 for a different way to advance our characters.



1): Legacy Bank, to say credits and items across my character easier than having to keep mailing credits between toons.

2): More legacy unlocks past 25

3): Legacy shares codex entries and datacrons.

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1. companions - have them play different roles. blizz can heal and kaliyo can dps full time.

2. cooler animations for Vanguard dps. stockstrike sounds like someone squishing a soda can but rocket punch sounds like the old (adam west) batman series.

3. the ability to pick one companion and follow their story. someone posted earlier about only being able to follow the start comp story line. doctor lokin looks like hes hiding something and i wanna know.

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Top 3:


1. GOOD Open World PvP, preferably Warhammer RvR-style. Would be great to have it across multiple planets, and have a 'Galactic Control' system where your faction gets rewarded depending on how much of the galaxy you control. (This would require some kind of population balance system though, where the underdogs get a buff on each planet with an adjustable strength depending on the amount of enemies they are facing.)


2. Space Exploration and Space PvP.


3. Improved Achievement System, which lets you browse all achievements in the game and see the requirements for completing them as well as potential rewards (such as speeders, pets, titles etc.)




Other stuff:


More playable species such as Nautolans and Togruta.


Chat Bubles.


Day/Night Cycles.




Threatmeter (convenience) and Damage/Healingmeter (convenience and more fun gameplay)


Customizable Ships, interiors and exteriors to really make it feel unique and personal.


Dual Speccing.


Dye System.


+1 on these.


But as an own list:


  1. facelift on the republic fleet. Plants, holotrees, kiosk for the tradeskill vendor... etc. Some life!
  2. Use your planets! They are so good, shame that after a few level there's no reason to go back. Daily quests, and scenarios, high level areas on.
  3. Spaceports... the way Coruscant or Dromund Kaas was done right. No elevators and broken up place. Why is it different on Taris or Tatooine?






This is brilliant man.

Edited by sydh
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there are a few things that i would liek to see added into the game



1. More huttball maps

2. make world pvp only rewards

3. bounty system bulletin



1. more custom craft able weapons and armor

2. more exotic lightsaber colors (teal, silver and indigo come to mind to name a few)

3. more awesome sounding sabers and guns (sound is VERY big for me for this game)


quality of life

1. being able to properly sit in chairs.

2. make cantinas alive and WAY more fun with mini games like sabacc/pazaak for real money

3. more action emotes (IE like the drinking one with bottles and cups, and wall lean)



1. more options in the character creation and a barber shop

2. zeltrons... http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100622164055/starwars/images/b/b3/Dani-SWG5.jpg i want my zeltron smuggler...

3. proper long hair (if you can do lekku you can do a long ponytail, or braid)


jedi in general (this could also apply to sith as well)

1. make Typhon/korraban MEAN something at high level, not just a hub for low levels

2. add more famous or well known jedi/sith npcs even in lore

3, redo some combat animations to feel more jedi/sith like...(blade rush, merciless slash, sundering strike etc all come to mind)



1. use the color crystals as a dye system, i am TIRED of being a brown jedi

2. hood toggle

3. awesome looking star wars like armor for ALL classes



1. multi passenger cars (i want to "cruise" the strip with a friend or 2, in my car)

2. more cool looking cars

3. being able to "pimp my ride" with color etc



1. more weapon variety for SOME but not all classes (IE BHs with rifles, smuggs with sniper rifles etc)

2. dual spec

3.make the smuggler, bounty hunter, and agent neutral and be able to access both sides


those are my suggestions

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My number one thing is easy, and that is same gender romance arcs.


If I had to choose a second, I would say...16 character slot limit (well, unlimited would be better, but 16 would be sufficient).


For third, I would say solo queued ranked warzones, but specifically having pugs going against other pugs. The grouped people can have their own queue.

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1. 3D space

2. More races (Rodian, Mon Cal, Ithorian are three musts for me).

3. Armor could be improved. I don't see too many great armor designs. I don't hate it as much as some people do. Jedi never really looked all that ****** in the movies, but that's not the point. Having that freedom would be nice.


If I had some secondary things... expand the planets a bit, and make it not so level specific... I suppose this is somewhat sandboxing a bit... but that might not be a bad method of expanding the game. Start filling in the gaps between areas if that's technically possible. It is fun to explore, but there needs to be a balance too. Too much of nothing can also make travel frustrating.

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1. Open Space

  • Full, off-rails, free-flight space.
  • Space PvP.
  • Space exploration/missions.
  • The ability to purchase and/or craft more ships.
  • multi-player ships (have your friends in your turret bays)


This is
Wars after all.

Bioware... this change alone will bring you subscribers, guaranteed.

2. Character re-customization


3. Name Change


I would've listed things such as, dual-specs, more character slots, server transfers, bug fixes, but I know those are already being worked on.

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Something that tells us that someone is about to speak. Nothing worse when your in a group and you stop to try and say something but group doesn't notice, by that time they've gone way ahead!! I'm not saying speech bubbles, just something!


Player housing. I can't see this happening cause the game engine is all wrong but it would be nice.


Day/night . Would love to see a this in game, it feels like a never ending day sometimes. Again I can't see this happening but hey.

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1. Fix the melee physics to be more realistic. I don’t want perfection but I find it kind of annoying as a range class when a light saber hits me when I am more than 5meters away… sure leap to me and beat me… but don’t make it so blatantly obvious you can hit me standing way out of light saber range.

2. As far as the open world PVP issue goes, here is the easiest way to fix it. Kill the fleet or only leave it open for low level characters. Lock all the 50s and 40s out or something like that. Replace them on a planet set up like Voss or ilum. Stick all the venders and gimmicks on said planet just like fleet with the flash point transports. Make one for both republic and sith or keep them on the same planet. but make them open to travel for both. There you go a scenario that provides a population for world pvp… so while everyone is standing around waiting for ques, buying stuff… they are open to attack by other fractions. Why is there no world pvp because everyone hangs out on the fleet and the fleets can’t be attacked.. Remove that and world pvp will develop naturally. Stick a few player manned torrents out there but no npc guards. give valor for killing higer or equal rankend players in open world on all planets. if you kill someone more than a level or two below you shouldn't count like world npcs

3. Open communication system between both fractions… let each side whisper and custom emote to each other. Let natural conflict fuel in world pvp.

Edited by GrimWolfMachia
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Mine would be:



  • Open World pvp planets and/or zones without companions, with open world pvp icentives/rewards.

  • Change Ranked Warzone Queues to: 1. full 8 man. 2. 4+4 vs 4+4 and 3. All out Solo Queues.

  • Cross-Server Queues for warzones (if you wish...have an option to select this option on or off when queuing)


  • Crafted Items should be a LOT better than they are.

  • Tie Legacy into crafting. So that 1 character can maybe use one of your other characters crafting abilities, because not 1 character is any 1 specific thing anymore. Its unlocked and learned through legacy instead. (IE: putting a halt to switching characters every 30 seconds for trying to craft different things).

  • Implement a LOT of new crafted Orange Item Gear and schematics for appearance.


  • Update some class abilities, alter others, add new animations perhaps.

  • Implement stance changes. If i want my sage to stand like a sorc, I should be able to change that. Or have my juggernaut stand like a sage, or have my guardian stand with his lightsaber like a juggernaut, etc etc.

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I agree with your "guilds vs pug" idea. I think there are some great solutions to this. But slowing down guilds is not one of them. I have suggested a buff for pug, in game vocal chat for pug, and just awareness that you are playing a guild. For example you should be told in beg of the game to get it together! Lol "you are playing 4 guild members! or 8 guild members" so at least you are ready.


But also the grind in PvP is nothing compared to PvE. I get so exhausted getting lost, waiting for people to get in a FP etc. while doing PvE that I would never ever play if it wasn't for PvP,


All I'm trying to say is take the word "grind" out of there. Getting into a match instantly is far from a grind in comparison.


True the "grind" Im talking about is the fact that it takes two weeks to complete your weekly pvp and when you lose all the time you dont get commendations so it take for ever to get your BH let alone your WH armor.


As for slowing the guilds down wouldnt cross server ques fix that issue?

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1. Open Space Combat (OFF RAILS!...and include customization options like armor and companions)


2. Space combat PvP-this is essential, attract all the casual gamers who grew up on Star Fox 64 and SWG, and give us a reason to actually play space missions for once, I know me and my friends havn't touched it since launch when we found out how horrible it is.


3. Rewards/system for open world PvP-like comms/valor/xp/creds scaled to the level/gear difference between the competing players, or maybe a dailie/weekly mission for defeating players in open world pvp....maybe even make a game of it.


Space combat is dead to me, and i can't even show it off to my casual gaming friends because i know how horribly painful it is to watch and play when you're stuck on a rail and you're playing against a timer. PvP and space combat both need new life or our game will lose players, and I don't want that. Institute cross server PvP if neccessary/possible. Make gearing up less of a reward for time spent and more of a reward for performance incentives reached, as repeating the same PvP WZs and operations bosses over-and-over again gets boring.


Give us more choices of how to spend our time in the star wars universe, beyond leveling/questing/socializing(eye-roll)/WZs/HMs/OPs. PvP is the key to making the game better in my opinion.

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i want:

1. special ability make you very different than the others because you have to work HARD HARD HARD to get it and its not just PVp or exploring but even missions, riddles and questions about the lore and history of the force and yep only for the force users( imagine having power none els has it because you worked hard to get it like the emperor "Palpatin" who waited a long time before he destroyed the republic and became the Emperor).

2. houses where ever i want like in tattoin,aldraan or where ever!

3. 3D space combat where you can fly freely with being guided like a horse.

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1) Appearance customization. Like an appearance tab. Not the Orange item solution. It's absurd.

2) Same-sex romance options. Honestly it is not difficult to design alternative dialogue options or gender-neutral ones (see previous bioware games), and I wonder why it was not done at launch. Since the decision was necessarily voluntary on Bioware's part (this is 2012), I'd say its discrimination (from a Canadian point of view anyhoo)...

3) 3D space combat. I don't dislike the actual system, but I know it could be so much more!


and that the three options above, which are constantly being asked for by players, be addressed in a meaningful way by the devs.

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  1. CHARACTER TRANSFERS (where I can choose where they go, don't care if paid)
  2. A way to change my mirulaka's hair, since her head is no longer always covered after last patch
  3. Social sandbox goodies: sitting at tables, playing pazaak, sabacc, something, anything... (if you're worried about not finding every seat on every world to enable sitting, don't worry! players are your friend and will make support tickets w/ locations)

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1st request, 35 beautiful systems of space combat PvP. All the 9M Battle Star Galactic online players would love to leave that company, because of their cash cow mentality and how they screw their customers. It would be easy pickings. There are no good space sims out there other than BSG online. I know of about 200 that would come over in a sec. lol


2nd, Speeder racing, and a betting system.


3rd, more crafting.


4th Color die system is a must.


One thing, please BW don't waste your time and resources with same sex relationships for a F2P game. I want more content, not 30 secs more of story clips that you will never see again.

Edited by Innocences
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