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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1) New Open PVP System:

240 Valor, 8 Ranked Commendations, and 24 Normal Commendations per kill in open PVP, players that have been killed recently not worth anything for 10 minutes, up to 8 players can share the reward if they damaged the enemy or healed a dps that damaged the enemy or if grouped it will spread rewards evenly to group.


2) New Space War Zone:

Up to 16 players per SWZ. Instanced death match, last one standing wins, spectator mode available for those who have been eliminated. On-Rails Removed / Space Bouys mark zone barriers. This could also be implemented as team death match. Zoom out 3rd person mode enabled. Rewards would be Fleet Commendations, Normal Commendations, Valor, and Credits.


3) New Level 50 Daily Quests:

PVE Daily lv50 Quests (kill x mob, escort x mob, etc.) added to all planets in same faction areas.

PVP Daily lv50 Quests (eg. kill 10 imps on Tatooine) added to all level 25+ planets are in shared faction areas to inspire open world PVP.

Edited by TeganKing
remove A) since only option
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I've rethought my vote a bit. The top three things I would like are:


1) More character slots per server


2) More character slots per server


3) More character slots per server


And by "more" I don't mean two. By Revan, give me at least 8 more character slots per server. I'd use 16 if I could get them.


Right now, everything else is of secondary importance to me.


May the Force make you strong.

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1) New Open PVP System:

240 Valor, 8 Ranked Commendations, and 24 Normal Commendations per kill in open PVP, players that have been killed recently not worth anything for 10 minutes, up to 8 players can share the reward if they damaged the enemy or healed a dps that damaged the enemy or if grouped it will spread rewards evenly to group.


2) New Space War Zone:

Up to 16 players per SWZ. Instanced death match, last one standing wins, spectator mode available for those who have been eliminated. On-Rails Removed / Space Bouys mark zone barriers. This could also be implemented as team death match. Zoom out 3rd person mode enabled. Rewards would be Fleet Commendations, Normal Commendations, Valor, and Credits.


3) New Level 50 Daily Quests:

PVE Daily lv50 Quests (kill x mob, escort x mob, etc.) added to all planets in same faction areas.

PVP Daily lv50 Quests (eg. kill 10 imps on Tatooine) added to all level 25+ planets are in shared faction areas to inspire open world PVP.


1 and 3 are very good, sensible, easily implementable suggestions. I completely agree with them!


2 is just never going to happen.

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1 and 3 are very good, sensible, easily implementable suggestions. I completely agree with them!


2 is just never going to happen.


Hero engine can handle open space JTL style combat. I would be surprised if we don't see some form of space pvp within 1-2 years, though I'd say his particular form of it is unlikely, cause of the whole sitting out thing. Might see a version where people respawn by launching from a larger frigate or something.

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1. More sandbox features like full 3D space exploration.

2. More companion quests where you actually go outside of your ship and do missions together with your companions.

3. Make player ships more alive. Make the companions do something like moving around the ship, doing different stuff and maybe greeting you every time you enter the ship (not in a same way as your ship droid though :p). Now it feels really dead in my ship when your companions just stand like statues there, doing nothing. Oh and I'd also like to play mini games like pazaak etc. against my companions (and players too) since I saw a game table there :)

Edited by Skorz
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1. Single Player Option for Flashpoints and Ops

- Opponents are weaker so you can master them with your companion on Lv 50.

- You don't get any useable loot.

- What's the point: Enjoy the story, graphics and cut scenes without being rushed by other players, endgame content accessible for all without imbalancing the game.


2. Transfer all set bonuses to mods instead of shells, not only for new gear that's being introduced, but also to rakata etc. mods


3. Frequent new Endgame companion missions, including (heroic) dailies with repective rewards (tokens)

<- If you want to experience all endgame content, you have to gear up ALL your companions, since endgame companion missions require a specific companion...

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1. Single Player Option for Flashpoints and Ops

- Opponents are weaker so you can master them with your companion on Lv 50.

- You don't get any useable loot.

- What's the point: Enjoy the story, graphics and cut scenes without being rushed by other players, endgame content accessible for all without imbalancing the game.


This. I'd like to enjoy story content without players yelling "SPACEBAAAAAAAAAARRR!!" and it would be kinda cool if you could do those FP/OP's with 3 of your companions and they would be part of the story too, commenting in cut scenes etc. it'll be like KOTOR :)

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1. To have more playable races like SWG.

2. To have more armoring customizations.

3. Really unique side abilities for each class. Ex: In SWG when you played as the smuggler class, you were given a device that would call a junk runner that would show up and basically pay you for all the junk you had cause he was your smuggling pall. Or In SWG the officer class could call in special forced units to attack and back him up for a bit. I understand you have a companion, but rollen with one dude for a grip gets tiring. And especially when you aren't able to select what your companion has specialization points toward(I.e crafting skills like +10Diplomacy, or +5 Armormech.

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1. More than WOW in SW skin and a good story line.( It is really good, IMO. ) Expand and improve the stuff that makes this game different, not just a continuous, incrimental gear grind, cuz thats been done. Wanting to copy WoW's success is understandable. To copy their game model by about 95%, their 7 year OLD model, is a good part of why you haven't.

2. Better, bigger, multi server PvP, with space combat incorperated into it. The kind that goes on from friday night till monday morning.

3. More flexibility in the Classes/Advanced Classes. Can the wow model for the talent trees. Take a look at the Secret Worlds Ability Wheel. You boys are in the same company. Give em a call.

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Can someone please explain the sitting in chairs request? It comes up over and over again. Were people sitting in chairs all over the place in WoW? I can't think of a bigger waste of development resources.

No idea about WoW, but we used to sit on the chairs in SWG - in the houses, cantinas, starports, basically everywhere. Its quite a nice thingy :p

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1. More content (and I don't mean a small, one week event)

2. Fix the bugs (and make SURE they're fixed so you don't look like morons when they turn out to be not fixed)

3. More use of Space/3D Space (although I would keep a daily/weekly mission limit so that people don't go space-only)



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This. I'd like to enjoy story content without players yelling "SPACEBAAAAAAAAAARRR!!" and it would be kinda cool if you could do those FP/OP's with 3 of your companions and they would be part of the story too, commenting in cut scenes etc. it'll be like KOTOR :)


2nd this!

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This. I'd like to enjoy story content without players yelling "SPACEBAAAAAAAAAARRR!!" and it would be kinda cool if you could do those FP/OP's with 3 of your companions and they would be part of the story too, commenting in cut scenes etc. it'll be like KOTOR :)


I like this!:D

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1. A random game element...like weather etc.

2. Fix REAL tank's gear.

3. DId I mention a random game element? How about NpC's to fight?




1. Being able to group up with your friends from the VERY beg of the game..and get social points no matter what class (warp to their planet), no matter if it's diff or the same etc. in addition not having to repeat the missions if you are same class!! This is VIP in bringing in new players. It's tough when the beg is so rocky, and repetitive. We want to play together and do it now! No more red tape!

2. More dynamic world landscapes...windows to jump out of, bridges to fight under etc.


(i just played that other new....game....you know what it is...and it is way more fun to walk around....that is half the battle for me in PvE...jumping off stuff....moving fast...can at least keep me focused....endless speeder trekking is boring)

Edited by NoaFlux
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1. Vastly reduce the cost to remove/change mods (or just make endgame gear better/BiS!)

2. Character customization (character/legacy name/race/appearance)

3. Better ways to make money apart from Dailies /or just stop everything being a bloody credit sink

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3 Things to Add:


  1. Night and Day on all planets (well, with the exception of Tatooine). This would open up the game by having different events which happen during the night versus the daytime.
  2. Add more items to the CE vendor that make it worthwhile. There is a problem with people who have paid the premium for the Collector's Edition of the game, yet have nothing to really show for it in the game (especially at endgame). As it is now, it is nearly worthless to have purchased the CE for in game items (other than the stuff which came with the package).
  3. More Server events, more world events. This game is stale. I do remember in other MMOs, where the actual game masters would come out and interact with players. Awarding them with unique items which could not be found anywhere in the game. It just seems now that everything is predictable and boring. The last world event could have been better implemented.

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1) More provoking, meaningful and engaging interaction with the Community Management team.

They stopped the weekly Q&A posts and their media interviews have been dry. The game feels dead without meaningful interaction with the Community team.


2) Faster bug fixes, patches and class balances - and not the promise of it to come "soon.™"

While a few patches have been implemented, particularly to a certain Explosive Conflict bug, bugs that have persisted since the beta are still present in the game. Added to that are various glitches, performance issues and class balances that have been out of whack for a long while. There's
that gaping hole in the world next to the Primal Destroyer on Belsavis!


3) Chat bubbles.

Dead horse, meet my stick. Stick, meet a dead horse. Enough said.

Edited by DacRycar
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It would be nice to have the bound items bind to legacy that way you can use items throughout all of your toons.

New dalies would be nice instead of having to grind the same ones over and over and over and over..........

Updated content and a continuation of the class storylines, PLEASE!!!!!!

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3 Things to Add:


  1. Night and Day on all planets (well, with the exception of Tatooine). This would open up the game by having different events which happen during the night versus the daytime.
  2. Add more items to the CE vendor that make it worthwhile. There is a problem with people who have paid the premium for the Collector's Edition of the game, yet have nothing to really show for it in the game (especially at endgame). As it is now, it is nearly worthless to have purchased the CE for in game items (other than the stuff which came with the package).
  3. More Server events, more world events. This game is stale. I do remember in other MMOs, where the actual game masters would come out and interact with players. Awarding them with unique items which could not be found anywhere in the game. It just seems now that everything is predictable and boring. The last world event could have been better implemented.




1. I would LOVE to see the planets actually revolving around a solar system. Even in the fleet, when you go to your class specific hanger... You can go to the edge of the hanger and see the fleet in "orbit" above a planet with the star peaking over the planet but it just stays like that... I mean it's a beautiful picture but it's just a picture. Where is the realism?


2. The CE vendor does seem pretty anti-climactic now. Adding more to it that will allow us to distinguish ourselves among our peers would be super! =D


3. Nobody ever does this anymore... I never witnessed it first hand but I've had friends play some of the first MMO's where GM's did this stuff all the time. It was described to me to be like discovering a secret treasure... Like the entire game was made just for you. How epic would it be to feel that in today's MMOs?


Those are things I would love to see added. But to have fixed I would like the following:

1. dual speccing. I feel this would allow people to fill more roles in the earlier levels and/or allow you to be skilled for pvp and pve at the touch of a button.


2. loot system. Tiered of people rolling need on items they can't even use.


3. PvE Group finder... I can understand if somebody ques as a healer or tank by accident or something comes up in real life that requires you to drop the group before you actually start the instance, but why, for the love of God, can it not just spawn us back at our last location when we exit the instance? Or even at the end of the instance, reward us with the turned in mission and spawn us back at our last spot? If it's a matter of interacting with the story then allow us to holo-in.

Edited by Kemeleon
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