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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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For me?


Fix crafting missions.


Adjust UWT. It is so out of balance that people are having to relog time and time again in order to avoid companion gift missions and gain the mission they seek. I've seen it to where one UWT mission has been available on an entire rack (6 levels) of missions.


With that, remove the bottlenecks that are killing older alt players and new players alike (nextor crystals, laminiod etc) These bottlenecks start as early as level 10 and are killing crafting.


Fix the RNG mess.


Making it "challenging" to the point where it would take 16 hours to gear a character that can actually use the gear for two hours is as counterproductive as it can get.


An 80% failure rate followed by a 90% failure rate with no ability to get better, no learning curve is a horrible, horrible implementation of what could be a great crafting system. The basic design is pretty awesome, the implementation is abysmal.


This simply should not exist below the level of 50.


That's my biggest gripe and the only one I personally feel is hurting the game for me.

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Some people have already named a few things I want added/changed/fixed in the game, but here is the top three things I want added/changed/fixed.


1. barber shop/tattooist

I think there should be barbershops and tattoo parlors in the game. For a nominal fee of in-game credits, you should be able to change your hairstyle, color of your hair, facial hair, and any aesthetic extras with this option.


2. Speed racer combat war-zones

A 16 man war-zone( everyone vs everyone) that has players race along a track full of traps, hazards and speed bumps, and other racers looking to kill you with their speeders weapons.


3. Legacy perk that allows players to unbind weapons and armor, so that they can be used on other characters in their legacy tree.

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Not that it going to change anything but here goes,


Ability to use companions on world boss ( It's a pain trying to get people to do the WB quests )


Maybe the ability to use more than one campanion for thoose of us that like to solo


The ability to travel from your ship directly to a planet without a time wasting stop at an orbital station


and one more A GTN on EVERY PLANET....really how hard is this

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1. DCUO like Super servers. It was a great idea that SOE came up with to combine all the servers and have PVE & PVP an instanced choice. It would also negate the need/desire that we all have for server transfers.


2. A one time option to change advanced class, during development it was supposed to be possible pre level 20, but it was scrapped. Please give us that option, at least once per character.


3. Moderators doing more work. Last night while I was playing on my Sentinel, there was a "gold spammer" plying his trade. I reported spam on him a few times before ignoring him out of frustration. With the amount of spam this jerk was spewing out, I am sure that I wasn't the only one reporting him. If the moderators where more active it would only take a couple of people to hit that report spam and that person would be stopped without needing me to take up one of the precious spaces on my ignore list. If you aren't going to be more active at the very least increase the size of the ignore list, and please auto add reported people. Expand the report feature so that we select to report for spam, harassment, inappropriate name, ect...

Edited by SuperGrunt
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1. Cross Server Legacy


2. Guild Ships with Guild Ship Space combat missions, allowing multiple guild members to launch their own ships (or tie and x-wing type fighter ships) from the guild ship hangar bays and participate in the combat mission.


3. Even more variety in the appearance of customizable gear. I would like to have gear sets that looks different from other sets not just different color patterns. Maybe you need to hire a fashion designer too :p

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1. Being able to Respec Advanced Classes, or total class.

2. An Image Design where you can change your complete appearance, species gender.

3. Apearance tabs, so you can look how you wish to look, and peices that make parts invisiable.

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This is a really interesting feedback thread! Thanks to those of you posting your top 3's - keep them coming!



#1 - Make player spaceships a sandbox zone where we can drop and move around items and others we invite to our ship can see them.


#2 - Update space to be a free three dimensional travel zones similar to how it has been done in many prior Star Wars games. Leave the current model as a side mission option as well.


#3 - Allow and support 3rd party UI addons to the game, similar to how many of your MMO competitors do. The best thing about this is by tracking addon usage you learn what features really are in high demand so you can focus your UI dev costs better.

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Things that might make me subscribe again:


1. Improved PvP class balance.

2. Better performance, less bugs, less load times etc.

3. Some sort of a "cath-up" system that would bypass at least some of the gear grind and allow me to play with friends / guildies after a pause or character switch on their current content level both PvE and PvP wise. This is currently not possible for a normal working person with a life to grind an extra set of BM to get another full WH, and another set of Rakata to get another set of Campaign. I would need to be unemployed and play this game 16 hours a day.

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1. Improve Galactic Trade Network (Bidding, Better Search, Compare Items)

2. More Gear!! I know this game is just getting off the ground compared to WoW, but I would like to see more custom gear, more weapons (especially at higher levels). And no more of this labeling the same looking items as three to five different things. What's up with that? At least change the color before you guys label it something else. :p




3. Sandbox space missions!!! PLEASE. I love StarWars and I love the space missions. But I would like to travel around in space and pick up metals and artifacts from debris of old space battles with new codex to read (that could open up new quests), shoot random enemy ships, board and rob enemy freighters, and land on odd moons for mini missions. ;)

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1. Level 50 content that is dynamic and unpredictable as well as rewardable.

2. More teleport locations and substantially lower cd on them. Zero cd until they fix so group finder returns you where you were.

3. Legacy level unlocks worth having and not the cheap crap most are today.

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1. More companion interaction.


Example: Small chit chats between the player and companion. Also able to influence companions to be either light or dark with the correct personality to reflect said choices.


2. More social pass times to do.


Example: Multiplayer Pazaak, Sabaac, Swoop Racing time trials and such. Weekly or monthly Pazaak/Sabaac tournaments on Nar Shaddaa. Two different types of tables. One to play against NPC's (novice, expert, professional, etc) and another to play against other players.


3. Space exploration.


Example: Self explanitory. Let us free fly our star ships around the space stations or planets. Add in space combat PVP to test our dog fighting skills against other players. Through in some capital ship space raids to mix things up.

Edited by Darth_Victus
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1.) Nautolans

2.) RvR

3.) Legacy Crew Skills. I want to be able to direct Corso to craft augments or send Mako on slicing missions while playing my Jugg and have the rewards deposited into my Legacy Cargo Hold.


ok I know I had my 3 but this persons #3 has 2 be right under mini games for me

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1. Do NOT have cross-server Group Finder.

2. Make classes more distinctive (ex: BH is exactly same as a Trooper)

3. Fix Legacy to not have pointless money sinks.


To clarify #1, I am against cross-server Group Finder for a few reasons. Mostly because you'll get more "problem players" that way. If they are all on the same server, I can complain to friends, my guild or file a complaint with his guild if they do something shady. Also, if it's cross-server people are less inclined to care about each other as they won't see each other again for a very long time. Keeping the Finder server specific is beneficial to the server community.

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  1. Where you are is too linear. Everyone of level x will be in one place while everyone of level y will be in another
  2. Ganking isn't penalized. I know it's a pvp server, but 50's shouldn't be camping level 27 quests.
  3. Going to your ship for a short companion conversation is a pain- espescially in the endgame.

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