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Long Queue times have returned.


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over the past few weeks it seems that the queues have been taking longer and longer, and the population on the server is dropping faster and faster.

I'm starting to get the same feeling i had on my old server where i was getting more frustrated with each queue taking longer. I have a real bad feeling its only going to get worse come saturday. And in my opinion we may end up going through the same issues we had before 1.3 where we couldnt get warzones for long periods of time. I think we could see that for about a month or so this time around, as everyone waits for free to play. or realizes gw2 isnt as good as everyone thinks its going to be.

Edited by RiP_AzaZeL
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Not sure if its population or just "broken" queues. Last night me and a bud were queuing while on ilum trying to find some pubs to kill and for about 45 minutes we did not get anything, we both re-logged and within hitting the queue button almost got an instant pop and did not have to wait more than a minute or so after the match ended for the others.
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Not sure if its population or just "broken" queues. Last night me and a bud were queuing while on ilum trying to find some pubs to kill and for about 45 minutes we did not get anything, we both re-logged and within hitting the queue button almost got an instant pop and did not have to wait more than a minute or so after the match ended for the others.


yeah actually, come to think of it... this could be the problem as well since i noticed the re logging or re queueing has helped a few times. but the past couple of days it seems like it does this after every single warzone.

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yeah actually, come to think of it... this could be the problem as well since i noticed the re logging or re queueing has helped a few times. but the past couple of days it seems like it does this after every single warzone.


Yeah this seems to be happening more and more recently, maybe once a night or so. Also warzones not filling, I am getting about one warzone a night where one spot is empty.

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Yeah this seems to be happening more and more recently, maybe once a night or so. Also warzones not filling, I am getting about one warzone a night where one spot is empty.


yeah thats been happening to me as well, and i think 100% of the time its during same faction warzones, i think thats also broken, and not due to lack of players. i really hope bioware is already aware of this.

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Not sure if its population or just "broken" queues. Last night me and a bud were queuing while on ilum trying to find some pubs to kill and for about 45 minutes we did not get anything, we both re-logged and within hitting the queue button almost got an instant pop and did not have to wait more than a minute or so after the match ended for the others.


They are getting longer, and has been the final straw that made me pre-purchase GW2 yesterday.


I want to PvP dammit! And BW obviously doesn't want me to... :(


Keep an eye on this thread in 3-5 days from now. Early release for GW2 is on the 25th with actual release on the 28th... how long will the queues be a week from now? I don't think I even want to experience that again -- pre server mergers was bad enough.


PvP is all the fun I have (had) in SWTOR; without that what is there to do?

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yeah i agree with you 100%. its not gonna be worth it come next week when we have to wait for an hour for queue pops... and even if this is just "glitched queues" theres no question that the population on fleet has dwindled down greatly on atleast my server.
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They are getting longer, and has been the final straw that made me pre-purchase GW2 yesterday.


I want to PvP dammit! And BW obviously doesn't want me to... :(


Keep an eye on this thread in 3-5 days from now. Early release for GW2 is on the 25th with actual release on the 28th... how long will the queues be a week from now? I don't think I even want to experience that again -- pre server mergers was bad enough.


PvP is all the fun I have (had) in SWTOR; without that what is there to do?


Can't wait!!!! For those people to complain and say, "Damn-it!!! GW2, you have too many bugs in your game, that this game sucks!!!" Then they find themselves posting the complaints on their forums and leave for the next greatest game to come out and the cycle continues.

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Not sure if its population or just "broken" queues.


I definitely think this is part of the equation. If I sit in a queue for longer than 10 mins (this usually only happens on Jung Ma btw), I requeue. It's amazing that many times after doing this I get almost an insta-pop.


Then there are the times that I queue up, get an insta-pop, but am sent to the initial Character menu. There is definitely some funk going on.


Have had no problems on The Bastion. Those queues pop non-stop for me. I can't even finish assigning crew skills to my companions they are so fast.

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Can't wait!!!! For those people to complain and say, "Damn-it!!! GW2, you have too many bugs in your game, that this game sucks!!!" Then they find themselves posting the complaints on their forums and leave for the next greatest game to come out and the cycle continues.


Nah, you see... they actually have a clue on how to do an MMO... Will enjoy it so much!

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Then there are the times that I queue up, get an insta-pop, but am sent to the initial Character menu. There is definitely some funk going on.


I had this problem when I was queuing just before 4.00pm PST today on The Harbinger and having this problem too. The Q pops, click enter and I'm sent to the character selection screen. It happened 4 times and I tried restarting the games and waiting a few seconds (about 5s) before clicking enter and no luck. I posted about the problem in the PVP channel and a few other people in general were also having this problem. I've filled a bug report on this.

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Can't wait!!!! For those people to complain and say, "Damn-it!!! GW2, you have too many bugs in your game, that this game sucks!!!" Then they find themselves posting the complaints on their forums and leave for the next greatest game to come out and the cycle continues.


What?, with the recent stress tests where they roll out hot fixes and patch things in as you play or forcing a quick client reset... heck yesterday All 'leap' abilities killed the character who used one when you arrived at your target :p ... it was hot fixed and patched in within an hour or so.


Now if that was TOR, you'd have to wait a few days, or have a 4 hour downtime to get it all fixed... and then you'd find something else got broken in the intervening period.


Now if TOR had and used its PTS like a PTS is supposed to be used...


GW2 is surprisingly NOT buggy, and it hasnt even launched yet. TOR STILL has bugs in it that cropped up months back and some that have never been addressed at all.

Edited by BigfootNZ
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What?, with the recent stress tests where they roll out hot fixes and patch things in as you play or forcing a quick client reset... heck yesterday All 'leap' abilities killed the character who used one when you arrived at your target :p ... it was hot fixed and patched in within an hour or so.



Without any down time. The GW2 engine is quite revolutionary in this regard, they apply hot fixes on the fly and all players need to do is restart when it happens, no downtime at all.

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Can't wait!!!! For those people to complain and say, "Damn-it!!! GW2, you have too many bugs in your game, that this game sucks!!!" Then they find themselves posting the complaints on their forums and leave for the next greatest game to come out and the cycle continues.


Yeah I get that man, I really do -- negativity only brings us all down, and I'm guilty of it as well.


But the fact of the matter is, they can't afford to lose 'those people'. Things are bad as they are and if most of those people, myself including, left it would only make it worse for the rest. If the queues are starting to take a while right now, how will it be when a good section of folks leaves in a few days. And if you expect F2Pers to fill those slots, they won't... most will be limited to 1 WZ a day, will not pay for more and will be clueless anyway -- so people leaving is not a good thing.


The only people who are unaffected by masses leaving are closely knit guilds whose focus is on PvE end game content. They couldn't care less who comes or leaves, they have their own raid schedule -- but they might as well be throwing a weekly LAN party. Those who PvP and post in this section of the forums will most definitely be affected by each person who leaves.

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Well, GW2 is nearly here. Nearly all players (Only 4 left of 25?) in my guild have unsubbed and this week the accounts did run out.


But well, who didn't see that coming? PvP in SWTor is awful. Bioware does nothing to please the PvP-player base. At least we have new space missions coming.


EDIT: IT makes me sad. Why did Bioware have to ignore PvP this much? Back to fantasy I guess...

Edited by Fyda
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Not sure if its population or just "broken" queues. Last night me and a bud were queuing while on ilum trying to find some pubs to kill and for about 45 minutes we did not get anything, we both re-logged and within hitting the queue button almost got an instant pop and did not have to wait more than a minute or so after the match ended for the others.


I do this constantly. I can't speak for all servers, but mine has remained pretty steady in population since transfers (hasnt been wait times like the first week or two, but we always have at least 2 instances of the fleet going from like 1pm - 12am ish) so my rule is anything more than 10 minutes without a pop, I relog. Works 9/10 times.

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