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Do lots of players actually do space missions?


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Yes thank you - but I'm asking what should I do with the fleet commendations? Should I cash them all in for these grade 8 material boxes?


Would love to know too. And I would also like to know if grade 7 material boxes can contain Biometrical crystals (had a Rakata thing, the purple grade7 material but I don't have enough Comms to test again)

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I still think if they simply allowed other players to join you in the pipe, either manning turrets on your ship, or flying by your side it would improve it immensely.


I also think, as I have mentioned before, a persistent BF2 type space battleground, with the ability to land on ships and fight on foot for objectives would be a huge draw.


Finally, if I WERE to add more missions I would add ground attack missions, missions that fly into atmospheres, have ground portions, then return to space.

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Would love to know too. And I would also like to know if grade 7 material boxes can contain Biometrical crystals (had a Rakata thing, the purple grade7 material but I don't have enough Comms to test again)


Yes it does. I used grade 7 lock boxes to make my rakata stuff.

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I do the some of the Space Mission Dailies, but only because it is very easy credits and i get comms i can exchange for Grade 8 Crafting materials.


The Space battles needs some serious expansion, if i were to play it because of the fun involved, but these rail shooters are just boring. I would love to spend an entire day just flying around to different star systems, if it were a free roaming environment, but this is just boring... Pretty colours, but boring.

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  • 1 month later...
I don't get all the hubbub about free roaming 3d space thing.


Sims are bloody hard. They're not your casual gamers cup of tea. It's about as niche as you get. Most people give up on simulators before they figure out pitcs roll and yaw, nvm ever bothering to navigate a void without topographical features to go by to find an objective.


Nav is very w/3D map...simple X,Y& Z coords. If you never played JTL it might seem daunting but I assure you it's not. I BETA'd SWG and found JTL fun. I would agree though that travel took a looooooooong time in JTL. But, the fact you could do missions or leveled space PVP without queuing up was great. I do space missions now for leveling alts and comms, but other than that it is NOT challenging and not terribly enjoyable.

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In a recent interview, Jeff Hickman said that there is an entire bioware team working on Hard Mode space missions. I don't know about everyone else, but I rarely ever do space missions. I might spend less than 1% of my time doing them, if that. Does bioware have data that shows players spending a lot of time doing the space missions? Does bioware think that by making them harder that it will get more people to play them on a regular basis? What is the justification for expanding this part of the game verses some other part of the game? Could development time and money be better spent on something else? I am not trying to troll here, and I think these are legitimate questions.


What do you think?


I did 1 of each space mission on 1 character, and every other character I avoid them like the plague. I hate the very idea of rail shooters in this game and always will. I only did it on the one character to see if I would like them. Plus the added exp did not hurt any. I was yawning my head off while doing them, not because I was tired but because I was bored senseless.


I know the only reason why the rail shooter was put in here was because they were doing a slower version for the Star Wars : Clone Wars Adventures online kids game, and they didn't want to spend any time doing any REAL space combat so sped up the railshooter and tacked it onto this game. Really annoyed by that by the way. :mad:


Stop wasting your time and ours on this railshooter and actually add 3D space combat.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I like the F2P stuff coming down the pipe but I have to wonder, if all this effort, time, and development went into a free flight space expansion with PvE and PvP if we'd see the masses come back? The data they are using that says so many choose to leave due to a sub... wonder how the numbers would have looked if free flight space was an option to that exit survey. Edited by demonolithic
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I actually quite like them - to the extent that I think they are one of the best mini-games to feature in an MMO.


They are completely different to grinding mobs for credits or gear, and the graphics are very good.


All in all, at lvl 50 - do one operation (taking about 10 mins) and you've got 16,000 credits. It all adds up if you do them then go onto do the black hole, or other dailys.

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I'm gonna agree with UltimateKrucible that as far as mini games go this is the best one I've played in an MMO. These were never designed to be part of the multiplayer experience, and they are what they are. I hope that BW continues to look into an alternate multiplayer sandbox type space system that is much more dynamic, but until that is released I support them bringing out more space missions. This is especially true since many of the current missions are semi copies of each other with similar goals and layout just stronger enemies. Variety and choice is always nice! This is the same reason I support them adding new races and as many gear pieces to the Cartel Market as possible. It'll get them some monies and give the community options.
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After being spoiled by JtL, I don't really find TOR's space minigame to be very engaging. It's pretty much a side scroller, and you have very little actual control. *pew pew* *spacebar* *pew pew*. Meh.


I'd still prefer to see more emphasis being placed on expanding class stories and worlds, unless they're going to completely revamp space.

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I enjoy the space missions. It seems that the commendation reward has been lowered though, so I don't think I will spend as much time doing them. I hope they add some harder ones for comms. SM's probably account for 50% of my time playing (yes, I'm not an addict anymore like the old days, I like to log in, do some SM's and a little bit of other things for a couple hours a night).

They used to be a decent reward for time spent for space comms.

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