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TOR to sell Stated Gear In FTP cash shop here is our new content after 6 monthes of n


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I watched all interview. What he said was that they might sell blue mid level gear to help players leveling.

No nodded gear was mentioned. No end game gear was mentioned.


No big deal.


So they want to help people blow through the stories-the very aspect of the game that was hyped so furiously before launch (and the part that all the forum warriors keep saying is easy-if anything too easy). These people get to 50, find they can't do anything without paying even more, and then what?


They'll all either sub to play time-locked ops (can't have players in there every day-once a week is good enough) and warzones (where they can die in 5 secs from vanguards in top tier gear), pay through the nose for the same privilege, or uninstall. Speeding their journry to the fail endgame doesn't seem like a smart move.

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So they want to help people blow through the stories-the very aspect of the game that was hyped so furiously before launch (and the part that all the forum warriors keep saying is easy-if anything too easy). These people get to 50, find they can't do anything without paying even more, and then what?


They'll all either sub to play time-locked ops (can't have players in there every day-once a week is good enough) and warzones (where they can die in 5 secs from vanguards in top tier gear), pay through the nose for the same privilege, or uninstall. Speeding their journry to the fail endgame doesn't seem like a smart move.


Maybe there intentions all along was just a money grab with no real plans to continue the product once the resources have been tapped out? In all they are trying to make money off someone else's mental property are they not?

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So they want to help people blow through the stories-the very aspect of the game that was hyped so furiously before launch


IMO, you are confusing the gear a character wears with the player hitting the spacebar like a hyperactive gerbil.


Gear does not make you blow through the stories. Impatient spacebar spmammers do that.

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IMO, you are confusing the gear a character wears with the player hitting the spacebar like a hyperactive gerbil.


Gear does not make you blow through the stories. Impatient spacebar spmammers do that.


^this , the quested gear is good enough to get you to fifty half the time it's replaced by the planet gear from the coms and that gear lasts quite a while. If they are intending to sell gear in the shop I would think it would be 1-50 gear that levels with you and is replaced at 50

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Well, if it turns out to be true, come F2P I end my subscription and don't give them any more of my money. I'll remain hopefull (I do still love the story, and I still have lots of classes I have to play through), but I won't support it with any more of my money if it becomes P2W or if they start selling individual game updates to us.
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I am perfectly ok with paying for full expansions. But if they start nickel and dimeing us for minor content patches then I will drop my paid sub and move to another game.


I really, really enjoy this game but if they start fleecing the already paying customer then I am out. No whining, no crying, no 18 page rant on the forums. I'll just cancel my sub and be done.


Full expansion? Fine.

Minor content patch? I better not pay a dime.



As for the gear? I could care less if they sold green gear in the shop below 50. Don't sell high level gear complete with mods. That would be pay to win.

Edited by Arkerus
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Let's face it. If someone can buy gear at low level even a high qualify gear. It will give them an edge in PVP and make the game "PAY2WIN" but what can you do at this point. Sadly I hoped they would expand on our companion storyline. They had massive potential since most of them you know are not completed.


It's depressing. It goes from losing subs, to f2p to paying to get gear. This is not the bioware I know.

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IMO, you are confusing the gear a character wears with the player hitting the spacebar like a hyperactive gerbil.


Gear does not make you blow through the stories. Impatient spacebar spmammers do that.


What stories? The five quests per planet worth of cutscenes? While the VAST majority of a planet is made by the REST of 20-25?


Once you got one side each to 50 you get ONLY the five per planet (sometimes only 4) new quests - and even those only for basic class. The rest is the same old crap repeated ad nauseam. Hardly a reason to spacebar, indeed.


Am I missing some great planet choice here? Is there enough UNIQUE content for EIGHT 1-50 chars? Because all I`m seeing is one each.

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Hehehe...no moderators to shut this down yet?? I think they leaked this info to gauge our reaction..Please guys when the cartel shop opens up, Don't buy said gear for any reason what so ever (although why sell gear on CS, unless its overpowered, when stuff you get from drops and quest is just as good)...only way to send a message is by not sending money their way. Welp in regards to gear I mean.

I would glady buy vanity items, cusomization gear or fashion I should say, legacy bank!!! (crosses fingers), hell even a potted plant to put in my ship...but never gear.

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IMO, you are confusing the gear a character wears with the player hitting the spacebar like a hyperactive gerbil.


Gear does not make you blow through the stories. Impatient spacebar spmammers do that.


Really? Better gear doesn't let a player finish the quests faster and easier, given that every quest involves killing something (or clicking something guarded by something that must be killed)?

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so every new character you make will be stomped by people who bought their lowbie gear. no thanks. This game has always been about the journey to 50 and now that part is P2W.


Remenicent of the old twinking debates. :) However at least that was created by people doing stuff in the game, not just laying down RL cash.

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Hehehe...no moderators to shut this down yet?? I think they leaked this info to gauge our reaction..Please guys when the cartel shop opens up, Don't buy said gear for any reason what so ever (although why sell gear on CS, unless its overpowered, when stuff you get from drops and quest is just as good)...only way to send a message is by not sending money their way. Welp in regards to gear I mean.

I would glady buy vanity items, cusomization gear or fashion I should say, legacy bank!!! (crosses fingers), hell even a potted plant to put in my ship...but never gear.


Yeah all those things are fine.......... stat gear? P2W. :mad:

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I have no problem with selling of stat gear in the game for players below level 50. If someone wants to pay $2 for a set of level 30 class gear that will last them a few levels, let them. I know I've hit periods in the leveling where I suspect my gear has fallen behind and there is no gear progression system while leveling like there is after level 50. It is not like anyone needs to buy the stat gear, for the most part you can get what you need if you stick to all of the planet quests, but there are other play styles out there, especially F2P ones, that will find the ability to buy some gear while leveling a big plus, and no one is going to win the game because they bought some gear (which is probably on par with whatever is dropped/rewarded) at level 30.
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I have no problem with selling of stat gear in the game for players below level 50. If someone wants to pay $2 for a set of level 30 class gear that will last them a few levels, let them. I know I've hit periods in the leveling where I suspect my gear has fallen behind and there is no gear progression system while leveling like there is after level 50. It is not like anyone needs to buy the stat gear, for the most part you can get what you need if you stick to all of the planet quests, but there are other play styles out there, especially F2P ones, that will find the ability to buy some gear while leveling a big plus, and no one is going to win the game because they bought some gear (which is probably on par with whatever is dropped/rewarded) at level 30.


No one is going to 'win' by buying raid gear either, so why limit the cash shop to lower level gear?

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DDO sells statted gear in their shop. You still can get better gear questing.


I'd imagine this will be the same here.


If they are intending to emulate DDO then things will not go well.


Can you imagine SWTOR PvP (with the problems it has) once it reaches the heady "heights" of DDO PvP? :rolleyes:

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No one is going to 'win' by buying raid gear either, so why limit the cash shop to lower level gear?

I addressed that. Gear progression. Raiding is gear progression. If you just buy the gear... well you beat the game, right? Still, raiding is where the real competitiveness starts, not leveling through the class stories.

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"I don't want to unbalance the game by putting things out on the store that somebody can walk in on day one, buy and be the winner. Having said that, there will be some things that we put out in the store that do enhance power value in some way, but not at the top end."


I am fine with this. Giving people the opportunity to purchase gear while leveling is not a big deal as long as that gear isn't better than gear people can craft themselves or potentially purchase on the GTN.


However, Hickman could not confirm nor deny that it will expand the level cap, nor would he go into detail about whether BioWare is going to attempt to sell this to subscribers or not.


This rubs me the wrong way. I don't mind paying for extra content, or Makeb as an expansion. If BW had stated that Makeb would be a paid expansion from the outset, there would be no problem. The problem is that BW stated Makeb would be free to subscribers when they announced the new zone. Charging subscribers for Makeb would be an outright lie in this regard.


So I don't mind paying for extra content. But I do mind being lied to. And sadly, this wouldn't be the first time that BW has lied to me.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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This is how it starts.


No one will have a problem with buying gear for leveling, they just want to get to 50 faster, and it will help.


Of course this eventually leads to buying Columi Gear. It's not Top End, but it will help new 50s raid with their friends who are in full Campaign.


Or... buying a full set of Battlemasters so you can compete against those people in full War Hero.

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$9.99 isn't the end of the world. If you spend hours on the forum complaining about how you won't part with a nickel or a dime, you could have spent 1 hour of that time working - even at minimum wage you'd be able to earn that cost back. Or perhaps eaten one meal at home instead of buying from a fast food chain.


It's not that I want to pay for stuff if I am already a subscriber. It just confuses me why people think their pocket change used for entertainment is the single most pressing issue in the universe. In no other industry than the gaming industry do customers go on such vitriolic rants and vow to boycott all future products of a company just because the company is trying to make money.


If you see the value in what you're paying for, pay for it. If you don't, just vote with your wallet and go elsewhere with your money. If McDonald's is charging more for a burger than Burger King, you don't stick around in the McDonald's restaurant and go on a religious crusade to ensure that they never get another customer again and shouting to the world that charging $1 more is an act of unspeakable evil. You simply go to Burger King.

Edited by Jenzali
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I addressed that. Gear progression. Raiding is gear progression. If you just buy the gear... well you beat the game, right? Still, raiding is where the real competitiveness starts, not leveling through the class stories.


The real money in F2P/cashshop with raiding is selling the cashshop buffs.

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The real money in F2P/cashshop with raiding is selling the cashshop buffs.


Nope,as an EQ2 player off and on for seven years and hardcore raided most of the time the BIG money stuff is mounts and appearance gear,things like extra exp pots are nice but you still needed to grind hard.


As far as green gear it seems kinda silly to me,i sell crafted stuff that is far better than green gear for cheap often with my armormech in the 20's to mid 30's range,such as belts,gloves due to those being kinda hard to find.

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