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Lower the cost of War Hero and other Higher end gear.


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Currently doing my 3rd. It's painful. Made more painful by the fact that having done it twice, I don't feel like an entitled kid asking for something for nothing, I feel like I already earned it.


WH armor should be legacy unlocks, like once you obtain a piece of WH that piece is available for the cost of a BM on all your characters. I can buy this 'one time initiation' thing but I do have other characters that I want to play too.

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If you didn't pvp with a lower level character and just PvE'd your way to 50 and now expect to hop right into level 50 warzones, then it just sucks to be you. Really, the options are there. If you did not take advantage of them, that's just tough. Bioware even took the steps to rework the rewards for the lower level PvP system so that you can get your Warhero Weapon and Battlemaster Offhand, should you be a duel weilding class, IMMEDIATELY upon hitting 50 if you merely just played lower tier pvp even casually while leveling.

Hope you have fun pvping against less and less players because thats whats happening and the grind to win mantra is a large part of it.

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Suck it up. Everyone else earned their War Hero gear and you can too! Why do you think you're special and should be allowed to bypass the hardships that everyone else in the game had to endure? We got through it and so can you!


The "Gimme Gimme Now!" sense of entitlement among people today is hilarious.


Did I cover everything?


I agree with you, when u make things to easy to get..people get there items, and get tired of the game and quit. You have to have items and rewards to look forward to. If everything is a hand out, or easy to get..there is nothing rare and fun to go for. And, game subscriptions will decline. Actually ,Warhero is not to hard to get now. That first big patch really catered to short term players. And, made the hard cores a bit frustrated. This is not a console game where u get everything right off the bat..get tired and grab a new game in a year. This game is a MMO...and u have to have rewards, and make some things a little difficult to keep people playing. If everything is made to easy, u will get people in and out of the game quick. I am really hoping we can be awarded for Valor again in some fashion. Every 10 levels..some kind of crystal / weapon. You keep people playing when they can look forward to something.

Edited by Iwar
missed something
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When the next set of PvP gear becomes available, you will probably gather the current War Hero set in about a week. Just don't PvP until then :rolleyes:


Do you see me complaining about Battlemaster gear? I hit Valor 60 back when Warzones gave pitiful ammount of it, didn't exploit Ilum and grinded the BM tokens bag by bag after bag and so on and so on. Now everyone gets in a casual week what took me months. But its ok :D


Actually a lot of people were mad about BM gear becoming a hand out. We had a lot of people start to quit when the info on that new patch hit. People should stilll have to go through the process to get rewarded..or else u will not have a population. You just cant make things that easy..you tick everyone off. Getting things to easy ruins MMO's. You might have a lot that complain..but majority likes things rare. So when they mess with that....you will see a decline in players. It makes people mad. Furthermore, when people get items fast..they get tired of the game and quit.

Edited by Iwar
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They need to do something about the gear, right now fresh 50s going into PvP is just a disgrace, you die so easily to people in fully augmented WH all the time and there's no enjoyment whatsoever.


It's a MMO. i started out low as well..now I am WARHERO..and things are good. It's not a big deal..you have losses and you work to get better. Just like doing things in real life. You work at something you will get better. Same with the game. I enjoy it..its fun to work for that cool item. Otherwise the game would be boring. People that complain about this stuff..should go play a console game. Console games u pretty much have everything u need. And that is not a insult. MMO's dont quit..u keep playing. That being said, u have plenty of time to reach your goals and to better your character. And you will finnally pickup the gear and be bad ***

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I agree with you, when u make things to easy to get..people get there items, and get tired of the game and quit.

Hate to break it to you but people are quitting before getting full war hero. Like I posted in another thread the grind from BM to WH is so great that I lost interest on 1 character whereas on a newly dinged 50 I'm far more motivated to get BM because its far more reasonable.

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What would a fresh 50 do going into a warzone against someone in fully augmented BH gear ? Seriously aurgement is completly bad. You can not expect to have someone that just started playing be as good as someone that has been playing from launch no matter how you break it down. The player that has been playing longer will win. They will know the class they will know all the tricks and tactics. People saying the gear is what makes the difference just dont see it.


Indeed. I just dont get it with people. A MMO is long term. There are advantages the more you play. If you made everyone exactly the same all the time. There would be no reason to work for things...and the game would not be worth playing. In addition, if you put people in warzones by gear..then whats the point of even having gear? People always like to better their character to have a advantage. But, yes u still can manage some great gear with out WH. And, learn you character very well to beat someone in the best gear around. There are so many peole with alts. If you stick to one character for a long time and really learn it. You will come out on top a lot in this game.

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Indeed. I just dont get it with people. A MMO is long term. There are advantages the more you play.

What about those who pvped from lvls 1-49? What about those who have a high valor from other characters? PvP doesn't begin at lvl 50.

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Without cross server pvp it is very hard to seperate by valor or gear levels, so I am not sure how to fix PvP prior to cross server.


To the people who repeat the "we got it the hard way" mantras. No we did not, we got it on heavily populated worlds where people had similar gear and we had farming sessions for rank.


It appears obvious " some people are not subscribing due to the PvP gear issues". This may be cost, balance or other issues.


If the devs decide they would lose those remaining by evening out the playing field, then they should leave it as is.

If they decide to level us all out gear wise, so be it, actual PvPers can adapt.

Edited by Elkirin
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I like how people that are fully geared say to earn it and put in your time blah blah. Thats garbage and doesnt help the future of this game. The games going F2p. Obviously the system didnt work.


In 6 days this game is about to take possibly its biggest exodus yet. Why make possible new players not have fun sooner in PvP ??


I say lower the costs. The only people who dont want this are the people who need the edge.


Actually your wrong. The game starting declining when the news of that first big patch hit. When people found out Valor was going down the drain..and BM and Valor became easier. A lot of peeps were complaining about that and left. if people would do more WZ during leveling..valor really is not hard to get. When I hit level 50, I was at around 45 Valor. So u make things even easier to get..u will get more peeps that will leave.

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Actually your wrong. The game starting declining when the news of that first big patch hit. When people found out Valor was going down the drain..and BM and Valor became easier.

Who probably quit because they felt their grind to get to BM was all for nothing. And people did come back for 1.3 with ranked WZs and now they're leaving again. Then they introduce a new tier and WH becomes worthless.



A lot of peeps were complaining about that and left. if people would do more WZ during leveling..valor really is not hard to get. When I hit level 50, I was at around 45 Valor. So u make things even easier to get..u will get more peeps that will leave.

A solution would be to allow players to get ranked WZs from lvl 10 and not put a cap on them.

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Pretty much been like that for a long time.

I agree with you, there should be a valor bracket in my opinion but not if were not getting cross server ques.

Don't you now what ELO is?


Ranked WZ are supposed to be the answer to the matchmaking issue, that's what your ranking is for... but :


- a team is 8 individuals together, each with its own ranking and even its own class/spec, how to balance that?

- the system has to be universal and with LOTS of players, so byebye standard WZ and byebye ranked WZ too given the rate at which servers lose people


Actually, the destination server I'm in has a lower effective population than the one I once came from just about 1 week before the transfer... 15 minutes endgame WZ queue during peak hours, often more than 30 minutes.

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Hate to break it to you but people are quitting before getting full war hero. Like I posted in another thread the grind from BM to WH is so great that I lost interest on 1 character whereas on a newly dinged 50 I'm far more motivated to get BM because its far more reasonable.


Nah people started quitting when they heard about that fist big patch. I.3 I think it was. The decline started before warhearo gear arrived. They mad things easier to get..and people started to leave. Peploe logged on and saw folks running around with BM gear in about a day. Myself I heard about the patch and stopped playing. However, was still paying for a sub. I then logged back on and saw all these BM'S and blue sabers and again left for a while. Now I am back..but my friends are not.


On another note.... Getting WH gear is not to bad. I got my fist 2 pieces in one day. And, can pretty much easily get 1 a day when playing. For the best gear in game..that is not bad . If your just working on one character..its not hard to get WH gear. Problem is, people switch back between alts..and it takes them forever.

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Nah people started quitting when they heard about that fist big patch. I.3 I think it was.

1.2 like I said they then came back for 1.3 with ranked wzs, now its declining again. I didn't notice nearly as big a decline after 1.2 as it is now for PvP only.


On another note.... Getting WH gear is not to bad. I got my fist 2 pieces in one day. And, can pretty much easily get 1 a day when playing. For the best gear in game..that is not bad . If your just working on one character..its not hard to get WH gear.

1 a day? Maybe if you're playing for a large part of the day. I estimate it takes around 250-300 hours to go from BM to WH, that is a long time.

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As someone who is mostly augmented War Hero, I would like to see the prices drop on a few pieces.


Especially with the Main and Off-hand weapons as newer tier versions will be coming with the next operation.


Perhaps the chest as well...


Most of the other pieces and implant/relics/earpiece aren't THAT bad.

Edited by Aquanatah
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No way. I paid my fair share it's time for you to as well. Stop asking for handouts. The gear is so much easier to get now that before. Just pvp like the rest of us, you'll get it eventually. :)


Good luck with that when there are no players.

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Good luck with that when there are no players.


Pretty sure we'll be able to find 15 other players for a pvp match once x-server hits no matter what happens with the game.


At any rate, no. Prices are fine. Want-it-now generation needs to suck it up and deal that it might take a month or two to get full wh (which really isnt ALL that huge a diff over full bm, which in itself takes about a week to get OMG... guess what, it mostly IS cosmetic.)


I've got 3 toons in full augged warhero, mostly just by doing the daily/weekly pvp quest. It's NOT that hard, is in fact easier than it used to be, and will no doubt continue to get easier.


And for the record, I managed to go (back in the day...) 26 battlemaster bags before getting a single token when I hit valour 60 on my main many months ago... You want a pointless grind? Count yourself lucky.

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Loosing in recruit against full WH teams is fun, waiting 40 minutes to get into RWZ is double fun.


I was assuming the OP had BM and maybe a few WH pieces since hes ranting about it being so expensive. and who goes Recruit - WH as a fresh 50? with no mains


I was doing rwz in like full BM with a few pieces of WH, had some wins but its pre season who the hell cares except Warmongers?


Dude get real

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Suck it up. Everyone else earned their War Hero gear and you can too! Why do you think you're special and should be allowed to bypass the hardships that everyone else in the game had to endure? We got through it and so can you!


The "Gimme Gimme Now!" sense of entitlement among people today is hilarious.


Did I cover everything?


HA HA HA, wait...what? Suck it up? Are we describing a video game or a post-op colonoscopy? Hardships? Endure? Put the e-thug in you away for just a minute...


This comes down to two different definitions of fun (and everything in between): those like you who enjoy the grind and the advantage that gear brings, and others who can't, or don't, enjoy the grind but very much enjoy PvP. Those are opposite ends of the spectrum and because both views pay the same amount of money, it's BW's job to see that both are satisfied to maintain those subscriptions. Is it possible? I don't know. I do know they need a lot of carrots to keep us addicted because of the lack of end game content...


No one said they wanted free gear. In order for PvP to truly to become skill vs. skill, the gear advantage has to be removed by grinding a long time to get that gear. I'm a 34 year-old finance professional with a low six-figure paying job, a hot wife, and three sons. My weekly work hours are longer than the standard 40 hours. In between working at a good job that I love, making more babies with said hot wife, raising well-adjusted kids, and patrolling my neighborhood at night for crime in only my tube socks, I have no desire nor the ability to grind that gear out. Does that mean your gear should be taken away from you? Absolutely not. You worked very hard for it and deserve it. Does that mean I should receive the same simply because of my situation? Certainly not, I didn't put the time in. But that does mean the enjoyment I get from PvP is significantly diminished at a certain point, and because of equal footing in what we pay for our version of fun, we should at least be heard. I'm sure there are plenty of folks like me, and I think the less people you have PVP'ing is worse for all. Personally, I'd like to see BW find a happy middle ground.


Anway, let the hate out of your heart, Jesus loves you and all your nerd rage.


LARRY ROW - 11/10 internets for you, good sir. I agree wholeheartedly. May your enemies have the fleas of a thousand camels rest upon them.

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