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They are already discussing milking the subscribers


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I'd gladly pay, not using my Cartel coins on anything else.


This to be honest. It makes more sense to do it this way then if you drop to preferred status for a few months suddenly you are not gated out of areas that you could go to before.


Example, I subscribe and Makeb is free to subscribers (i.e. doesn't cost cartel coins), I level to 55 then go preferred status. Well now I'm 5 levels above the preferred status level of 50, can I use all my gear that is over level 50? There are no doubt other examples as well.


It makes sense, buy it and you have it 'forever' whether you remain subscribed or not.


Since free to play subscribers have effectively been given a way to circumvent the grind of legacy by using cartel coins however if they want to waste their free coins on cartel packs etc, that weren't in gane prior to F2P, and wouldn't have been without F2P, then they may have to pony up a little extra. Seems fair as they've been taking advantage of free 'stuff' provided by the game.

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Well looking on the LotRO quest packs they seem to cost around $9 or maybe 900CC coins in SWTOR money.


So if the quest pack (not an expansion) cost everyone say 600-700 CC, i.e. one month of free subscriber allocation are you really saying that a subscriber is still being charged?


Depends on the context you are talking about. Is it just an update or is it an expansion?


If its just an update and you have to use cartel coins for it, then yes subscribers are being charged for it.


It its an expansion then that depends on the content itself. If its just an expansion label but really not much better then a content update, then you are being charged. If the content itself is worthy of an expansion label, then it would be fair.

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This to be honest. It makes more sense to do it this way then if you drop to preferred status for a few months suddenly you are not gated out of areas that you could go to before.


Example, I subscribe and Makeb is free to subscribers (i.e. doesn't cost cartel coins), I level to 55 then go preferred status. Well now I'm 5 levels above the preferred status level of 50, can I use all my gear that is over level 50? There are no doubt other examples as well.


It makes sense, buy it and you have it 'forever' whether you remain subscribed or not.


Since free to play subscribers have effectively been given a way to circumvent the grind of legacy by using cartel coins however if they want to waste their free coins on cartel packs etc, that weren't in gane prior to F2P, and wouldn't have been without F2P, then they may have to pony up a little extra. Seems fair as they've been taking advantage of free 'stuff' provided by the game.


This is just a poor line of thinking right here. By your logic, every single update they come out with from now on you would want to pay for. Hk quest... pay for it. 1.6 warzone update pay for it. Next update which may be just a flash point, pay for it. This is what you want to do, just in case you might not want to sub for a couple months you would still have access? Wow man. I hope EA doesnt listen to you, because you would be the reason that all the rest of the subscribers get ripped off.

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This is just a poor line of thinking right here. By your logic, every single update they come out with from now on you would want to pay for. Hk quest... pay for it. 1.6 warzone update pay for it. Next update which may be just a flash point, pay for it. This is what you want to do, just in case you might not want to sub for a couple months you would still have access? Wow man. I hope EA doesnt listen to you, because you would be the reason that all the rest of the subscribers get ripped off.


Never said here that I was unsubbing, I have thought about it but decided not to.


As for the rest of your points:-


Warzones, F2P people buy a weekly pass so they would be free;

Flashpoints and Ops ditto;

Section X is currently on the cartel shop list, are you suggesting it shouldn't be, which suggests they won't go my suggested route.


Can I ask do you see your sub now as $15 or is it $10 with cartel coins thrown in. If it's the later then I can understand this wierd entitlement to items people had to 'work' for before, but then hey your sub just dropped to $10 so don't feel hard done by.

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Even if I had my doubts about Bioware and I got a bit burned out on SWTOR, I support and I do not hope that SWTOR will shut down in the near future. And I would gladly pay for any content, even though they might not do it, I would gladly do.


TOR is one of the better MMO's for me, there are worse MMO's out there with devs that doesn't know how to make any good content.

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Never said here that I was unsubbing, I have thought about it but decided not to.


As for the rest of your points:-


Warzones, F2P people buy a weekly pass so they would be free;

Flashpoints and Ops ditto;

Section X is currently on the cartel shop list, are you suggesting it shouldn't be, which suggests they won't go my suggested route.


Can I ask do you see your sub now as $15 or is it $10 with cartel coins thrown in. If it's the later then I can understand this wierd entitlement to items people had to 'work' for before, but then hey your sub just dropped to $10 so don't feel hard done by.


Well, if you are buying a weekly pass to them then they are not free. They shouldnt be free but I wanted to point that out. How do you know that new ones wont be though?


Section X should be in the cash shop for F2P people, if thats what you mean then yes, it should be. The way you are talking though is that everyone should buy this content as well, in case they decide to drop their sub some day they wont lose access to it. Thats the poor line of thinking that Im talking about. Pay for it after, not just in case.


I still view my subscription to cost 15 bucks a month, nothing wrong with that provided the service I recieve is comparable to other MMOs that also cost 15 bucks a month. If a sub only cost 10 bucks a month then I would only have to pay 10 bucks a month. Cartel Coins are irrelevant in that discussion. It is not my choice therefor, its still 15 bucks a month. If I never use a cartel coin then how much did I pay? Here is an analogy for you. If you buy a car for 30k bucks and they give you a years worth of free oil changes, how much did you pay for the car? You still paid 30k bucks.

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Even if I had my doubts about Bioware and I got a bit burned out on SWTOR, I support and I do not hope that SWTOR will shut down in the near future. And I would gladly pay for any content, even though they might not do it, I would gladly do.


TOR is one of the better MMO's for me, there are worse MMO's out there with devs that doesn't know how to make any good content.


Thats fine for you. For me though, Im not going to go above and beyond a normal fee just to make sure the game stays afloat. To what end? If EA came out and said, we arent profitable enough. If you want to continue to play then you need to pay 30 bucks a month to subscribe. Every competitor, on the market is still 15 bucks a month. You know what happens if people fall for that and do pay 30 bucks a month? Every competitor on the market is then 30 bucks a month. No game is worth that.

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My thoughts: if Makeb has areas that you get top tier gear from, and subs have to pay for weekly access to it...then I'm going to have to leave the game. That will be the only way it crosses the line for me. I simply wont play another P2W MMO; it's too much money and not worth my time. I can play other games and be just as, if not more, happy. And most of the other games that I like cost a lot less than subbing for months on SWTOR does.


Besides, they said that they don't want subs to feel like they need to buy from the cartel shop to stay competitive, so they'd be going back on their word.


I love this game and I had a good run with it. I may leave slightly bitter if that happened, but I'd bring good memories with me too.

Edited by Radzkie
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Thats fine for you. For me though, Im not going to go above and beyond a normal fee just to make sure the game stays afloat. To what end? If EA came out and said, we arent profitable enough. If you want to continue to play then you need to pay 30 bucks a month to subscribe. Every competitor, on the market is still 15 bucks a month. You know what happens if people fall for that and do pay 30 bucks a month? Every competitor on the market is then 30 bucks a month. No game is worth that.


I agree with you Soluss, which is why I will not be using the cartel coins I'm given on fancy 'stuff' I can get in game. I will be keeping mine to spend on either quest packs, or expansion packs that come out in the future.


I too see my sub as $15 per month and I am getting today exactly what I got post F2P (with the exception of new content in Section X). Following this logic if I have to use cartel coins for quest packs etc., in the future, then they cost me personally nothing. Anyone can do this.


If people want to short circuit the game by using cartel coins to unlock legacy, extra cargo space etc., then that's fine by me however these items are in a shop and items in a shop are generally not free. My analogy would be a sweet shop gives you coupons and you use them up on twinkies then you find the shop is starting to stock your favourite chocolate but you've already spent the coupons on twinkies. Guess what, it's time to dip into your pockets or do without.


If BW decide to charge everyone for quest packs then the people who think they can have 'free' things will find out that there is no free lunch in this game, just like the real world.

Edited by mothear
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I agree with you Soluss, which is why I will not be using the cartel coins I'm given on fancy 'stuff' I can get in game. I will be keeping mine to spend on either quest packs, or expansion packs that come out in the future.


I too see my sub as $15 per month and I am getting today exactly what I got post F2P (with the exception of new content in Section X). Following this logic if I have to use cartel coins for quest packs etc., in the future, then they cost me personally nothing. Anyone can do this.


If people want to short circuit the game by using cartel coins to unlock legacy, extra cargo space etc., then that's fine by me however these items are in a shop and items in a shop are generally not free. My analogy would be a sweet shop gives you coupons and you use them up on twinkies then you find the shop is starting to stock your favourite chocolate but you've already spent the coupons on twinkies. Guess what, it's time to dip into your pockets or do without.


If BW decide to charge everyone for quest packs then the people who think they can have 'free' things will find out that there is no free lunch in this game, just like the real world.


Good post, but you just had to mention twinkies didnt you! :D

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  • 1 month later...
I know the fans will come in and say... well its an expansion, of course we should pay extra for it. Sorry but 1 planet and a 5 level increase is not an expansion. Its a way to justify milking more money. This is the type of content that we should have gotten all along.


Ask wow if 5 levels and 1 continent is an expansion. It is...and 40 bucks. It's time for you all to just shut up about it, it's 10 freakin dollars. If you cant afford that, then you should focus on a job and not SWTOR.

Edited by ObiJuanShenobi
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  • 2 months later...
EAWare is coercing us to buy it. I saw the limitations you get if you don't buy it, and if you don't then you really can't reach endgame. They're forcing us to be milked so we can give them their freakin' credits. :(


GEEE..... you mean like every other major MMO... charging a fee for expansion content? ;)


Oh, and I don't know about you but I pay with real money, not freakin credits. ;)


Why keep necroing dormant threads, by the way?


That is all.

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GEEE..... you mean like every other major MMO... charging a fee for expansion content? ;)


Oh, and I don't know about you but I pay with real money, not freakin credits. ;)


Why keep necroing dormant threads, by the way?


That is all.

Expac? I'd never call this an expac. It's more like downloadable content at best! :rolleyes: A freakin' planet that may be quick to eat, and then the players will be crying for more content! Everyone will be racing through those single-player missions and dailies with their Legacy buffs and experience boosts. Many will be 55 in a few days time.


Heheheh, credits are the way I roll, girl. ;)


I honestly think this discussion is still relevant. I agree with the OP very much. Just decided to post. It goes back to the first page. I do hope that more players post their feedback. You feel like you're paying for an expansion like every other MMO, while I feel like I'm being milked for something that seems to be no more than DLC. :p

Edited by HomicidalWhales
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Necrothreadia....... but then, I guess many of our conversations are just regurgitated over and over.


Expansion packs, in whatever form they take are not new. And usually they cost something whether it is at point of sale or an in game sale. That is certainly not new. As for milking? Well, sure. But then... all businesses milk to stay in business. You choose to be milked. They don't sneak up behind you.

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EAWare is coercing us to buy it. I saw the limitations you get if you don't buy it, and if you don't then you really can't reach endgame. They're forcing us to be milked so we can give them their freakin' credits. :(


That's sort of the same in the big MMO's though. When the level cap goes up, end game raiding goes right up with it. If you don't buy the expansion, the new levels aren't available to you.


I've been playing MMOs so long, this sort of expac is second nature to me. Frankly, the thing that surprises me about it is that it's $10 instead of $60. Looking at only the price, I'd be worried that there isn't enough content there. But after seeing the bulleted list of content, it seems plenty fair. Maybe even too cheap.

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Necrothreadia....... but then, I guess many of our conversations are just regurgitated over and over.


Expansion packs, in whatever form they take are not new. And usually they cost something whether it is at point of sale or an in game sale. That is certainly not new. As for milking? Well, sure. But then... all businesses milk to stay in business. You choose to be milked. They don't sneak up behind you.

Well the thing is if you don't buy this expac, you won't be able to reach endgame. I also believe you don't get some features of the Legacy and something else. I don't remember, but 3 big pieces of content won't be available for access if you don't buy it. That's why I say we're being milked. This part of a post that this guy posted sums up my feelings entirely.

I think Bioware's management needs to understand that paid subscribers are already paying for everything, and if they are going to do an expansion or simply adding a planet, that nickel and diming the subscribers when they are already footing the bill is a surefire way of getting subscribers to stop subscribing, especially in a bad economy. If they want to charge F2Pers something in order for them to have access to new content, that's perfectly acceptable, but the paying subscribers have arguably paid for the update already through the monthly fees, and it would be seen as double billing by a lot of people.
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I feel like I'm being milked for something that seems to be no more than DLC. :p


Fair enough.... but for most MMOs (particularly those offering level increases and large new zone content)... same principle applies.... you pay for "DLCs" just like you pay for "expansions". So I see nothing wrong here commercially that would warrant the rabid claims about dairy products in this long running thread.


The thread had life back before Bioware declared this a paid digital expansion pack. That checker game is over. It's an expansion, it's a paid expansion.


You can call it DLC, or heck you can call it a carnation if you like... but being as it is Bioware product, there definition is what counts.....because like it or not... that is the way the free market works. As a consumer you have two choices, buy and use OR don't buy.

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You can call it DLC, or heck you can call it a carnation if you like... but being as it is Bioware product, there definition is what counts.....because like it or not... that is the way the free market works. As a consumer you have two choices, buy and use OR don't buy.


What she said!

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Fair enough.... but for most MMOs (particularly those offering level increases and large new zone content)... same principle applies.... you pay for "DLCs" just like you pay for "expansions". So I see nothing wrong here commercially that would warrant the rabid claims about dairy products in this long running thread.


The thread had life back before Bioware declared this a paid digital expansion pack. That checker game is over. It's an expansion, it's a paid expansion.


You can call it DLC, or heck you can call it a carnation if you like... but being as it is Bioware product, there definition is what counts.....because like it or not... that is the way the free market works. As a consumer you have two choices, buy and use OR don't buy.

Unfortunately, I feel like I have to let EAWare nickel and dime me with this. They win. I gotta have my endgame PvP. :)

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Cataclysm brought in 1 new "world", 5 levels and a raid. That was a $60 expac at launch, right?


So... SWTOR does the same thing for $10, and people start screaming they're nickel and diming you? Maybe MMOs aren't the right game for you....


And as has already been said -- this is how EVERY MMO has worked for more than 10 years....nothing new, nothing to screech at. In fact, I'm praising how low of a cost it is -- they may've been able to get away with $40, but they didn't try.

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