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They are already discussing milking the subscribers


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What some people call "milking the subscribers" I call "business decisions". Since my 401k has holdings in EA, I hope they do whatever is necessary to turn a profit on this game but I expect them to do it by providing a quality product worth buying. Selling something no one wants isn't the path to prosperity, after all.


No wonder you're so aggressive toward people who don't like the F2P move. LOL


Sorry, but as a subscriber, I'm not paying extra for any "expansion" that doesn't include another chapter of class quests. Even if your retirement fund is smaller for it.


It's still going to be at least 6mo from F2P to new class quests. Storyline production involving VO is expensive and time consuming, and even more if new NPCs need to be animated on new planets.

Edited by Foobert
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It's still going to be at least 6mo from F2P to new class quests. Storyline production involving VO is expensive and time consuming, and even more if new NPCs need to be animated on new planets.

Due to this game having lots of things missing, it's in maintenance mode and I firmly believe that new class quests are the last thing the devs have in mind.

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This content and their decision will pretty much decide its fate for me as far as continuing my subscription. If they follow what we were originally told, I am inclined to stay on and continue to pay.


If they go back on their word about what they had originally told us, I won't even bother with the free to play option and cancel the subscription as well. Integrity if a big thing for me and to have someone go back on their word is pretty big in my eyes.

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This content and their decision will pretty much decide its fate for me as far as continuing my subscription. If they follow what we were originally told, I am inclined to stay on and continue to pay.


If they go back on their word about what they had originally told us, I won't even bother with the free to play option and cancel the subscription as well. Integrity if a big thing for me and to have someone go back on their word is pretty big in my eyes.




Still, they've already revealed the name of the next Chapter so that's promising.


"Rise of the Hutt Cartel"


Okay, I really never liked KP but hopefully this won't mean that all the new Ops are Hutt focused (KP lore boring - Karagga wants you dead, kill him before he kills you).

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Still, they've already revealed the name of the next Chapter so that's promising.


"Rise of the Hutt Cartel"


Okay, I really never liked KP but hopefully this won't mean that all the new Ops are Hutt focused (KP lore boring - Karagga wants you dead, kill him before he kills you).


Chapter 4 for every class will be the same? If so, booooooooooorrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnngggggg after the first time.

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I seriously doubt they would consider charging for Makeb if it wasn't a very significant amount of content. There are a lot of assumptions being made without any information. It takes a lot of missions to gain 5 more levels after level 50, and a major planet in SWTOR is a lot bigger than a zone in WoW or other MMOs.


My concern would be with the class stories. I think that any paid expansion for SWTOR must have unique story content for each class, not just one story that is repeated 8 times with a few lines of dialogue being the only difference. The unique class stories are the biggest selling point of SWTOR, and to abandon it in the first expansion would be a very unpopular move. It's OK for the Makeb story-line to be the same across all classes, but if it is sold as an expansion there must be additional story content for each class that is unique to that class, maybe something involving a companion character or a new companion for each class, etc. If it covers those bases, then I'm OK with them charging for it.


There is a possibility that they are considering charging a small fee for it, like maybe $10 worth of Cartel Coins, but that would be a bad idea. At that price it would clearly be a content update not an expansion, and according to their own promises, content updates must be free for subscribers.

Edited by Arodin
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I hope not, that would be a very bad idea.


Chapter 4 should be an epic sandbox war with all classes involved in the same "Problem", with slightly different tasks/roles in an overarching epic story. Not some personal little story from Padawan to Jedi master x 8


And cut out the cost for side mission voice overs... please


I care about gameplay, not some fully voiced episodes of Clone Wars which I could watch on Youtube instead .

The MMO part suffers if they overdo the story thing.. AGAIN

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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I am paying sub so I don't have to buy things. I'm done if they decide to charge us for more.


so you expect they will sneak in the SSSP with some 1.x update free of charge?

I doubt the F2P freeskaters will ever fly an off rails spaceship in this game, subscribers will have to pay too...

a JTL type expansion like in SWG would not be a surprise.

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I seriously doubt they would consider charging for Makeb if it wasn't a very significant amount of content. There are a lot of assumptions being made without any information. It takes a lot of missions to gain 5 more levels after level 50, and a major planet in SWTOR is a lot bigger than a zone in WoW or other MMOs.


It is, but it' is nothing like as big as an expansion though.


My concern would be with the class stories. I think that any paid expansion for SWTOR must have unique story content for each class, not just one story that is repeated 8 times with a few lines of dialogue being the only difference. The unique class stories are the biggest selling point of SWTOR, and to abandon it in the first expansion would be a very unpopular move. It's OK for the Makeb story-line to be the same across all classes, but if it is sold as an expansion there must be additional story content for each class that is unique to that class, maybe something involving a companion character or a new companion for each class, etc. If it covers those bases, then I'm OK with them charging for it.


There is a possibility that they are considering charging a small fee for it, like maybe $10 worth of Cartel Coins, but that would be a bad idea. At that price it would clearly be a content update not an expansion, and according to their own promises, content updates must be free for subscribers.


There's apparently no class story content in Makeb, but there is planet story.

Edited by Goretzu
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It is, but it' is nothing like as big as an expansion though.




There's apparently no class story content in Makeb, but there is planet story.

I really wonder how the planet story will go. I really don't do planetary quests anymore because they're so grindy and boring and irrelevant. The planet quests don't change anything. :(

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They HAD said that, yes. But there was an interview: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=522592


The transcript is there, where the Executive Producer of SWTOR says that they are still talking about what they will and will not charge for and that Makeb is now up in the air and they won't know until it is closer to being released...


So basically yes they did say that, but now they are taking it back and saying you might have to pay for it...


They can talk about it all they want.. but if they did choose to charge for it the up roar and outrage would be greater then the profit they earn for it and they would lose even more subscribers.. so i doubt they will charge for it... now there next big idea.... who knows.

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thats the whole plan of a subscription model


look the cow gets food in return she gets milked

we get food (the game) and we pay


i already pay monthly for my sub and have been since a month after launch ... but if they do charge Subscribers for 1 new planet and five extra levels i will become a subscriber no more and may even quit the game period and move on to greener pastures.

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I know the fans will come in and say... well its an expansion, of course we should pay extra for it. Sorry but 1 planet and a 5 level increase is not an expansion. Its a way to justify milking more money. This is the type of content that we should have gotten all along.


Duh, and I don't care.

Seriously don't care.

I decided a long, long time ago there's no reason to expect a business looking to make a profit to give stuff away for free to anyone. Else they won't be able to stay in business very long. It's really very much a bottom-line sort of proposition, imo.

Since I like the product and would like to see more of it, I'll pay them for their effort in making more. Period.

Bring it on.

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So... you cared enough to post that you don't care????


If you want to be a rabid fan and pay for whatever scraps EA chooses to throw at you that is your Business sadly you're in the Minority this time.

As there are many current subscribers with more then Valid points as to why they wouldn't pay for or won't pay for it..


Simply stating you like the game i'll pay for it isn't really a valid reason in my book because anyone still here must like the game to some point or another since we are all still subing

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I really wonder how the planet story will go. I really don't do planetary quests anymore because they're so grindy and boring and irrelevant. The planet quests don't change anything. :(


Yeah some are good, but all of them get old by the nth time through.


Have you played it?


No, they stated in an interview there was no new class story in Makeb.

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So... you cared enough to post that you don't care????


If you want to be a rabid fan and pay for whatever scraps EA chooses to throw at you that is your Business sadly you're in the Minority this time.

As there are many current subscribers with more then Valid points as to why they wouldn't pay for or won't pay for it..


Simply stating you like the game i'll pay for it isn't really a valid reason in my book because anyone still here must like the game to some point or another since we are all still subing


Hehe, you're the one absolutely offended by those of us who're actually willing to pay for a product, rather than whining it may not be free. Poor guy! Want a tissue?

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Hehe, you're the one absolutely offended by those of us who're actually willing to pay for a product, rather than whining it may not be free. Poor guy! Want a tissue?


No no no he is offened, because people seem to like throwing their money away these days *shrug*

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To be able to charge for the planet they will need something major on it. I wouldn't mind paying extra as a subscriber if it did have something special that doesn't happen elsewhere in the galaxy and if the price is reasonable. It would need to be enough to be classed as an actual expansion and not just a new area.


However if the planet is just a few new missions and nothing else I would expect it to be a free addition to subscribers and if it wasn't the entire thing would just go ignored.


If there are no class specific missions there that would suit me fine, because it keeps the fact that if they do charge it is truely optional content and pushed in any way whatsoever. I mean picking up a mission on class that tells you to go to an area you can't access is frustrating, especially since you are going to be lumbered with it on your mission log.


If EA has any say in the matter you can guarantee they are pushing the option to charge for everything from the new content down to your hair colour.

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