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They are already discussing milking the subscribers


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I hope you are correct but, if they go with the whole Lock Box thing .... straw meet camel's back. :mad:


Lock boxes are the biggest scam in MMOs IMO. It's MMO lottery. :)


Rather then buy keys, I sell the boxes unopened if they are sellable/tradable in the game. If not, and keys do not drop in game, I destroy them.


But then again, some people get a locked box and they just know there are 2 million credits inside with a full set of top tier raid gear. :p

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I agree with what most people are saying. If they make me pay for a content update(Makeb) then I am unsubbing and leaving the game, its just as simple as that really. As much as I love the story the game has provided me so far, I will quit. I will finish up the Imperial Agent storyline and then I am gone. And as someone else said before me, this is not a threat, after all i am just one of your many(wont be that many if you make us pay for a content update) subscribers. All I am saying is that I refuse to have my customer rights abused by a greedy company such as EA.
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I agree with what most people are saying. If they make me pay for a content update(Makeb) then I am unsubbing and leaving the game, its just as simple as that really. As much as I love the story the game has provided me so far, I will quit. I will finish up the Imperial Agent storyline and then I am gone. And as someone else said before me, this is not a threat, after all i am just one of your many(wont be that many if you make us pay for a content update) subscribers. All I am saying is that I refuse to have my customer rights abused by a greedy company such as EA.


Tell me a name of 1 company of an MMO genre game (the ones that really we care about) that has thrown an expansion and not asked for players to buy them, please do that cause i really want to know.

The only game so far that havent asked money for expansions is EVE, no other company added expansions to their MMO's without asking for money.

LOTRO also have a kinda freemium model for expansions in the cashshop but they do ask for money for their expansions as well, so honestly, not seeing any game outhere (again, apart from EVE) that havent asked for money on their player bases for the selling of expansions.

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I agree with what most people are saying. If they make me pay for a content update(Makeb) then I am unsubbing and leaving the game, its just as simple as that really. As much as I love the story the game has provided me so far, I will quit. I will finish up the Imperial Agent storyline and then I am gone. And as someone else said before me, this is not a threat, after all i am just one of your many(wont be that many if you make us pay for a content update) subscribers. All I am saying is that I refuse to have my customer rights abused by a greedy company such as EA.


For you and all the others, whats your cut off content amount before it becomes an expansion you would need to pay for?


Whats your limit of expecting content for your $15 a month and expecting to pay for an expansion?


Looking at something as simple as DCUO - A new set of powers, a duo and an operation is worth $10 and subscribers get it for free. Seems very reasonable. Either pay $10 to get access to it or pay $15 a month to get access to it (as well as everything else)


Where is your cutoff? Most posts I see no one can tell as they just yell, "I should get all content if I pay $15." Which is not true.

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Where is your cutoff? Most posts I see no one can tell as they just yell, "I should get all content if I pay $15." Which is not true.


I think historically in the MMORPG industry, an expansion is equal to any time there is a raise in level CAP. Usually this is accompanied by a bunch of content ( not just one raid, etc.), plus some over-hall to game mechanics, and quite possibly a new class and or race.



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For you and all the others, whats your cut off content before it becomes an expansion you would need to pay for?


Whats your limit of expecting content for your $15 a month and expecting to pay for an expansion?


Looking at something as simple as DCUO - A new set of powers, a duo and an operation is worth $10 and subscribers get it for free.


Where is your cutoff? Most posts I see no one can tell as they just yell, "I should get all content if I pay $15." Which is not true.


Ah yes and DCUO, forgot to mention that one.

Anyway the expansion is still a bit far off and they are still debating the issue, so everything else is just pure speculation.

1 thing is certain, i bought expansions for 7 years on WoW and i did payed a sub every month so why tha hack would i not buy an expansion for SWTOR that is the game that i am most enjoying for the moment and honestly not seeing going for any other for at least another year.

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I think historically in the MMORPG industry, an expansion is equal to any time there is a raise in level CAP. Usually this is accompanied by a bunch of content ( not just one raid, etc.), plus some over-hall to game mechanics, and quite possibly a new class and or race.




Agreed, but if the majority of that is met, is that not worthy of a price check beyond your $15 a month?


I would think so and given what little we know of makeb, it is sounding a lot like an expansion vs just a content patch.


Thats why I asked the question. What is the players cutoff point? Cause reading this thread it hard to tell. Some want it all for nothing.

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Agreed, but if the majority of that is met, is that not worthy of a price check beyond your $15 a month?


I would think so and given what little we know of makeb, it is sounding a lot like an expansion vs just a content patch.


Thats why I asked the question. What is the players cutoff point? Cause reading this thread it hard to tell. Some want it all for nothing.


I think because it is not clear what is coming with Makeb that is causing the kerfuffle. We don't know if HK-51 will be with Makeb or Cathar or F2P or .. you get the picture. And the last Q&A made everything about as clear as mud as usual. EAware has a communications problem. :cool:

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This is all just speculation, both sides honestly. I will be very dissapointed if subscribers have to pay for it as it really isn't an "expansion" in the sense that most MMO's would consider expansion.


My question to you is, "What do you need it to have to be an expansion?" Cause your really not giving any info on what you have as a stop gap for paying on an expansion or a content patch.


What is an expansion to you and what is not?


Ah yes and DCUO, forgot to mention that one.

Anyway the expansion is still a bit far off and they are still debating the issue, so everything else is just pure speculation.

1 thing is certain, i bought expansions for 7 years on WoW and i did payed a sub every month so why tha hack would i not buy an expansion for SWTOR that is the game that i am most enjoying for the moment and honestly not seeing going for any other for a long time.


Same here (First WOw expansion I wont be getting) as I am having too much fun in SWTOR but like you, I paid a sub fee and bought expansions.


But what blows my mind is so many that say, "If I have to pay for it I will unsub!" yet they have no idea whats really in the content coming as it's not really been announced in great detail but I'm still curious as it what people think has to be there for it to be a paid for expansion and if most of the criteria is met. Why would you not pay for it. Most did it in other games.

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I think because it is not clear what is coming with Makeb that is causing the kerfuffle. We don't know if HK-51 will be with Makeb or Cathar or F2P or .. you get the picture. And the last Q&A made everything about as clear as mud as usual. EAware has a communications problem. :cool:


Actually EA/BW communicates too much, thats their problem and it gives the community a lot of speculation to be commented. They should be more like Blizz and tell u something when it comes out and thats it.

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Actually EA/BW communicates too much, thats their problem and it gives the community a lot of speculation to be commented. They should be more like Blizz and tell u something when it comes out and thats it.


It is not so much "the amount", it's the accuracy. Just look at GA's history of "getting things right" in "interviews" or the ability to write clear posts as to what is going on with patches (see the kerfuffle that was the final server merge).


Clearer writing is needed. Also they need to give EVERYONE that is doing interviews "talking points" and not let them go off message so as to quell much of the "speculation".


They really need a proffesional PR person because they sure don't seem to have one now. :rolleyes:



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If they gave you no coin allowance with your monthly sub, I would agree with you. But just like in other fremium games, they have said they will give subs a coin allowance. Save your coins and get anything you want (not to mention the big bonus pile of coins for subscribing each month prior to freemium goes live.


Only the instant gratification gotta have it nao crowd who also subs will need to actually buy coins, seeing as nothing is required in the shop for a sub player. It's all fluffies and cosmetics for subs as far as we can tell. For free players, different story for sure.



Have they actually said subscribers will be getting monthly coins.


They've said that they'll getting one off coins for the time they have been subbed (prior to F2P), but that's a rather different thing? :confused:

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Actually EA/BW communicates too much, thats their problem and it gives the community a lot of speculation to be commented. They should be more like Blizz and tell u something when it comes out and thats it.


I agree with you on that one.


I think they talk to much and it's just enough to the rabid player base to make wild speculations about things they really have little to no information about but make decisions as if they did.


Have they actually said subscribers will be getting monthly coins.


They've said that they'll getting one off coins for the time they have been subbed (prior to F2P), but that's a rather different thing? :confused:


Yes , BW said subscribers will get Cartel Coins. What we don't know is how much. It could be 150 a month or 250 but thats all speculation unless someone has read differently.

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Have they actually said subscribers will be getting monthly coins.


They've said that they'll getting one off coins for the time they have been subbed (prior to F2P), but that's a rather different thing? :confused:


From -- Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR's Gabe Amatangelo on 1.4 and free-to-play


What do you anticipate existing players doing when free-to-play goes live? Will it be mostly seamless, or do you think there will be some sort of waning or waxing of full subscriptions?


GA: There will be some shift as that just comes with the territory when you offer new options to users. I imagine that for the most part, it will be seamless for existing subscribers, as there are numerous benefits to the subscription option, including monthly grants of Cartel Coins.



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Yes , BW said subscribers will get Cartel Coins. What we don't know is how much. It could be 150 a month or 250 but thats all speculation unless someone has read differently.


That's a significant worry lifted then if they are going close to the LOTRO style model with monthly coins for subbing. :)

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Ok wiseass, here it goes as requested:


WoW content patches released in detail (The ones that count as content patches and/or expansions):


Vanilla Release - November 2004

1.2 - Mysteries of Maraudon - 18 December 2004

1.3 - Ruins of Diremaul - 7th March 2005

1.4 - The call of war - 8th April 2005

1.5 - Battlegrounds - 7th June 2005

1.6 - Assault on Blackwing Lair - 12th July 2005

1.7 - Rise of the blood god - 13 September 2005

1.8 - Dragons of Nightmare - 10 October 2005

1.9 - The Gates of An'quiraj - 03 January 2006

1.10 - Storms of Azeroth - 28 March 2006

1.11 - Shadow of Necropolis - 20 June 2006

1.12 - Drums of War - 22 August 2006



Average timeframe on new content release = every 4 months new content released.



Instead of calling people names when they point to your so called facts, don't be hasty with comparing apples and oranges :


I see that in order to skew the numbers you're comparing accross the whole life of WOW, omiting for one thing the size of some content patches.


Now let's be more honest with real facts and check the content after release for both games (hende the [snip] in the quote above to only show the content release after WOW launch) :


It's hardly a 4 months average...

Launch in november, then content in december, march, april, june, july etc...

We have yet to see what we'll get after SWTOR expansions, let's not be too hasty shall we...


Also you're making it sound as if each big SWTOR patch was really a big one. 1.1 and 1.2 perhaps... 1.3 ? come on... It's hardly bigger than one of the minor content patch in wow... (group finder, a few legacy perks...)


You're just skewing your facts to make it sound like SWTOR is the messiah of content patch whereas it doesn't give more, and sometimes substantially less than other mmos : again look at 1.3, it is shallow at best...


Yeah : "facts"...


I can tell I love SWTOR more than many because even though I disagree with a lot of the naysayers, at least I try to not be dishonest about *real* facts, because I don't want to let them milk me.


So, again, shut up and stop deluding swtor community about lack of released content.


I'm not trying to delude SWTOR community with the lack of released content, I'm just stopping YOU from deluding the SWTOR community about the lack of content in other MMOs because you try to make it sound we get plenty whereas in fact we sometimes do and sometimes don't (1.3).

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It is not so much "the amount", it's the accuracy. Just look at GA's history of "getting things right" in "interviews" or the ability to write clear posts as to what is going on with patches (see the kerfuffle that was the final server merge).


Clearer writing is needed. Also they need to give EVERYONE that is doing interviews "talking points" and not let them go off message so as to quell much of the "speculation".


They really need a proffesional PR person because they sure don't seem to have one now. :rolleyes:




Agreed, alltough i aint saying that i have anything against their comments, i was just saying that its cleary obviously that the more they say the worst to the SWTOR community.

This community is allready too much speculative as it is so.. bleh

As for myself i would say for EA/BW to keep them coming, since i aint at all a speculation type of person, so i do appreciate them and they have been the most open minded company in MMO ive seen so far, reguarding games like WoW, EVE, EQ2, LOTRO. I cant say nothing bout RIFT devs but i believe i heard they are pretty open as well with their community.

So, bottom line for me is, that im very happy with their social communication but they should be more cautious with what they say in terms of accuracy. Another thing i could live without is the "Coming soon", if they cant give u at least a round up ETA on the feature, than dnt advertise it at all, that just creates speculation on top of speculation.

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Tell me a name of 1 company of an MMO genre game (the ones that really we care about) that has thrown an expansion and not asked for players to buy them, please do that cause i really want to know.

The only game so far that havent asked money for expansions is EVE, no other company added expansions to their MMO's without asking for money.

LOTRO also have a kinda freemium model for expansions in the cashshop but they do ask for money for their expansions as well, so honestly, not seeing any game outhere (again, apart from EVE) that havent asked for money on their player bases for the selling of expansions.


You see I dont count this as an expansion, If this was an expansion then I would gladly pay for it, no doubt about that. Quite a lot of people have already said this but I am going to say it again, a new planet + a new companion and and a small lvl cap increase doesnt count as an expansion to me. An expansion would be adding content equivalent to at least 1/3 of the game. Moreover I would like to say that all of the previous content updates they have been giving us are basically full of crap. The only good thing they added since the game went public was the free server transfers. Therefore I am counting this as the first actual useful and entertaining content update that they have given us. As for your question, WoW has provided constant content updates to its subscribers without charging them any extra money.

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Agreed, alltough i aint saying that i have anything against their comments, i was just saying that its cleary obviously that the more they say the worst to the SWTOR community.

This community is allready too much speculative as it is so.. bleh

As for myself i would say for EA/BW to keep them coming, since i aint at all a speculation type of person, so i do appreciate them and they have been the most open minded company in MMO ive seen so far, reguarding games like WoW, EVE, EQ2, LOTRO. I cant say nothing bout RIFT devs but i believe i heard they are pretty open as well with their community.

So, bottom line for me is, that im very happy with their social communication but they should be more cautious with what they say in terms of accuracy. Another thing i could live without is the "Coming soon", if they cant give u at least a round up ETA on the feature, than dnt advertise it at all, that just creates speculation on top of speculation.


But "Coming soon" has lead to the running Soon!!(™) joke. :eek:


And has spawned many Doom!!(™) theads!! :eek:


And outed all the Jack Hodgin's Conspiracy Theorists!!(™) :eek:


What fun would we have on these forums sir, I ask you what fun would we have if they actually listened?!? :eek:



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You see I dont count this as an expansion, If this was an expansion then I would gladly pay for it, no doubt about that. Quite a lot of people have already said this but I am going to say it again, a new planet + a new companion and and a small lvl cap increase doesnt count as an expansion to me. An expansion would be adding content equivalent to at least 1/3 of the game. Moreover I would like to say that all of the previous content updates they have been giving us are basically full of crap. The only good thing they added since the game went public was the free server transfers. Therefore I am counting this as the first actual useful and entertaining content update that they have given us. As for your question, WoW has provided constant content updates to its subscribers without charging them any extra money.


I guess when you redefine things to make them things you don't like you can always be disappointed.


A SWTOR expansion only needs to be as "big" as other expansion if it is going to charge a similar, full game price for it.


If they charge 39.99 for a SWTOR expansion, I'd want similar content that I pay 39.99 for in other games... if they charge 9.99 for it, then expecting it to be in the same league, content wise, as a 39.99 expansion form another game is foolhardy.


But some folks just want to be angry.

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Instead of calling people names when they point to your so called facts, don't be hasty with comparing apples and oranges :


I see that in order to skew the numbers you're comparing accross the whole life of WOW, omiting for one thing the size of some content patches.


Now let's be more honest with real facts and check the content after release for both games (hende the [snip] in the quote above to only show the content release after WOW launch) :


It's hardly a 4 months average...

Launch in november, then content in december, march, april, june, july etc...

We have yet to see what we'll get after SWTOR expansions, let's not be too hasty shall we...


Also you're making it sound as if each big SWTOR patch was really a big one. 1.1 and 1.2 perhaps... 1.3 ? come on... It's hardly bigger than one of the minor content patch in wow... (group finder, a few legacy perks...)


You're just skewing your facts to make it sound like SWTOR is the messiah of content patch whereas it doesn't give more, and sometimes substantially less than other mmos : again look at 1.3, it is shallow at best...


Yeah : "facts"...


I can tell I love SWTOR more than many because even though I disagree with a lot of the naysayers, at least I try to not be dishonest about *real* facts, because I don't want to let them milk me.




I'm not trying to delude SWTOR community with the lack of released content, I'm just stopping YOU from deluding the SWTOR community about the lack of content in other MMOs because you try to make it sound we get plenty whereas in fact we sometimes do and sometimes don't (1.3).


Well i aint a psychic so i cant say whats going to happen or not in the future of SWTOR, it seems u can tho. The average size of patches have nothing to do with this talking.

The fact is the numbers and the numbers speak for themselves.

I aint deluding no one, you and all the would be naysayers of this game with their ridiculous views of how the end content should be made and lack of it, are deluding SWTOR community.

And btw, if you go down the road that patch 1.3 was hardly a content patch, i suggest your read more carefully around 50% of all the content patches of WoW ive just added, you might be suprised.

A content patch is a content patch period.


FACT = Released content of SWTOR is bigger than WoW, EQ2 and LOTRO in average date/time line and thats what matters, u dnt like it, well tough luck, thats a fact and its not going to change.


FACT = The number of megabytes downloaded on any of the mentioned games are not really related to anything since i aint yet seen any content patch on SWTOR lower than at least 800mb-1gb, if my memory doesnt fail me, for example WoW patches were about the same size and im betting my *** LOTRO ones would be the same.

Besides i aint seeing where is that info or even if its available at all. The point is that a content patch is a content patch, you might think it has low content order and i might think otherwise. It all comes down a to personal taste.


On an unrelated point, about when i called u a wiseass. Yeah i did called you wiseass cause it is what you are.

You could have approached me in a different manner but your prefered to be all arrogant and sarcastic about it, in my book, those attributes/flaws are directed to wiseasses type of personality.

And since you just will not give up your thicked point of view, cause like i said, against facts there can be no arguments, ill just put on my ignore list.

Ure just another player that the SWTOR community will way better off.

Honestly, hope you do return to WoW or whatever hole you have camed from.

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I'd be happy to use my subscription's cartel coins to pay for the mini-update, rather than spending them on cosmetic gear/effects, if possible. Not sure what circumstances would push me toward spending more actual cash beyond the subscription, if any. Still playing the original story content (alts), as well as getting into endgame with my main, so I'm not in a big rush.


The masses may prefer the FTP/BTP/freemium model, but I don't have to agree with them or follow them.

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I'd be happy to use my subscription's cartel coins to pay for the mini-update, rather than spending them on cosmetic gear/effects, if possible. Not sure what circumstances would push me toward spending more actual cash beyond the subscription, if any. Still playing the original story content (alts), as well as getting into endgame with my main, so I'm not in a big rush.


The masses may prefer the FTP/BTP/freemium model, but I don't have to agree with them or follow them.


Mini-Update? And youre getting this newsflash from where exactly? This thread is just aagghh, really, signing off...

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I guess when you redefine things to make them things you don't like you can always be disappointed.


A SWTOR expansion only needs to be as "big" as other expansion if it is going to charge a similar, full game price for it.


If they charge 39.99 for a SWTOR expansion, I'd want similar content that I pay 39.99 for in other games... if they charge 9.99 for it, then expecting it to be in the same league, content wise, as a 39.99 expansion form another game is foolhardy.


But some folks just want to be angry.



Trust me I dont want much LOL. All I ever wanted from a ToR expansion is for them to continue the class stories, add a fourth chapter. I dont want 364 new planets, 567 new war zones and 875 new flash points. Hell I dont even want new planets. Give me a fourth chapter, more companion quests and if they can a new companion and they have me. For that I would gladly pay. Of course it would be nice having new planets, FPs, Operations and stuff like that but they are not necessary for someone like me. For me the story has always been the heart of this game. Anyway my point is that this content update, in my humble opinion, is not an expansion, now you can argue with me as much as you want but that will hardly change my opinion. Thereby I believe that as loyal subscribers we should be getting it for free.

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