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I am a Newbie--Why so much hate?


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I have to agree, there is a lot of hate in this game and the people who spew it the most are idiots. I've been playing since day one but this is my first MMO. I FINALLY get my wife interested and playing the game after begging her for months. So we are both about the same level, 32 me as a Mara and her as a Sin (DPS) and we decide to do our first FP together since BT. We get Cademimu and attack and finish the first group when the Healer, an Operative, starts complaining about her having dark charge up. She's nervous so she's not paying attention to the chat, just the Droids I yell to her I'm about to CC and mark a target for her too. She didn't see the chat so I said, "She's still new" since she is. He starts spouting, "at this level you should already know your abilities blah blah blah" and then proceeds to call her an idiot! :eek: I'm like did you just call my wife a moron?


I mean is it that serious you have to insult someone because they are not playing how YOU want them to? So I typed something back, and said "Bye" and logged off and told my wife to log off as well. I didn't see a point for someone to be such a d-bag for no reason especially if I just mentioned she's new. Now you're calling people names, why should we stay and "work together as a team" when already you've proven it is only about you? I swear, annonymity makes people jerks in this game.

Edited by VigDiath
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You can keybind it to whatever you want. On all my toons I have it set to H


Also you have a maximum of 4 full quick bars you can use through the user interface, I doubt you have every ability in ALL 4 quickbars used up - - or drop one of those pets or mounts off the bar to make room for the huttball.


I think the real issue is that you can't do that until you actually GET the ball. Perhaps if it was at least in your abilities BEFORE you need to use it, you could then bind it.

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Unfortunatly there are a lot of Idiots, and Wombles in any MMO that trash people. But there are way way more people that actually do take the time to help people like yaself out....that are new to MMO-ing.


In my experience people that pvp do a lot more Trash talking than people that PvE. I have been guilty of this. When I do see people trash talking, I enjoy nothing more than going out of my way to trash those people.

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I think the real issue is that you can't do that until you actually GET the ball. Perhaps if it was at least in your abilities BEFORE you need to use it, you could then bind it.

If you have just one slot open on any of your 4 quickbars, you will get the "throw hutball" ability added to it when you enter the map for the first time. It doesn't require getting the ball.


If you have all 48 slots filled already .... you belong on an episode of MMO hoarders.

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Yeah like it has been said in a bunch of the previous posts...


You gotta figure most people are d-bags in real life. Put them in a competitive environment, protect them with anonymity, and that ratio can only go WAY up.


You have to be thick skinned in this kind of environment.




1. Join a guild. You typically can't go 10 minutes without someone spamming a recruitment in Gen Chat. There are a lot of helpful people out there, but they are even more helpful if it is their JOB to help you.


2. Tell people you're new. People are a lot more patient when you're up front about being a newbie, and thus actively trying to improve.


3. Thank the people that help. The one thing that kills the few helpful players, are when they feel used. I got a pst from some random dude when I was on FLEET, asking if I would help him with a heroic on Coruscant. Weird, but I thought "Sure community and what not". Rolled my level 50 all the way to another planet, to help this guy, find out he's got a level 49 guildie already there to help him, that he hadnt added to the group yet. (It does not take more than one 50 to help with ANY low level heroic) Help him with the quest, then the second we kill the bad guy, he disbands the group without saying a word. Didn't even stick around for turn-in and a few social points.


There are a lot of helpful people out there, but asking for help in an MMO is a lot like asking a stranger for help on the street, if that stranger is a teenager loitering at the mall, trying to impress a girl that will drop out of high school to have a baby. And smokes crack.

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Thank you all so much for the advice and good wishes! :) Unfortunately, I am not on any of the same servers as the people who offered to help--I would have liked to "meet" some of you.


I have been reading more on the boards, including some common newbie mistakes threads. I found a guild and told them I was new, and they seemed accepting, so that's good.


Only got insulted once in PvP today. (PvP is fun in spite of the bonehead ratio. I've found that healing is my favorite--I may not be great at objectives yet, but at least I can heal those who are.) Oh, and I successfully passed the Huttball for the first time.


So, once again, thanks for the help, everyone. I'm sure you'll see me around again later, as I continue the journey of newbishness. And to fellow novices: good luck!

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It wasn't so bad for those of us that got into beta, we got the basics then so in head start we knew, pretty much, what we were doing.


The Huttball thing is easy to miss, it isn't explained and can be overlooked but a little spiky ball should appear on your hotbar. Hit that and a marker will appear, place that marker where you want the ball to go and off it flies ... hopefully to the right team (it can be a pain but the ball can be intercepted).


As for the rest, it's MMO's in general i'm afraid.


While most people you bump into will be decent folk there are those that aren't or those that usually are but are just having a bad day.


They tend to be quite "vocal" when something goes wrong.

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I think the real issue is that you can't do that until you actually GET the ball. Perhaps if it was at least in your abilities BEFORE you need to use it, you could then bind it.


I'm pretty sure you get the pass ability the moment you step into the pit for the first time. Also the loading screen before the match clearly explains how the game is played, its not difficult to understand that there must be a button for passing.

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So alot of the posters in your thread prefer to give you a hug than an answer.


Everyone your playing with has a finite amount of time to play, and the game reward's sucess, not play time or trying really hard. I don't like to have my time wasted.


That being said, I have no problem answring q's or if people make a mistake occasionally. But don't wait untill after a boss kill's us to ask how to do it. If your uncomfortable with an instance say so upfront so i know to slow down and explain anything that is out of the ordinary before we start.


As to the 'Jerks' and 'WoWKiDs' name calling going on in this thread, i dunno if it makes you feel big, ******, or cool, but its not very nice.

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So alot of the posters in your thread prefer to give you a hug than an answer.


Everyone your playing with has a finite amount of time to play, and the game reward's sucess, not play time or trying really hard. I don't like to have my time wasted.


That being said, I have no problem answring q's or if people make a mistake occasionally. But don't wait untill after a boss kill's us to ask how to do it. If your uncomfortable with an instance say so upfront so i know to slow down and explain anything that is out of the ordinary before we start.


As to the 'Jerks' and 'WoWKiDs' name calling going on in this thread, i dunno if it makes you feel big, ******, or cool, but its not very nice.

There's a fair chance that the people who waste your time and are getting in the way of your gameplay are not coming to these forums to ask for advice.


I would guess that most people giving encouraging remarks are trying to acknowledge the effort to improve the game experience. It's a little snide to say these posters "prefer to give you a hug than an answer"

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Since you are new to MMOs is general, I'll like to give you some advice.


The first thing you will need is some Anti Troll Armor, if you don't know what a troll is (which you'd be surprised a lot of people don't), they are people that say things to deliberately upset others.

Or they may start a conversations just to get attention, usually in the realm of politics, religion, sexual preference or any subject that warrants attention.


The younger trolls favoring offensive slang along with insults and cussing.

No online experience in any game is free of Trolls, all you have to do is ignore them- literally, or realize what they are trying to do and learn to move on.


NEVER comment on anything they say or let yourself become upset.


Then you have your standard MMO elitist Ahole gamers, who played WOW for years and have developed real attitude problems. They are just bored of WOW might be waiting for the expansion to come out or waiting for GW2, so they came on here.


Thinking they are better then others for knowing how to play a game well. That you are somehow less of a person for playing your character less seriously.

In my opinion these people are even worse than the trolls because they are serious and these people should be ignored too.


Then you have a nice majority of people who play this game for fun and don't take it serious. Believe it or not this game consists mainly of these people and all you really have to do is reach out to them. For they are very likely being quiet and ignoring the trolls and elitists too.


It's nice to see you found yourself a guild, congrats.

The key to really enjoying MMOs is developing strong friendships with the people in them.

I wish you the best of luck my name is Sarthaxx on Drooga's pleasure barge if you need any help or just want to chat.


If you feel it's too challenging to ignore the trolls or the rude elitists. Then MMOs of any kind are not for you, stick with single player games.


I have been playing MMOs for ten years, thick skin is developed with the hobby and a requirement.

Edited by zenas
typos, to get my points acrossed better.
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So alot of the posters in your thread prefer to give you a hug than an answer.


Everyone your playing with has a finite amount of time to play, and the game reward's sucess, not play time or trying really hard. I don't like to have my time wasted.


That being said, I have no problem answring q's or if people make a mistake occasionally. But don't wait untill after a boss kill's us to ask how to do it. If your uncomfortable with an instance say so upfront so i know to slow down and explain anything that is out of the ordinary before we start.


As to the 'Jerks' and 'WoWKiDs' name calling going on in this thread, i dunno if it makes you feel big, ******, or cool, but its not very nice.


This is a example of a hybrid, half troll, half MMO "elite" player who feels he is better than others who don't play the game as serious as him .


You will most likely find players like him, in random groups. Ignore them too.

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It's the anonymity which enables a lot of this hateful behavior. Bullies are like that.. They will always hurt someone if they think they can get away with it, and the Internet enables them in a very big way.


There are some really big jerks in all MMOs, and this one is no exception. But I have found a lot of really good, nice, helpful people as well. It's just that the signal to noise ratio from the bullies tends to drown out the good voices.


There are other great examples, but this person is one of the good types of people who play this game.

Don't think because the rudest get the most attention there isn't quality people in this game.

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I'm sorry but it is your fault. It is very frustrating to play with bad players.


My advice: simply tell everyone this is your first time playing and almost every time people WILL understand that and will help you. Going turtle on it will only get you flamed. Tell them this is your first time playing and people will help you instead of flaming you.


To clarify: I have nothing against newbies and will gladly help anyone if they seek help. What i utterly hate is noobs who refuse to play well and dont listen to anyone.

Edited by celldoom
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I'm sorry but it is your fault. It is very frustrating to play with bad players.


My advice: simply tell everyone this is your first time playing and almost every time people WILL understand that and will help you. Going turtle on it will only get you flamed. Tell them this is your first time playing and people will help you instead of flaming you.


To clarify: I have nothing against newbies and will gladly help anyone if they seek help. What i utterly hate is noobs who refuse to play well and dont listen to anyone.

There is a difference between NEW players and BAD players.


Everyone was new at one point. If they're working at getting better, they should be helped. You're talking about "fault"?


Re-read the original post, I think you missed something.

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I am not new to MMO,s having played many before and I have played both seriously and as a casual.


As far as I am concerned if you enter a PuG group whether PvP or PvE you are accepting that the group you are working with may be under geared, have less experience or may have a random level of skill.


If I see anyone whining at one of the team I am on I will always ask them to accept that they are in a PuG, and if they cant stand to lose, to please leave and find themselves a pre-made. Ii they want to pick an argument with me in a WZ I will just say that in PvP we will see who is the better player at the end of the match via the scoreboard.


I am very tolerant to new and/or experienced players and will gladly provide advice or information if requested - I am very intolerant of wannabe elite players (true elites will be in Pre-mades anyway most of the time) who bully or abuse other players.

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I think it's like anything else in life; the rude people are the easiest to hear because they're the loudest. So it seems like they're everywhere, when in fact they're probably the vocal minority. The good people are there, they're just quietly enjoying the game :D


This is my first MMO too (save for a cup of coffee in Galaxies). I've got one character at lvl 34 and I'm very much learning as I go. And having lots of fun. I haven't run in to any real jerks yet, though I'm sure I will.

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People will hate because they have a mask to hide themselves. On my 3rd alts first level 50 warzone, as a guardian, I had pretty basic orange gear from leveling.


Half the team was telling me how to play, your such a noob, why didn't you buy recruit?!? These guys were geared to rim neck high. I ended up finishing in 3rd place while 1 or 2 geared guardians were speachless under me. Go figure.

Edited by Vespassian
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