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In defense of mercenaries...


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I haven't experienced post-50 as a mercenary, but I regularly play pre-50 wzs as a merc and really enjoy it and pretty much always do well, often doing double the damage or 100k more damage than other players.


I'm pyro specced at level 37 at the moment, with all orange gear with blue gear apart from my main hand barrel, which is a purple, with augments on all gear, so I am probably better geared than a lot of people I play against, but even so, I think mercenaries do take more stick than they deserve.


The key advantage mercs have over powertechs is that powertechs are designed to do their damage (and it is a lot of damage) at close range whereas mercs can do maximum damage from 30m away. If you've got a powertech flamebursting and rocket punching you in the face, it's clear who is attacking you, but mercs can be a bit sneakier and use LoS and high mobility to try and stay unnoticed.


Once you do get noticed, it is going to hurt, but kiting towards your team mates and taking advantage of heals (something that snipers can't do) can help to keep that dps over 300k.

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When you factor in PT grapple, and the ability for that PT to permasnare you, your defense of mercs goes away. Pre-50, sure they've got some strengths. Once you hit end game, you're in trouble. Everyone picks up a fairly substantial booster ability late in the game, and for PTs it's a critical hit bonus. For us? Instant cast. Distance is fantastic too, except when your opponent knows that you have to come to him to get the objective. Fact is, you have to get up close and personal as any class if you want a confirmed kill. Once you walk into a PTs comfort zone, you often don't walk back out.
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Utterly pointless thread.


Why do people do this? Oh, im not even 50 yet but we do just fine in the 10-49 bracket....blah blah.


We know. Any class can be viable and do well in the sub-50 bracket. It means absolutely nothing in relation to our class or general competitive balance. Stop it.

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Quite simply the point of the post was to essentially see if post-50 mercenaries, and their opponents, were substantially different. The first couple of posts raised valid points and I thank them ffor it. Telling me that what I want to know is pointless because you already know it goes against the point of having forums in the first place!
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Quite simply the point of the post was to essentially see if post-50 mercenaries, and their opponents, were substantially different. The first couple of posts raised valid points and I thank them ffor it. Telling me that what I want to know is pointless because you already know it goes against the point of having forums in the first place!


If your intentions were truely noble then you wouldn't have named the topic "In Defense of Mercenaries..." You are either a troll or an idoit. Ether way you bore me. Go away.

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I haven't experienced post-50 as a mercenary, but I regularly play pre-50 wzs as a merc and really enjoy it and pretty much always do well, often doing double the damage or 100k more damage than other players.


I'm pyro specced at level 37 at the moment, with all orange gear with blue gear apart from my main hand barrel, which is a purple, with augments on all gear, so I am probably better geared than a lot of people I play against, but even so, I think mercenaries do take more stick than they deserve.


The key advantage mercs have over powertechs is that powertechs are designed to do their damage (and it is a lot of damage) at close range whereas mercs can do maximum damage from 30m away. If you've got a powertech flamebursting and rocket punching you in the face, it's clear who is attacking you, but mercs can be a bit sneakier and use LoS and high mobility to try and stay unnoticed.


Once you do get noticed, it is going to hurt, but kiting towards your team mates and taking advantage of heals (something that snipers can't do) can help to keep that dps over 300k.


Good god. Your experience pre level 50 MEANS NOTHING. Stop playing a character in low levels and then turning around to the community and saying "Mercs are awesome in pvp" when you have NO experience of how the class plays at the level where it matters. I used to do 300k damage and 20+ KB's in literally every warzone between level 40-49, I even racked up 36Kb's and 390k damage @ level 45...IT MEANS NOTHING.


ANY class is viable through the level 10-49 bracket, some are late bloomers some are good from the start. Once you hit level 50, you try doing the same stuff against geared (WH Aug) opponents and you will be singing a different tune. You lack utility and mobility, both of which are necessary for a AC to do well @ Level 50. Any player who know's how to interrupt will be able to kill you easily.


Good luck trying to kite melee with no reliable root or slow. Good luck trying to kill a healer without an interuppt, the list of problems goes on. Come back once your level 50 and then give the community advice.

Edited by Archaar
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Apologies. Did not mean to be perceived as a troll. I'm enjoying the pre-50 pvp as a merc, but haven't enjoyed either gunslinger or juggernaut post-50. I was hoping someone may have been able to offer some hope. Clearly I'm about 8 months too late to get fully geared and I may as well switch to something else.


Again, not trolling here, just asking: what would people suggest?

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Apologies. Did not mean to be perceived as a troll. I'm enjoying the pre-50 pvp as a merc, but haven't enjoyed either gunslinger or juggernaut post-50. I was hoping someone may have been able to offer some hope. Clearly I'm about 8 months too late to get fully geared and I may as well switch to something else.


Again, not trolling here, just asking: what would people suggest?


I don't really like to post anymore, but I'd thought I'd be arsed to log in just to say this:


Try not to take it too personally. Many of us have been trying to provide useful feedback about this class in order to balance it in endgame pvp, only to have a handful of people who get carried by their pre-mades come in and tell us we're bad. Couple that with virtually no acknowledgment or feedback from the Combat Designer or PvP/ Ops Designer about our class role, and you get an understandably defensive, hostile player base for mercs.


I'm glad you're having fun playing your merc, and honestly if you enjoy it keep playing. I'm still out there getting curb stomped in WZs, but that's only because I've just changed my outlook from impassioned champion of merc reform to idgaf while I wait to roll my dual pistol thief in GW2.



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but mercs can be a bit sneakier and use LoS and high mobility to try and stay unnoticed.


When you step foot in 50 warzones you'll realize that Mercs have the lowest mobility out of every class in the game.


- No passive movement speed bonus

- No gap closer/leap/escape tool

- No reliable slow

- No interrupt to speak of

- No CC immunity

- No way to dispel Consular/Inquisitor's Force Slow

- Only one knockback unless Arsenal specced

- Our best abilities require us to stand still and cast


Not saying we're underpowered, I'm just saying mobility is definitely not the class's strong point. I can't speak for the DPS specs of Mercenary which I understand are hurting right now but our strengths as a Bodyguard healer are:


- Highest single-target burst healing

- Nearly un-killable once you have at least augmented Battlemaster gear because of combination of heavy armor and uninterruptible shield. Almost completely invincible when Guarded by a tank.

- God-mode for 15 seconds with full resolve + shield

- Fastest-casting direct heals and incredibly high crit chance

- Decent healing while on the move. Not as good as an Operative but better than a Sorceror

- Increase armor on heal, 5% damage reduction on Kolto Missile during SCC


While an Operative might do more healing overall I believe we heal more where it really counts and when under heavy focus fire can keep both ourselves and others alive.

Edited by Jenzali
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Merc dps is horrible. Clearly the weakest subclass in the game. Merc healer was supposed to be the lowest output, but hardest to kill healer. But BW greatly underestimated the power of the free UpperHand/TacAdvantage when used on a target <30% health. That single handedly makes Operative/Scoundrel healers the hardest to kill. The net result is that Merc healers, like their dps relations are a Pareto inferior subclass.
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