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Body Size 3 is scaring me..


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From a RL body size 3 man: time for you to turn off the computer and lift weights.


QFT. Real life Body Size 3 here as well. Was tempted to roll a body size 1 to make a weasely (if that is a word) character just to see what it was like...I felt sorry for him on the creation screen and had to click him up to 3...I can't make a 1 or a 4, 1 needs to lift weights and 4 needs to go for a run. 2 is alright in some cases.

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Female body size 4.


Damn, girl.


That actually made me mad. I wanted to be able to have a fat girl, not the hottest woman to don Trooper gear. I went with Body Size 3 for her, but dammit, ugh.


I like male Body Size 3 only because I tend to like making my male characters in games hulking colossuses; I'm always described as burly and towering irl, so I like my males to mostly match that.


Except for the Smuggler and Agent; they just have regular size-guy voices.

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I don't know. I sorta laugh at male body type 3 more than male body type 4. I mean really. Especially if they are smugglers or jedi. It just looks so rediculous.


Even Masters of the Universe characters are not as big as body type 3. He-man would be shorter than body type 3!

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On female avatars, I like body size 2 and 4.


The first first body type seems way too slight. The third is rather masculine.


I don't think the 4 on female is fat, it is more like Marilyn Monroe's body type.


It is overweight, but not really fat. Looks like she put all the extra weight in T&A.

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Keep in mind that I'm from Scandinavia and we don't really produce girly-men here.


I don't know which Sweden you live in... or when the last time you were anywhere outside, but Sweden is like the capitol of girly men. Half the dudes here look like anime characters :S


Sweden A.D. 900 =/= Sweden 2011


Back on to the topic. I don't know if people have even looked at the proportions of #3 but they are ridiculous. If you think you are buff and look anything like that then you must have a broken way of seeing the world.


Body size #3 is for guys with inferiority complexes. #2 is smaller, but at least it looks human... not Space Marine.

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I'm a miniature body size 3 guy, IRL (6' tall, but broad shouldered and barrel-chested) and I'm pretty sure these hulking behemoths in TOR are somewhere in the 6'8 - 7' tall range and probably 280 - 320 pure muscle. Which suits my Marauder just perfectly. As for the female body types I don't think I would use anything other than 3 or 4. I likes my women curvy.
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I'm a miniature body size 3 guy, IRL (6' tall, but broad shouldered and barrel-chested) and I'm pretty sure these hulking behemoths in TOR are somewhere in the 6'8 - 7' tall range and probably 280 - 320 pure muscle. Which suits my Marauder just perfectly. As for the female body types I don't think I would use anything other than 3 or 4. I likes my women curvy.


Ya. A lot of people who are "less experience" in healthy body mass, tend to forget that muscle mass is far heavier than fat. They assume that since their gut is the size of that dude's chest, that he must weigh a similar amount as them. :p


A guy that size IRL would be very heavy. (And actually those exact proportions would be difficult, if not impossible to obtain for a real person...his waist is crazy tiny compared to his shoulders. That's very hard to do. You can definitely get the V taper, but this model is a bit extreme. :p)


I'm personally 6'6" and around 240lbs, and those guys make me look pretty small in the shoulder/chest region.

Edited by Wapner
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That's the exception, imo. Troopers, Powertechs, and Juggernauts all fit with Body Size 3. It's the Agents, Assassins, and freaking Sorcerers (seriously, a roided out magician??) that look out of place.


I would agree with this in general. A body type 3 looks pretty natural on a Commando with his high tech minigun, and a Consular would seem to be more naturally smaller body type, like a 2. However, when I made my Trooper, now a Commando, I went with a body type 2. I just felt the body type looked more like my ideal for a professional soldier.


By contrast, when I made my Consular, who is now a Shadow, I went with a body type 3. I even made him a Zabrak, which is unusal for me as I tend to stay away from alien species unless I find something unique I like about them. In this case, Zabrak are still fairly human in appearace (and a noble species), and the combination of his size, the horn and hair configuration, and lighter skin tones with an interesting facial tatoo partern made an interesting contrast for a more force oriented character type. I look at him as the more gentle giant kind of feel similar to the way Michael Clarke Duncan's demeanor and voice put you at ease despite his intimidating size in roles like he played in The Green Mile and Armageddon.


The latter may be harder to pull off a Sith "caster" type, but for a Consular who has always been told how his affinity to the Force is his strength, it works and makes an interesting contrast.


Besides, he thought his trainer was just injecting him with vitamins. Well, that is his story, and he is sticking to it. :)

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Roll up a body type 2 male, take of their clothes and realise it's pretty average in general proportions, though with an athletic muscle structure. Do this with a body type 3 male and ponder how long the dude's been on steroids. There reeeally needs to be a type that sits between 2 and 3, and I'd like to see one between 3 and 4.
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