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New race available!! Yay!!


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Oooh, we get to play a new race!! Yay!

Is it wookies?

No? Darn.









Mon Calamari? No, I knew it wouldn't be them.


Protocol droid?





I'm running out of guesses.






It's not a Sarlacc, is it?


Okay, I give up....


It's Cathars?


What the *** is a Cathar?

Were those the cat nurses from Doctor Who?

No, those were Catkind.


Oh, it's not really from the Star Wars canon, it's from KOTOR?


Stupid me. I forgot that this game is SW:KOTOR and not SW:TOR.



As one of the many, many people who HAVE seen Star Wars but have NOT played KOTOR, I call this a FAIL.

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Well, we have known for some time that the Cathar will be a new playable race. I look forward to it ;) A lot.


Will have one trooper cathar because Aric has such a great romance, and a smuggler one as well. Different people like different things, as always. Hope that they will have a race that you like as well OP.


Cheers :)

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i 2nd that kitty cats come on srsly


there up there with things like


sparkly vampires



rebecca black

and all those other thing that just make you cringe


the was only one good use for cats that was thundercats the remake of thundercats was crap and your take of cats is worse

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I first remember seeing Cathar in Star wars around 1991 with the first Tales of the Jedi comics. Exar Kun shared the same master as two of them.


It is not just a KOTOR race.


My only problem is that i have used all of my character slots up :S

Edited by Shuno
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I first remember seeing Cathar in Star wars around 1991 with the first Tales of the Jedi comics. Exar Kun shared the same master as two of them.


It is not just a KOTOR race


The cathar we see in KOTOR (according to wookieepedia) isint even the main race but a sub species which is.... apparently proliferant >.>

Edited by LonewolfXIII
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Cathar are becoming a playable race because they are extremely humanoid and thus easier for the animators.


Don't expect to see any races that have a build or facial profile radically different to humans.(ie Wookies, Jawa, Mon calamari, Ewoks etc...)

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IMHO, whatever race was introduced, there would be people that were unhappy with it because it was not one that they wanted. I can understand this, and count myself as lucky that I am one of the people that really like Cathar. If they had introduced, say, Nautolans or Rodians instead, I would not be exited for the new race, so I am sorry for those that do not want to play Cathar as it is one less thing to look forward to. No need to rain on the Cathar fans' parade, though. ;)


And color me cynical, but I think the vast majority of the other "frequently requested" playable races would be much, much harder for Bioware to implement due to clipping issues (at the very least). And given how marvelously they have handled Twi'lek and Miraluka clipping issues, and how speedily they are giving us Cathar, I can only imagine the implementation of Togruta or Nautolans. :p

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Stupid me. I forgot that this game is SW:KOTOR and not SW:TOR.


No, you forgot this game was SW:TOR and not SW:Rise of the Empire / Rebellion Era. Heck, even during those timeframes you had cathar though, so essentially you just forgot that this game wasn't a remake of the movies.

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No, you forgot this game was SW:TOR and not SW:Rise of the Empire / Rebellion Era. Heck, even during those timeframes you had cathar though, so essentially you just forgot that this game wasn't a remake of the movies.


I know I'm a big fan of the movies, and I haven't seen much (or really, any) of the EU stuff. But I would think that with even a 3000 year difference in settings, not that many sentient species would suddenly become would either appear or disappear from the Star Wars universe. If you consider all the possible species in the movies that certainly would have been around 3000 years earlier, I don't see why they couldn't have picked one of those.


Okay, I really do see why. I agree with the previous posters- clipping issues and animation challenges certainly played more of a part in this decision than anything else.

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I am glad they are adding something and i feel the majority was requesting cathar back when we were putting up polls all the time. Togruta was a close second usually.


I felt they had listened to the players on what they wanted


Personally i dont care for either of those (would love sullustan or Bith TBH).


I would have prefered to see something from the MOVIES. I understand this is an EU game but that does discount that it is starwars and there are many options from the films.

Edited by kirorx
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Call me an optimist if you want, but I like to believe that the *real* reason we're getting Cathar as a playable species first is because of the polls. Cathar were either the winners or the close runner-up to Togruta (It's early here, my memory's not working right, forgive). Point is they are a heavily requested species.


Might not be your cup of tea, OP, but a lot of us are looking forward to them.

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Heres some things you should know.


The movies are not the complete Star Wars universe - Cathar appear in comics and numerous novels as well as the game - Even if they were to appear in just the game they would still be C-Canon. Cry more because they didn't add the race you wanted.


- End lesson.

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A fully voiced MMO and your first three guesses are races that can't speak basic? And then you think droid or hutt!?

Yeah I prefer Cathar...and apart Mon Calamari you havent really given any other options so way to think things through :rolleyes:


If you make a QQ thread at least try to make it viable.

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