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SWTOR PvP is pretty Decent.


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Get rid of expertise and Swtor's PVP will be the best in the Market.


Or at least, make the Bolster Mechanic account for expertise so we have a level plaing field


That'd be awesome. I'm in full campaign with campaign weapons, fully augmented.


I will blow away some ***********.

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GW 2 PvP is 1000 times better and that was just in Beta. Launching in a little over a week! Yay!


I agree. You can tell the designers of GW2 really know what they are doing and the quality of the game is so much better than TOR. The bugs that are introduced with each patch in this game as well as the bugs they ignore speak volumes about the EA and BW devs.

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50 PvP in TOR is pretty terrible.


If you don't have gear you get destroyed until you do.

If you do have gear some people are on your level but a ton aren't and you just destroy them.


Neither is fun for me I prefer a game that is more about skill.


That's why I play TOR for story and not PvP.

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Hit 50 and see how you like it.


I don't know, I guess if you love the idea of PVP combat while basically walking around or stunned, then yeah. Maybe it's pretty cool.


Still beats rolling up in your epiced mount getting stunned then one shotted back to the keep in AV :p

Edited by CKNORTH
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lol, AV was pure fun, especially in Vanilla.


I love AV the most but still riding up to our one tower and having an army of horde at the crest of the hill then getting creamed to spawn at the furthest gy I was always like awe dang it!

Edited by CKNORTH
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Remind yourself of this post when your level 50.... Better yet, check the PvP forums. Happy you like it so far though... Just don't be surprised later. :cool:


Agreed. At level 50 everyone has multiple stuns, roots, incapacitates, etc. most fights you'll find yourself not even getting a chance to react. Whoever strikes first wins. Resolve system is horrible.

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Agreed. At level 50 everyone has multiple stuns, roots, incapacitates, etc. most fights you'll find yourself not even getting a chance to react. Whoever strikes first wins. Resolve system is horrible.


I managed to play one PvP game the other day. Being Deception spec (its the only spec I find fun, madness is somewhat fun): I'd get stunned, they run, I catch up, beat their ***, someone else stuns me, I die. Now, resolve is running down while I wait 30 seconds in spawn. Everyone gets out of spawn, juggerboob charges, AoE mez, break that, stop the cap, stun, stun, dead. Respawn, repeat. Respawn, most of the team is dead in the spawn room, I try to stop the plant, instead... stun stun dead. And then spend the next 10 seconds behind the door while they get the cap.


Spending 70% of your time in PvP either stunned or stuck behind the spawn room wall does not make for good PvP.


Stun Wars

Crowd Control the Galaxy

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Ow my god i loved vannila AV, they could take upto 6 hours but my god how much fun, calling all the world boss's, champs and the riders and stuff. /drool for the old times.


I think that's the nostalgia talking. Vanilla was ridiculously imbalanced(some classes couldn't do anything, others could 1shot on a whim(arcane mages)) and the 10 hour Alterac Vally's were great fun until you realised you had absolutely nothing to show for it at the end. The queue times were horrific as well, we're talking up to 6hour queues to get into a battleground. I remember we even had people leaving 40man raids because of their AV pop.:eek: Vanilla WoW also had perhaps the worst PvP reward system in a game ever, a week of solid PvP would net you a blue pair of boots, if you were lucky.


Granted AV was and probably still is better than any other battleground WoW has. Funnily enough the battleground is a PvE race now with only the odd group of players fighting in the middle or in the towers.

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I think that's the nostalgia talking. Vanilla was ridiculously imbalanced(some classes couldn't do anything, others could 1shot on a whim(arcane mages)) and the 10 hour Alterac Vally's were great fun until you realised you had absolutely nothing to show for it at the end. The queue times were horrific as well, we're talking up to 6hour queues to get into a battleground. I remember we even had people leaving 40man raids because of their AV pop.:eek: Vanilla WoW also had perhaps the worst PvP reward system in a game ever, a week of solid PvP would net you a blue pair of boots, if you were lucky.


Granted AV was and probably still is better than any other battleground WoW has. Funnily enough the battleground is a PvE race now with only the odd group of players fighting in the middle or in the towers.


No nostalgia in it at all, it wasnt as imbalanced as you make out, there were no one man armys because if you didnt work with the team you got your head caved in faster then you could say ouch. The pvp system back then worked on ranks which were worked out at the end of every week and you had the chance to go up or down a rank which designated which gear you could wear which was a good thing, if you didnt activly pvp you lost rank and armour you could wear.


Longest AV q i ever had was 40 mins on kul tiras, and the fact is people back then didnt pvp for gear, they pvped for fun, shown by the prime example of tauren mill and barrens fights which had zero rewards for doing it apart from the fun of pvping.


People expect to have weps and armour plus fluff thrown at them for something that is basically a fun activity and games to test yourself against another team which has been turned into a geargrind and not much else.

Edited by Shingara
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No nostalgia in it at all, it wasnt as imbalanced as you make out, there were no one man armys because if you didnt work with the team you got your head caved in faster then you could say ouch. The pvp system back then worked on ranks which were worked out at the end of every week and you had the chance to go up or down a rank which designated which gear you could wear.


Longest AV q i ever had was 40 mins on kul tiras, and the fact is people back then didnt pvp for gear, they pvped for fun, shown by the prime example of tauren mill and barrens fights which had zero rewards for doing it apart from the fun of pvping.


It was very very unbalanced. Arcane mages could sheep and double pyroblast any class for a guaranteed kill, marksman hunters could easily one shot cloth classes with a aimed shot crit and a good weapon. Rogues could stunlock targets to oblivion. A warrior with a single healer could annihilate just about anything. :D I know this because I used to do alot of PvP with my raid gear. BWL gear was equivalent of some of the highest PvP gear and I could easily kill another player in 3hits with the untamed blade, sword spec procs etc..


It was a lot fun back then but by today's standard it wouldn't fly. PvP games have to be balanced to get anywhere since people won't settle for being on the losing team so much anymore.


People expect to have weps and armour plus fluff thrown at them for something that is basically a fun activity and games to test yourself against another team which has been turned into a geargrind and not much else


It's just basic human psychology, if you reward a player for an action then they want to keep doing it. PvP'ing for fun is great for a while but soon gets boring if there's nothing to progress towards or incentive to do it when it's not so fun. I play plenty of PvP games especially FPS and they do get boring after a while, even they have started implementing progression systems to keep players interested for longer.(TF2, Killing Floor, Call of Duty 4 etc..)

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It was very very unbalanced. Arcane mages could sheep and double pyroblast any class for a guaranteed kill, marksman hunters could easily one shot cloth classes with a aimed shot crit and a good weapon. Rogues could stunlock targets to oblivion. A warrior with a single healer could annihilate just about anything. :D I know this because I used to do alot of PvP with my raid gear. BWL gear was equivalent of some of the highest PvP gear and I could easily kill another player in 3hits with the untamed blade, sword spec procs etc..


It was a lot fun back then but by today's standard it wouldn't fly. PvP games have to be balanced to get anywhere since people won't settle for being on the losing team so much anymore.


clothys were squishy and plate wearers lacked outright dps, on a team of 40+40 fighting head to head with healers watching your back and melles taking the hits and ranged liked mages and hunters taking out rogues that sneaked up evened it out. Every class had a nemesis and every class was a nemesis of something.


in av you rarley went 1v1 or 2v2, flags were guarded, towers were guarded and boss's were guarded. And i myself used to demolish people in bwl gear with my warlock becuase they thought they were one many armys and used to get my *** handed to me by rogues if no one was watching my back as i would procceed to dance on there corpse.


It's just basic human psychology, if you reward a player for an action then they want to keep doing it. PvP'ing for fun is great for a while but soon gets boring if there's nothing to progress towards or incentive to do it when it's not so fun. I play plenty of PvP games especially FPS and they do get boring after a while, even they have started implementing progression systems to keep players interested for longer.(TF2, Killing Floor, Call of Duty 4 etc..)


No thats the principle of training chimps, humans want a challange and to challange themselves, the only difference is gamers have been spoilt, which in turn created the pvp stat requirment which in turn made pvp a gear grind.


And i also play tons of pvp games and i play them for fun (mainly http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/shingara/stats/170830019/ ), not rewards, rewards are nice but that is not why i do them. I take my fun from dancing on peoples corpses in pvp or being bait for my team not from being rank XX. If you dont get a rush from the fights then your doing it for the wrong reasons.

Edited by Shingara
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And then people will be crying that people in raid gear are destroying them... Genius! ...:rolleyes:


That'd be awesome. I'm in full campaign with campaign weapons, fully augmented.


I will blow away some ***********.



Bolester Mechanic....


Geniuses.... :rolleyes:

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They could just make the bolster mechanic go from 10-50 instead of as it is now 10-49. Peeps in WH etc would still have an obvious edge but it wouldn't be crazy


And if they added cross server ques the que time would nearly be instant as soon as you Clicked to que Lol! :p

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I prefer the PvP here to WoW. However, GW2, not so much. Although it's more a complete absence of widescale actually PvP outside of arenas that makes the difference. GW2 is SW:TOR, without the terrible beta Hero engine forcing everything down to 20 fps anytime you get mroe then 20-25 on the same screen.


I do like the complexity of PvPing here. If there was actually reasons to do anything besides queuing for warzones you could just as easily get in pve servers.

Edited by islander
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Bolester Mechanic....


Geniuses.... :rolleyes:


Bolster only works for levels. It brings people to the stats of their base class at 50. That's how it worked in WarHammer. That's how it works here.


Bolster does not affect bonus stats garnered from equipment. At a large enough value it can marginalize them. At a value of 0 (where 50 PvP comes in), the equipment becomes the bolster.

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PvP in this game could be decent, but ever since 1.2 when they adjusted expertise damage at level 50 has been out of control, especially when coupled with ridiculous things like 90% armor piercing on an incredibly easy to use ability. Since damage is so far beyond what it should be, it exasperates the impact CC has (since it's so easy to die in the span of being chain CCed) and abilities like Undying Rage (since damage is so high in general a Marauder can mangle someone in the span that they themselves are immune to damage.


Until damage is brought under control, PvP will be dominated by absurd spike damage which does nothing but piss most people off and leads to terrible, zergy gameplay where you spend half the time trapped behind a forcefield hoping to get back into a fight where you'll just die again in 5 seconds. There's no strategy and it's not fun.

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PvP in this game could be decent, but ever since 1.2 when they adjusted expertise damage at level 50 has been out of control, especially when coupled with ridiculous things like 90% armor piercing on an incredibly easy to use ability. Since damage is so far beyond what it should be, it exasperates the impact CC has (since it's so easy to die in the span of being chain CCed) and abilities like Undying Rage (since damage is so high in general a Marauder can mangle someone in the span that they themselves are immune to damage.


Until damage is brought under control, PvP will be dominated by absurd spike damage which does nothing but piss most people off and leads to terrible, zergy gameplay where you spend half the time trapped behind a forcefield hoping to get back into a fight where you'll just die again in 5 seconds. There's no strategy and it's not fun.


1000 expertise damage reduction entirely negates 1000 expertise damage bonus. Do the math. Previously we had a situation where 1000 expertise damage reduction exceeded 1000 expertise damage bonus, although superficially they looked the same. 5% damage bonus brings damage up to 105%. 5% damage reduction on 105% damage brings damage down to 99.75%. In other words damage reduction slowly was outpacing damage bonus and heals flatout got stronger as more expertise was added(they still do). Now the formula has been changed so that damage reduction and damage bonus from the same amount of expertise almost perfectly cancel each other out.


Additionally, pre 1.2 expertise was insufficiently high. PvE rakata gear was equal to or better than battlemaster.

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