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SWTOR PvP is pretty Decent.


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This is just from an observation I have made being subscribed to both SWTOR and Wow, I have to say that I am playing both a level 14 shadow and assassin still in starting planet greens aside from light saber and I do fairly well in war zones.. My World of Warcraft characters are pretty much in the same generic gear comparitavly as my two star wars characters at the moment I have a death knight in death night starter gear doing lvl 60-64 BG's and after a week of smashing on my low levels in star wars then trying a random in wow. Ugh....... Star Wars has less people but way way faster ques as well any level Can make a difference in a war zone. I just had to share this because I feel the more I pvp level my assassin and shadow the more I enjoy it and find that it Realy is like night and day. So kudo's to you SWTOR I hope you keep things moving the way people of any level or skill can enjoy pvp. And for those that think I'm crazy do wz's for a week and then try som BG's in wow Ugh way different.
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This is just from an observation I have made being subscribed to both SWTOR and Wow, I have to say that I am playing both a level14 shadow and assassin still in starting planet greens aside from light saber and I do fairly well in war zones.. My World of Warcraft characters are pretty much in the same generic gear comparitavly as my two star wars characters at the moment I have a death knight in death night starter gear doing lvl 60-64 BG's and after a week of smashing on my low levels in star wars then trying a random in wow. Ugh....... Star Wars has less people but way way faster ques as well any level Can make a difference in a war zone. I just had to share this because I feel the more I pvp level my assassin and shadow the more I enjoy it and find that it Realy is like night and day. So kudo's to you SWTOR I hope you keep things moving the way people of any level or skill can enjoy pvp. And for those that think I'm crazy do wz's for a week and then try som BG's in wow Ugh way different.


Remind yourself of this post when your level 50.... Better yet, check the PvP forums. Happy you like it so far though... Just don't be surprised later. :cool:

Edited by Kashley
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I think it's good too, I prefer lowbie PVP because it feels somewhat more balanced. I think it's better to start in the mid-20's though (or whenever your class gets its interrupt and other utilities).


Since we're comparing to WoW here, I did some WoW PVP and I do think that SWTOR's version is more enjoyable in just about every way. Not so fun when you hit the lvl cap, true, but WoW felt worse in that dept. too.


What I really like about PVP in this game is that the teams are smaller and you feel like you're making more of a difference. Matches are short too, I don't like the kinds that stretch over a half hour or more.

Also the time to kill is higher than in games I've played (even after 1.2). Makes matches more tactical and fun, imo. I do really wish we had more maps though, especially of the Huttball variety.

Edited by Stenrik
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I too prefer the PvP here much more than WoW or GW2. With a few tweaks, it could easily be best.

- Make the gear gap less dramatic. Recruit gear needs more Endurance.

- More Huttball maps

- Somewhat reduce CC duration |OR| increase TTK (time-to-kill)

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I too prefer the PvP here much more than WoW or GW2. With a few tweaks, it could easily be best.

- Make the gear gap less dramatic. Recruit gear needs more Endurance.

- More Huttball maps

- Somewhat reduce CC duration |OR| increase TTK (time-to-kill)




Also, I agree I love Swtor Pvp...granted I've only played WoW and Swtor :p.


My friend tried to get me into WoW, so I said "Why not!"


Went into PvP right when I could and was getting 1 shotted. Figured, well might have to get some gear. Got decent gear for my level with my friends help and was still getting 1 shot. No game under any circumstances should I get killed in 1 shot. Made it to level 63 before I got extremely bored leveling/Pvping.


Bioware really needs to optimize the engine though, WoW did run extremely smoothly.


All in all, can't wait for what the future holds!

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This is just from an observation I have made being subscribed to both SWTOR and Wow, I have to say that I am playing both a level 14 shadow and assassin still in starting planet greens aside from light saber and I do fairly well in war zones.. My World of Warcraft characters are pretty much in the same generic gear comparitavly as my two star wars characters at the moment I have a death knight in death night starter gear doing lvl 60-64 BG's and after a week of smashing on my low levels in star wars then trying a random in wow. Ugh....... Star Wars has less people but way way faster ques as well any level Can make a difference in a war zone. I just had to share this because I feel the more I pvp level my assassin and shadow the more I enjoy it and find that it Realy is like night and day. So kudo's to you SWTOR I hope you keep things moving the way people of any level or skill can enjoy pvp. And for those that think I'm crazy do wz's for a week and then try som BG's in wow Ugh way different.


post after u hit 50, then u can talk about decent.

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I think it's good too, I prefer lowbie PVP because it feels somewhat more balanced. I think it's better to start in the mid-20's though (or whenever your class gets its interrupt and other utilities)..


Yep there is some awesome balance between my purple wearing 45 Sorcerer, to a level 25...!!


There is nothing balanced about 10 - 49 PVP and the only people that say it are with level 40+ *** pawning all the noobs !!


There is as much Difference in a Level 25 against a Level 48, as there is to a level 50 recruit to a 50 WarHero..

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You can't choose what BGs to run, like you can in WoW.


In WoW, you don't have Horde and Alliance fighting on the same team. Groups in BGs here are a mix of Republic and Imperial players.


PvP here is a joke. Super Mario Kart has better PvP.


I'll take WoW PvP over SW:TOR PvP any day.


Until they make PvP here decent, I won't touch it.


Don't even get me started on how much easier it is to PvE the ranged classes ever since they nerfed Jedi & Sith.


PvP changes should not affect PvE, but they're doing it anyway.


I look forward to what class will get screwed over next in PvE just for some PvP balancing.

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I also prefer lowbie SWTOR PVP to many other games.


It does get somewhat odd at 50 though.


It's a shame you have to level




They need to put a /xp-on/off switch in the game for people who want to lock at a particular level for PvP IMO.


Hardcore PvPers are going to rail at sub-50 PvP likiness of course.

Edited by Andryah
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They need to put a /xp-on/off switch in the game for people who want to lock at a particular level for PvP IMO.


Hardcore PvPers are going to rail at sub-50 PvP likiness of course.


Yeah, they intro an xp switch, then everyone will complain how lvl 49s in full PvP gear own the BGs.


Bioware needs to take a closer look at how WoW does PvP. Because, the way PvP stands here, I don't think they looked at any other game while making it.

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I too prefer the PvP here much more than WoW or GW2. With a few tweaks, it could easily be best.

- Make the gear gap less dramatic. Recruit gear needs more Endurance.

- More Huttball maps

- Somewhat reduce CC duration |OR| increase TTK (time-to-kill)


GW 2 PvP is 1000 times better and that was just in Beta. Launching in a little over a week! Yay!

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You can't choose what BGs to run, like you can in WoW.


In WoW, you don't have Horde and Alliance fighting on the same team. Groups in BGs here are a mix of Republic and Imperial players.


PvP here is a joke. Super Mario Kart has better PvP.


I'll take WoW PvP over SW:TOR PvP any day.


Until they make PvP here decent, I won't touch it.


Don't even get me started on how much easier it is to PvE the ranged classes ever since they nerfed Jedi & Sith.


PvP changes should not affect PvE, but they're doing it anyway.


I look forward to what class will get screwed over next in PvE just for some PvP balancing.



Yeah and being geared getting one shotted in graveyards all day is fun too, might as well only wear a tabard and a fishing pole for gear lol

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Yeah and being geared getting one shotted in graveyards all day is fun too, might as well only wear a tabard and a fishing pole for gear lol


Only groups in WoW that get camped at the graveyards are the groups that can't or won't work together. Usually by a group that could work together.


No PvP is perfect, but WoW had the most fun PvP I've ever played.


And I don't even like WoW that much.

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Only groups in WoW that get camped at the graveyards are the groups that can't or won't work together. Usually by a group that could work together.


No PvP is perfect, but WoW had the most fun PvP I've ever played.


And I don't even like WoW that much.


I had a lot of fun in wow pvp too, but after playing star wars for a week I find wow pvp hard to swallow, and regardless how well a team works together there's no way to stop one shot instant death the entire bg.


I do realize I am talking from the 10-49 bracket the fifty bracket probably does suffer from the fresh fifths and geared ones but that's why the lower bracket is more appealing its less gear based and more Skill based

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I had a lot of fun in wow pvp too, but after playing star wars for a week I find wow pvp hard to swallow, and regardless how well a team works together there's no way to stop one shot instant death the entire bg.


After playing Star Wars PvP for a week, I was disgusted.


I do agree, though, one-shotting is stupid.


If only we could grind for the same gear in PvP that you can grind for in PvE, then people could easily play both anytime they wanted.


Oh, but then PvPers wouldn't feel like special snowflakes anymore, because PvP is more work (LOL, sorry, I always laugh when using the word "work" as applied to a game) they needz to have their l33t PvP gear, their special PvP stats, etc.


I think any game that forces players to play either PvP or PvE exclusively is kinda dumb.

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After playing Star Wars PvP for a week, I was disgusted.


I do agree, though, one-shotting is stupid.


If only we could grind for the same gear in PvP that you can grind for in PvE, then people could easily play both anytime they wanted.


Oh, but then PvPers wouldn't feel like special snowflakes anymore, because PvP is more work (LOL, sorry, I always laugh when using the word "work" as applied to a game) they needz to have their l33t PvP gear, their special PvP stats, etc.


I think any game that forces players to play either PvP or PvE exclusively is kinda dumb.



I think the entire problem at 50 is the gear gap, people in recruite gear should only go against people of the same gear score. As you build your gear score you advance to higher brackets of war zones, to me that would solve a lot of the problems. But hey I'm only the consumer of the product and not a designer Lol

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Yeah, they intro an xp switch, then everyone will complain how lvl 49s in full PvP gear own the BGs.


Bioware needs to take a closer look at how WoW does PvP. Because, the way PvP stands here, I don't think they looked at any other game while making it.


WarHammer Online and DAoC developers both worked on Bioware's Team.


The former's influence is on Warzone design and implementation.


The Latter was on the implementation of Ilum.

Edited by RazielHex
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WarHammer Online and DAoC developers both worked on Bioware's Team.


The former's influence is on Warzone design and implementation.


The Latter was on the implementation of Ilum.


With ilum in mind however I kinda am thinking it will explode with free to play I mean really what else are they going to do once there lvl 50?

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