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a new lead : what a mess


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I was sure they would have taken a post mortum of the Rakghoul event and though of ways to make an even better thought out event, not one that's ten times worse...


Bioware, if you actually read this, please learn from your mistakes for the next event. Unfortunately the all the future events for the next year or so are more than likely already in the can. Probably made by the old devs just before they got laid off...

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I ran it with my main...then found out about the space bug, just so happens I run all my space missions every day for the Fleet gear. That was a god send. Ninjas are everywhere in the game. You truly understand what kind of mentality you are dealing with when it comes to people when an event like this takes place. I made a post just like this one the other day, so I know EXACTLY how you feel, OP.
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Honestly I don't do these events prime time as envisioning it makes me cry. That being said the re -spawn rates of the crates should be ALOT quicker. The clicking of the terminals is only bad day one. My bet is that if you wait a few days it will be a bit easier. Everyone has the me first mentality. They have to do it now, when in a few days it won't be so terrible. I think the best bet is to be one day behind on the daily quest and it won't be so ruthless.


As for the mechanics: I definitely preferred the last world event to this one. Things popped a lot quicker and everything seemed more streamlined. Since it was quick quest givers and everything was spread out more, we had better opportunities to finish with out lines and mad rushes. Maybe next event they will have something a bit more streamlined and reminiscent of the Rakghoul event. Or maybe they will try something completely different that we will either hate or love more. I for one love the world events as it is something different to do. Does this one need a massive overhaul? Probably aspects of it do, but I feel that as long as they are trying, we should be thankful and give constructive criticism for the future. I would hate for the developers to think these events are massive failures and just stop doing them. :jawa_angel:


Have to agree here, a one-time kinda crappy wait can be dealt with. For me it seemed interminable but was really probably about 10 minutes. But going around in a phase of Nar shadda that was pretty fresh and only had 20 people in it was still very slow slogging for those boxes. Really only takes 3-4 people per sector to keep crates pretty well wiped out.

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I was amazed to see that on my server there was actually a line! People where waiting in line to get to the terminal and grouping like crazy. I mean, there is no cross faction chat but it still happened.


Yeah it could have been organized better but honestly, I did the quest 4 times today and never had to wait long for either the terminal or a group. With some exceptions it seemed to improve the community.


The downside is that there is little room to find out how it works yourself without getting yelled at :)

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