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When will we get new servers?


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tl:dr summery: Old servers suck, get new ones


I am a very concerned subscriber and this is because, week after week, my guild does our usual operations. No matter how many optimizations you guys say you do no performance issues are ever resolved. In eternity vault the turrets at the beginning affectionately named by my guild the lag boss used to be amusing, however, lately it has become quite annoying. I thought it was a great idea originally to broaden the servers by consolidating them. However, the execution of this was quite horrible and even though this thread has probably been covered 100 times nothing seems to be done about it.


As a paying customer I have the right to know what exactly is being done about this. If the answer is these are the servers we have, and that's all there's going to be than I will be subscribing to a new game. I do not pay $15 a month to be defeated weekly by server lag.


Now, I'm sure there will be plenty who flame me, but let me be quite clear. My guild Oppression has several raiding teams and has been quite successful at downing every boss in every mode. This is not a case of the environment beat me so I'm angry.


If you'd asked me a month ago how much I enjoyed playing this game on a scale of 1 to 10 I would say an eight. Today however I would rate my experience at a measly five or lower. Now putting all the other bugs aside and all the problems that there are in PVP we're left with the game that at end game content lags severely and is fraught with countless bugs and unrepairable problems. These kind of aesthetic things and performance issues sometimes get swept under the rug especially by me because I enjoyed the content at first, but because every week I come back to the same issues it makes me disappointed. There are several members of my guild who have flat out just given up. They are tired of it. So much so that they have unsubbed from the game.


The only reason why I have created this thread was to draw more attention to the matter and not to just complain to bring light to it. I do not want to see this game fail. I had been waiting for a long time for this game to come out and I put in enough time to know that what you have is a great idea but has been horribly mismanaged.


Please BW do not just comb over this thread and forget about it I may be one subscriber and many others have left this game for many other reasons but I do know that this is a very big reason why many people are leaving this game today.

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As a paying customer I have the right to know what exactly is being done about this. If the answer is these are the servers we have, and that's all there's going to be than I will be subscribing to a new game. I do not pay $15 a month to be defeated weekly by server lag.


I play on Harbinger and to a lesser extent Bergen. I have not experienced any lag on either server.


What is this lag you speak of??? And why exactly do you think it is the servers???


By the way, as a paying customer, per the terms of service you agreed to in order to access the game, you have no rights to know anything other then what they agree to tell you. Your sole right is to acess and play the game, or not (if that is your choice).


Why do people insist that their $15 give them "rights" of access to detailed information about whatever they want to know about?

Edited by Andryah
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you dislike the lag now? wait till the free players invade fleet and everyone has pets and stuff out because they just bought them at the store


I am not talking about frame rate lag, I am talking about server input lag. Big moments of boss fights where several moments go by where every character has frozen and when the lag spike is over the team has to pick up the pieces. Now if this were just an isolated incident on my computer I could chalk it up to you I have a crappy computer need to upgrade. However, my entire guild is having the same issue in every raid they do every week. Lag spikes just seem to have become a common occurrence and we're just supposed to deal with it?

Edited by Socore
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I am not talking about frame rate lag, I am talking about server input lag. Big moments of boss fights where several moments go by where every character has frozen and when the lag spike is over the team has to pick up the pieces. Now if this were just an isolated incident on my computer I could chalk it up to you I have a crappy computer need to upgrade. However, my entire guild is having the same issue in every raid they do every week. Lag spikes just seem to have become a common occurrence and we're just supposed to deal with it?


I play on The Bastion. I know the 2nd boss in LI does the same thing. You can set your clock to it almost. There is always this 3-5 sec freeze when the boss jumps on the pillars.


What I do not understand is how there is lag when only maybe 12 people are in LI. Im sure EV is the same thing. Maybe 3 or 4 raid groups in at a time. Why would it lag like that?

Edited by CharleyDanger
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I play on The Bastion. I know the 2nd boss in LI does the same thing. You can set your clock to it almost. There is always this 3-5 sec freeze when the boss jumps on the pillars.


What I do not understand is how there is lag when only maybe 12 people are in LI. Im sure EV is the same thing. Maybe 3 or 4 raid groups in at a time. Why would it lag like that?


it is an undeniable problem with the game, this coupled with every problem they "fix" they create 10 more.

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I am with the OP on this issue. We keep hearing of "server optimization", but I honestly feel like this problem is beyond all optimization. It's apparent that the servers being used by bioware cannot handle the I/O load of a high population server. I, as well as hundreds of other players would really appreciate a response on what is going to be done about this issue.

It's hard to have much faith that this will be resolved, as I read CS threads about the issue and the CS agents respond with advice on video card updates or user-end network connections.

As for the poster that claims he has yet to experience server lag on Harbinger, you must not be doing Ops or Wz.. On my server(Drooga's), its VERY bad on busy nights. Has been ever since server transfers. Just like hundreds of other ops groups, these lag spikes hit the ENTIRE op at the same time(vent confirms this obviously).

Please give us some kind of hope that you are strengthening your server backbone BW.......

Edited by Samoth_Nomad
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I play on The Bastion. I know the 2nd boss in LI does the same thing. You can set your clock to it almost. There is always this 3-5 sec freeze when the boss jumps on the pillars.


What I do not understand is how there is lag when only maybe 12 people are in LI. Im sure EV is the same thing. Maybe 3 or 4 raid groups in at a time. Why would it lag like that?


Does not sound like a classic server lag spike. Not sure what it is, but it's not classic server lag spikes, which typically affect large numbers of players at once. From the descriptions, It's localized to an instance.

Edited by Andryah
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I am not talking about frame rate lag, I am talking about server input lag. Big moments of boss fights where several moments go by where every character has frozen and when the lag spike is over the team has to pick up the pieces. Now if this were just an isolated incident on my computer I could chalk it up to you I have a crappy computer need to upgrade. However, my entire guild is having the same issue in every raid they do every week. Lag spikes just seem to have become a common occurrence and we're just supposed to deal with it?


This is the exact concern BW needs to address. The fan boys need to realize they are entirely wrong in defending BW on this issue. The lag is not computer lag, since ENTIRE OPS GROUPS of people with various specs in different parts of the world get the same lag. It's not much of an issue in KP/EV when your just farming it, but EC a single lag spike can cause a wipe. My guild is about to begin our progression into HM EC, and even in the short while we've done SM we've had a number of wipes due entirely to lag spikes at the worst moment (most notably being when bombers are up during Kephess).

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Does not sound like a classic server lag spike. Not sure what it is, but it's not classic server lag spikes, which typically affect large numbers of players at once. From the descriptions, It's localized to an instance.


which could be very possible. an older MMO i played would have bad 'instances' where lag would be worse than in other parts of the game/other instances.


players can usually spot a laggy instance quickly, and then leave and reset the instance to get a better one

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Canderous Ordo has been experiencing lag spikes on the Imp fleet that last 5+ mins at a time were you run into invisible walls on the fleet and can't zone in / out of the fleet and get kicked back to character select often. Happening every hour or so around prime time for the last few days.
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I love how he tells you that he isn't experiencing lag, and then you start spouting personal attacks. . .and then you call HIM the troll!


lol bravo to you sir. you have given a new meaning to the word arrogance


Nice to selectively read. Did you miss the part where he told the OP to basically shut up and that he had no rights?


Besides, I'm sorry, but the Harbinger does have heavy lag spikes. Over 50 people reported them on Nar Shaddaa and Tattooine yesterday, the day before I ran EV SM and we had lag issues and people on Ilum reported them as well.


I've never experienced lag until recently at all -- never had any lag or ability delay on Krath and none on Harbinger until about a week ago. I have no lag in any other game -- it is *not* a client side issue, and people saying this are being disingenuous.

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I play on Harbinger and to a lesser extent Bergen. I have not experienced any lag on either server.


What is this lag you speak of??? And why exactly do you think it is the servers???

Well, if you haven't experienced it, it must not exist....



On large server, there is tons of server lag that BW employee's keep trying to pass off as graphics lag. The problems didn't manifest until the server consolidation. The problem is this: Before the consolidation, EC operations might have 2 or 3 raid groups on the entire server. It wasn't an issue. After the consolidation, there are typically 4 instances, each with 90-120 people in them. The servers just can't keep up so the players (all of them) experience periodic 2-5 second lag.


This is an issue that should have been addressed and fixed 2 months ago. It's infuriating to wipe to content you have on farm because a lag spike delays a heal for 5 seconds or the game doesn't pick you up as moving out of an AE ability.

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That sounds like a frustrating problem, and I hope Bioware fixes it soon!


I myself have not done any ops or HM's since pre-transfer, but the lag you describe reminds me of my first times fighting Ifrit in FFXIV. It was so annoying to die due to an AOE that, on my screen, I had moved out of, yet due to server lag had hit me anyway. Stuff like that does not make for a fun MMO experience!

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I've been experiencing lag on my RP server, Beregen Colony; usually when the 'population' is listed as 'Heavy'. I don't do much in terms of Ops/WZ/FP, since I'm still learning the ropes and want to get a playthrough of the JK without doing PVP/PVE/etc., but I do note that the most frustrating times has been when I'm in the middle of combat and the lag happens, usually ending with me 'losing contact' with the server.


I'm a Star Wars fan, and I don't mind BW all that much as some have, but I am irritated by suggestions that its the fault of the player or their computer. I am currently renting one of the newest Samsung laptops capable of gaming, every factor is superior to the specifications listed for Windows 7, and my Internet connection runs at 12 Mbps. So, there is no factor on my end, making it the fault of the server and those who run it, aka BioWare and LucasArts.


Again, I'm not one of those people who is going to throw a fit and leave the game behind entirely because of lag, but it causes an interruption to the story and no end of frustration to be just getting into the game and then suddenly, "Errpr, your connection to the server has been lost". In the past, I could blame it on the computer, or on the Internet connection. Now that I've got everything optimized, there's only one factor left.


I'm with the OP on this; BW and LA need to actually fix the servers, or they're little more than overpaid technicians who quite frankly aren't worth the effort of employing.


As for the whole F2P issue someone brought up, far as I'm concerned, BW should just make new servers for them so that the paying subscribers, who already have lag issues, won't decide to give it up entirely.

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The only real solution to this problem. BW needs to buy their company back and find a new publisher, EA has no right in the MMO business for they are "too big" to care and should stick to sports titles. Any logical publisher wouldn't continue to lower funding while still requiring more subs, they do realize they are losing subs at an astronomical rate JUST because of their horrible mismanagement of a could be great MMO.


This is plainly and painfully obvious on the forums where canned responses and "we'll alert the dev team" emails never come to fruition.


This is off topic but I think this is yet another reason why we're seeing SWTOR going under, there is another thread covering this but I thought it would be a good read. Check out http://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/BioWare-Reviews-E22998.htm Seems to me there are far too many reviews blaming upper-management for refusing to listen to logical ideas and replacing their workforce with contractors... This explains a lot.

Edited by Socore
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tl:dr summery: Old servers suck, get new ones


I am a very concerned subscriber and this is because, week after week, my guild does our usual operations. No matter how many optimizations you guys say you do no performance issues are ever resolved. In eternity vault the turrets at the beginning affectionately named by my guild the lag boss used to be amusing, however, lately it has become quite annoying. I thought it was a great idea originally to broaden the servers by consolidating them. However, the execution of this was quite horrible and even though this thread has probably been covered 100 times nothing seems to be done about it.


As a paying customer I have the right to know what exactly is being done about this. If the answer is these are the servers we have, and that's all there's going to be than I will be subscribing to a new game. I do not pay $15 a month to be defeated weekly by server lag.


Now, I'm sure there will be plenty who flame me, but let me be quite clear. My guild Oppression has several raiding teams and has been quite successful at downing every boss in every mode. This is not a case of the environment beat me so I'm angry.


If you'd asked me a month ago how much I enjoyed playing this game on a scale of 1 to 10 I would say an eight. Today however I would rate my experience at a measly five or lower. Now putting all the other bugs aside and all the problems that there are in PVP we're left with the game that at end game content lags severely and is fraught with countless bugs and unrepairable problems. These kind of aesthetic things and performance issues sometimes get swept under the rug especially by me because I enjoyed the content at first, but because every week I come back to the same issues it makes me disappointed. There are several members of my guild who have flat out just given up. They are tired of it. So much so that they have unsubbed from the game.


The only reason why I have created this thread was to draw more attention to the matter and not to just complain to bring light to it. I do not want to see this game fail. I had been waiting for a long time for this game to come out and I put in enough time to know that what you have is a great idea but has been horribly mismanaged.


Please BW do not just comb over this thread and forget about it I may be one subscriber and many others have left this game for many other reasons but I do know that this is a very big reason why many people are leaving this game today.


You have a "right" to nothing more than your license. You have no legal recourse to demand additional rights nor does the game grant you any additional rights.

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