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Social Gear...totally NOT social


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I dont know how many threads have covered this but from a crafters position I have a SERIOUS issue with social gear. The fact that it is uber cheap (bought the slave girl set for maybe 2-4k total..i think) and each individual piece is modable benefits only one profession in this game and really jacks up two others.



How in the world are synthweavers and armortechs supposed to compete with gear like this? It doesnt make much sense to me to have this stuff so grossly overpowered. Yes I get the whole "well you still have to find mods" argument. Fact is if your in a guild that has their stuff HALFWAY together, that mod guy is a /tell or a voice chat question away from having each piece done.


I'm sure that I will get flamed on this post but whatever. I just saw my synthweaver and my guilds armortechs get minimized by a terrible implementation of social gear. This gear is for RP events and things like that, not questing. Get a social tab implemented, get the mod slots removed. As noted above the armor crafting professions are simply a credit sink at this points because of social gear.

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I dont know how many threads have covered this but from a crafters position I have a SERIOUS issue with social gear. The fact that it is uber cheap (bought the slave girl set for maybe 2-4k total..i think) and each individual piece is modable benefits only one profession in this game and really jacks up two others.



How in the world are synthweavers and armortechs supposed to compete with gear like this? It doesnt make much sense to me to have this stuff so grossly overpowered. Yes I get the whole "well you still have to find mods" argument. Fact is if your in a guild that has their stuff HALFWAY together, that mod guy is a /tell or a voice chat question away from having each piece done.


I'm sure that I will get flamed on this post but whatever. I just saw my synthweaver and my guilds armortechs get minimized by a terrible implementation of social gear. This gear is for RP events and things like that, not questing. Get a social tab implemented, get the mod slots removed. As noted above the armor crafting professions are simply a credit sink at this points because of social gear.


Fully modding one piece of gear is slightly more difficult than buying one item.


Its slightly more convenient though.


Fully modding a full set of gear is vastly more difficult than buying a full set.


Its also way less convenient.


Theres a lot of work involved with doing things that way.


Also remember that social gear only accounts for a small fraction of appearances: if people want a specific appearance, chances are its going to be non-social.

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The male Imperial social gear set is incredibly ugly and the hat takes the cake.


In contrast, the female Republic social gear set is actually very attractive and the headgear has a snazzy feather decoration.


Too bad that the gear is so inconsistent in appearence so as to be visually appealing for both factions. The Republic gearsets are far nicer and stimulating than those of the Imperials.

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I like the current social gear setup. It's good for a few specific looks, and the other crafts will provide the majority of other appearances. I was playing in Coruscant social clothing for the simple fact that it was the only outfit I could find that didn't have a hood on it from the time I arrived on Coruscant to after I completed Taris. Frankly, the freedom to mod social gear is great. Your synthweave robe wouldn't technically be much better than a regular piece of cloth anyway if we were to pull the realism card, and I still expect that at the end of the game, it's going to be the stuff people trade commendations for that will dominate the general population, so one way or another the crafting is going to be limited in effectiveness outside of mods.
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Fully modding one piece of gear is slightly more difficult than buying one item.


Its slightly more convenient though.


Fully modding a full set of gear is vastly more difficult than buying a full set.


Its also way less convenient.


Theres a lot of work involved with doing things that way.


Also remember that social gear only accounts for a small fraction of appearances: if people want a specific appearance, chances are its going to be non-social.


If you are a cybertech or know one, fully modding all of your gear is really quite easy. Mats are pretty easy to come by and two companions can make mods for all of your gear in one queue.


Even if you don't have access to a cybertech, every fully modded piece that drops in flashpoints can go in whatever other orange piece you want. If you already upgraded your pants and new pants drop in the flashpoint, you can take the mods out and put them in your chestpiece.


I don't really get why they didn't make aim/cunning armoring armormech and willpower/strength armoring synthweaving. It not only makes sense that armorers can make armoring and techs make mods, but also gives them each their own niche.


All of that said, the social gear is almost exclusively light armor. That doesn't really work for people who wear medium or heavy armor. I guess if you are dps/healer and don't expect to get hit, you could wear it. But it does make you a bit squishier than if you wore the correct type of armor.

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Easy way to fix this would be to allow Exceptional crafts for Synthweaveing and Armortech crafted moddable armor. It would give the armor crafting classes a definite statistical bonus while keeping the Social items competitive as well, for those who care about the look.
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It's not going to matter at end game.


Check out the base armor number on the dancer chest piece. Now put an armor mod in it and see what the total armor is.


Now, look at a level 30 orange chest piecer without any mods in it and you'll see the base armor is probably at least 150+ points higher, if not several hundred points higher. Put the same mod in it and see what your total armor is.


Armor rating is what your defence against kinetic and energy attacks is based on.


At end game, nobody is going to be using the appearance gear because it's statistically worse. While you might get away with a really low armor score for soloing, no end game raider or PvPer is going to be using that stuff.


Everyone will either be using crafted level 50 gear, or the level 50 raid/pvp gear.

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It's not going to matter at end game.


Check out the base armor number on the dancer chest piece. Now put an armor mod in it and see what the total armor is.


Now, look at a level 30 orange chest piecer without any mods in it and you'll see the base armor is probably at least 150+ points higher, if not several hundred points higher. Put the same mod in it and see what your total armor is.


Armor rating is what your defence against kinetic and energy attacks is based on.


At end game, nobody is going to be using the appearance gear because it's statistically worse. While you might get away with a really low armor score for soloing, no end game raider or PvPer is going to be using that stuff.


Everyone will either be using crafted level 50 gear, or the level 50 raid/pvp gear.



This seems to be a display bug, all "orange" items with the same mods give the same stats when worn regardless of level... just as they are advertised they do...

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This seems to be a display bug, all "orange" items with the same mods give the same stats when worn regardless of level... just as they are advertised they do...


I suspect that without mods, the piece reverts to the base stats of a white item of the same minimum level. That's not an interesting distinction since nobody would wear it without mods.

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Synthweaving and Armortech can craft orange (fully modable) gear with an extra augment slot (exceptional aka critical success). Now that is something that social gear doesn't give you.


Except, they cant. I've crafted over 60 pieces with companions at max affection. No agument slots on moddable gear. I dont think it is possible.

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Except, they cant. I've crafted over 60 pieces with companions at max affection. No agument slots on moddable gear. I dont think it is possible.


I've seen a full mod chestpiece with an aug slot in the last round of beta. But have yet to see it in live.

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I've seen a full mod chestpiece with an aug slot in the last round of beta. But have yet to see it in live.


Yea, in the last round of beta the new crafting system wasnt fully implemented. The trainers still had modable gear schematics for sale and they could also be RE'd. On live, modable gear cant be RE'd and I dont think you can get exceptional crafts either. This makes Synthweaving utterly useless, seeing how these items already are BoE.

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