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Keep Bolster, Add in Cross-Server Queues, and Seperate Warzones into brackets.


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You know, it used to be kind of nice to be able to only fight people on your own server. It established somewhat of a community. But now problems are even worse. I realize what you (bioware SWTOR team) were trying to do here, but it's simply not working, and I think all of you realize this.


High levels destroy lower levels due to more gear, more stats, more skills, more talent points which creates more damage, more synergy with devestating results. It is absolutely the worst thing about this system by far, and it completely ruins any sort of fun for the opposing team.


Separate people into level brackets in warzones, this will allow people to not totally dominate and destroy other people because they have drastically more talents, gear, skills, and raw stats than anyone else.


I realize once this is done, queues will be harder to come by. So then add in cross server queuing to alleviate this. There will still be a community, it will just be a bigger one, not confined to 1 server, but a group of servers.

Edited by Skaarrj
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Question: Why are you so adamant about breaking Warzones into brackets? What "problem" are you trying to solve?


I see you mention "high-levels" destroying low-levels. I honestly have not witnessed this in any of my Warzones unless someone is getting trained by 2+ people (this includes all my time in Beta back to July 2011).


Also, you need to realize bolstering works off of your stats relative to your level. If you are level 14, and in all level 14 epics, you will have the best stats in the Warzone. You can, and will, be a huge contribution to your team as long as you play smart.


I get the feeling you think Warzones are about killing other players--they aren't. They are about peeling, CCing, etc., to capture objectives. With that in mind, Warzones are working as intended and a lot of fun.

Edited by Kryptorchid
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Question: Why are you so adamant about breaking Warzones into brackets? What "problem" are you trying to solve?


I agree with this mans statement...


Also, why complain when the game isnt even out yet? early acces just started.

Also i want a avatar, i should do some research into how to do it... just saying...

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Please don't add cross server warzones. It destroys any semblance of a local pvp community and was for me (and im sure many others), the beginning of the end for wow pvp.


Local PvP Community is not worth the heavily imbalanced gameplay that the current bracketless warzones provide, and the amount of time it will take the queue in the future once the populations on servers even out.

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Question: Why are you so adamant about breaking Warzones into brackets? What "problem" are you trying to solve?


I see you mention "high-levels" destroying low-levels. I honestly have not witnessed this in any of my Warzones unless someone is getting trained by 2+ people (this includes all my time in Beta back to July 2011).


Also, you need to realize bolstering works off of your stats relative to your level. If you are level 14, and in all level 14 epics, you will have the best stats in the Warzone. You can, and will, be a huge contribution to your team as long as you play smart.


I get the feeling you think Warzones are about killing other players--they aren't. They are about peeling, CCing, etc., to capture objectives. With that in mind, Warzones are working as intended and a lot of fun.


You're wrong. Warzones in their current form always favor the person with the most talent points in their talent tree to maximize their damage/healing and total power contribution in the field of battle. They decimate people so quickly that recovery is impossible.


This is why things need to be bracketed in warzones.

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You know, it used to be kind of nice to be able to only fight people on your own server. It established somewhat of a community. But now problems are even worse. I realize what you (bioware SWTOR team) were trying to do here, but it's simply not working, and I think all of you realize this.


High levels destroy lower levels due to more gear, more stats, more skills, more talent points which creates more damage, more synergy with devestating results. It is absolutely the worst thing about this system by far, and it completely ruins any sort of fun for the opposing team.


Separate people into level brackets in warzones, this will allow people to not totally dominate and destroy other people because they have drastically more talents, gear, skills, and raw stats than anyone else.


I realize once this is done, queues will be harder to come by. So then add in cross server queuing to alleviate this. There will still be a community, it will just be a bigger one, not confined to 1 server, but a group of servers.




Sounds like OP is wanting a copycat of WoW's BG system.



I can't take you seriously because the game hasn't even been out a week let alone a month, there was a Q&A on Best Buys site last week where they addressed the pvp concern(s) and mentioned they would be giving it some TLC post-launch.


In laymans terms: Updates/changes will happen down the road.




As for the Bolster system, you don't understand how it works so let me clarify for you.

If you have every slot filled with an item with the most current mods that are appropriate to your level - you will find yourself at the top of the list with the most HP. It's not a fixed scale number where each players gets X amount of Endurance, it varies slightly after a certain point.



The only advantage higher level players have is more experience (in theory) and a bigger repertoire. That being said, at the end of the day - you are whining about players who can't play up to your expectations.



You WILL lose a warzone at some time, and it will happen more than once.

If that pill is too hard to swallow, then I suggest you go back to 16-bit console games.

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Local PvP Community is not worth the heavily imbalanced gameplay that the current bracketless warzones provide, and the amount of time it will take the queue in the future once the populations on servers even out.


Yes it is. I'd rather have every warzone I play from now until level 50 consisting of me getting chain ganked by higher levels than have the cross server queues and the assorted bucket of bs that comes with it.


You have to keep in mind that *********gery scales exponentially with the consequences and there are no consequences with cross server queues.

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Sounds like OP is wanting a copycat of WoW's BG system.



I can't take you seriously because blah


And I can't take you seriously because you don't see the obvious problem with the current system.


Almost every single person I talk to republic side of anchor head see's the issue plain as day. It's just the few forumers on here who think that everything given to them is 100% working with no problems or errors.


Sadly, you are mistakened.


Having access to a higher tier of talents or not makes/breaks a win/loss for a warzone.

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You're wrong. Warzones in their current form always favor the person with the most talent points in their talent tree to maximize their damage/healing and total power contribution in the field of battle.

Why is that a problem again? We are supposed to have incentives to level. IMO, this is working as intended.


They decimate people so quickly that recovery is impossible.


Um, if you are solo, ya they will decimate you. But like I said, killing people is not what Warzones are about--they are about CC, peeling, etc. If I see a level 50 SW come after me when I am by myself defending a node, you know what I do? I kite him away from the node and call for backup. If he is chasing me, he is not capping a node, and that is a win for my team.

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And I can't take you seriously because you don't see the obvious problem with the current system.


Almost every single person I talk to republic side of anchor head see's the issue plain as day. It's just the few forumers on here who think that everything given to them is 100% working with no problems or errors.


Sadly, you are mistakened.


Having access to a higher tier of talents or not makes/breaks a win/loss for a warzone.


PVP will never be balanced. Too many bads in the world.


First it will be "ZOMG brackets".

Then it will be "Nerf aoe heals".

Then it will be "Stealth too OP"




People will always lose, and they will rally the rest of the losers into finding a way to blame their shortcomings on game mechanics.


All you say is ZOMG EVERYONE KILLS ME. Provide details. What kind of gear are you wearing? How are you zpecced? What abilities are you using? What is your team compsition? What classes are you targeting first?

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This would be very simular to how Rift operated its PVP matches. I think the first MMO to really do this was WAR, Rift made improvements by allowing open servers so then you can actually play alot more warzones alot faster.


I agree 100% with the OP. The warzones need to be adjusted into brackets of 10-15 level difference. It would make it more fun for and more balanced instead of having a 4 man premade group of lvl 30's against a pug group of lvl 10-15s. You can obviously see the problem there.


As the OP suggested the cross server ques would be fantastic addition to allow players to play PVP. I do not know how much code / programing that would take but it is worth looking into. Having seperated tiers for PVP though would be much easier to implement and i expect that will be added soon.


Hopefully the add cross server ques aswell, but we can only hope. The devs are doing a great job responding to the community!

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I guess I have to wonder what the point in bracketing off the levels at this point in the game would be? How many people are in the 40-50 range? 30-40? People would be complaining that their queue times are too long, and that they can't pvp when they want to. At least this way people can get into Warzones and contribute and not have to wait for hours, or have every Warzone dropped due to lack of players. The game's not even released yet.


Later on down the line I don't see it being a bad thing. Make the brackets reasonably large to keep queue times down, but not as large as they are now.


Cross server I'm not a huge fan of, since I like to see rivalries form between factions, but honestly with the imbalances it might be the only way to actually go. I wouldn't be overjoyed with them adding it, but I wouldn't really be too miffed by it.

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I realize what you (bioware SWTOR team) were trying to do here, but it's simply not working, and I think all of you realize this.


Let the game hit release and then give it time to find homeostasis before you lobby for changes mmkay?

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No to cross server pvp. Ruins world pvp.


If you dont want to wait in the queue, go out and pvp. Dont hide behind the queues. People say the like pvp but cant handle being dominated by big pvp guilds in The open world and in warzones.

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I'm all for giving BW time to fix things. Tha game isn't launched etc etc.


But what the OP brought up is far from a non-issue.


I play on The Progenitor, Republic side and I've been in 7-8 warzones. 7-8 losses.


NP for me, I don't get all worked up on pvp losses or on videogames in general (I play seriously, I just don't get worked up), but on average my groups were 6-7 levels lower than the imps. In one occasion I played against a lvl 40 (while my group 14ish), he almost held the fort all by himself while the others stormed around...

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pls dont change the system!


its the first time i had fun right from the beginning in warzones.


it was the most annyoing thing in wow . you could enter bgs only every 10 lvls 19,29,39...


otherwise you would get destroyed.


That System is just fun!


If you loose all the time (what might be the case, otherwise you wouldnt complain) its not the system!


and NO to cross server!

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pls dont change the system!


its the first time i had fun right from the beginning in warzones.


it was the most annyoing thing in wow . you could enter bgs only every 10 lvls 19,29,39...


otherwise you would get destroyed.


That System is just fun!


If you loose all the time (what might be the case, otherwise you wouldnt complain) its not the system!


and NO to cross server!


Well with that system if you were 10 you would get destroyed by 19s...now if you're 15 you get destroyed by 40s...

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Ok, you're good. Very good. You eat level differences for breakfast. Thing is, when your whole group is outleveled by 7-8 levels (or more) it gets tricky to win a warzone.


Just saying.


Completely untrue. Playing republic side we are, of course, the "newbs" of PvP. I'm currently level 27 and been doing Warzones from well level 10-27 as I have just started my Corr quests.


At anyrate


Yesterday I ran into a "guild group" of 4 50's in Alderaan and Huttball.


Alderann we 3 capped them and they later got 2 back but then we won by 90 points.


Huttball we won 4-0.


I was the highest level in the Warzone most people were lower 20's or in the teens.


The bloster system does many things, 1 makes pvp fun for all levels (if you get "destroyed" by someone, rethink how you're playing) and I say that because a level 10 sniper is one of the MOST dangerous people on the battlefield, lord do they hit hard. I digress.


2nd it makes it so you can group with you guild mates/friends. I could be level 50 they could be 14 we can still pvp together.


3rd Cuts down on que times, if the system was in brackets odds are I wouldn't even pvp until 50.


The system should stay as is, because there are FAR more Pro's then Con's.

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