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Horrible Event


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"Well I hope sandboxers are happy now. Empirical evidence that people hate that sort of stuff is right here.


Chill it OP. Still early days of the event. Granted it hasn't started as epically as the RP one but how about we wait to get past the first day before we start ripping it a new one."


Well you do not know what a sandbox is, that much is clear. Sandbox does not mean puzzle every time you turn around. Sandbox means being able to decor your ship/house. Sandbox means being able to have your own temple area for ceremonies. Sandbox means having a whole space sim with dozens upon dozens of parts with ship components. Sandbox means having your own city for your guild. Sandbox means grinding npcs for a elusive drop of a holocron, devs dont get any ides no one liked that lol. Sandbox means character immersion like riding around in a at-st or at-rt, or for that matter having a camo pack on your toons back. This event has nothing to do with sandbox.

Edited by CrazyOldMystic
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I enjoyed the event parts I did today. I am going to finish it again on 2 more characters tomorrow. I plan to get 2 rifle bows and 1 sniper bow. I will put the sniper bow on Gault until I have a sniper and one of the rifles on my OP healer and the other I am saving for HK-51 ... oh yeah .. you guys remember that a ranged dps droid that most of us are excited about is coming out and he can use the bow right? As far as the speeder, its slow because its garbage. I mean that literally, the thing smokes and debris is left in its wake. It looks awesome in a dingy kind of way.


Thinking about getting the mount for my smuggler, it would fit her in someway =) Sure it's a little beaten up and one of the engines is a little iffy, but old Betsy never gives up.

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A hint as to where to go would be helpful.


Of course, a little checking online goes a long way to to cutting down on the frustration.


They gave plenty of hints...like the fighting on Dromund Kass SP and if you actually looked at the corpses they gave a clue...right outside the SP another clue...big News Terminal on fleet ...instead of just blindly running through the game look around once in awhile. Or do you did waited for someone else to figure it out ..some are followers some leaders..

Edited by Philastra
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ex·po·si·tion (n)

1. A setting forth of meaning or intent.


a. A statement or rhetorical discourse intended to give information about or an explanation of difficult material.

b. The art or technique of composing such discourses.

3. Music

a. The first part of a composition in sonata form that introduces the themes.

b. The opening section of a fugue.

4. The part of a play that provides the background information needed to understand the characters and the action.

5. An act or example of exposing.

6. A public exhibition or show, as of artistic or industrial developments.


Yes, I could've used that word, but I wanted to demonstrate the sparse information the cutscenes gave us so far.

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They gave plenty of hints...like the fighting on Dromund Kass SP and if you actually looked at the corpses they gave a clue...right outside the SP another clue...big News Terminal on fleet ...instead of just blindly running through the game look around once in awhile.


Yeah... this right here.

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edit: has anyone found out what the reward is upon total completion?


From what I gather, 9k credits a title and a pet all for the price of a few hours of frustration and a small portion of your sanity.



Edited by Gomla
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From what I gather, 9k credits a title and a pet all for the price of a few hours of frustration and a small portion of your sanity.




Lol! :D I read these comments about this event and it only reassures me I did the right thing by unsubbing. :p Sounds like they rushed this event out fast in a attempt to hold off the grumbling while they concentrate on the free to play conversion. :cool:

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They give you a general idea. 5/9 items have a clue as to which area to search and what you might be looking for to be seen around the starports and the promenade. The 6th... is, well, everywhere and all it takes is a moment's observation and a bit of curiosity to figure it out.


I saw zero indication of anything of the sort and I spent a couple of hours on it yesterday. Blindly stumbling across a smuggler crate is not my idea of a good clue either. Either way, bad implementation.

Edited by Gungan
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I'm not sure what to think of the event yet.


I haven't had problems with fellow players on my server, we regularly form groups and help each other out which is cool. Some of the quests were interesting as far as the ideas behind them went (the mirrors in Grathan's estate, the chase of the bounty hunter on Nar Shaddaa).


On the other hand, the endless hunt for the tiny crates is kind of grating on my nerves and the rewards are rather lackluster (the bowcasters are ok, I bought one for one of my alt's companions, but the speeder with the damaged engine is nothing special and the sandpeople outfit is a joke visually).


Still, I appreciate the fact that the event made me play with my main toon which I hadn't done in quite some time.

Edited by alricka
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The event is not fun. I spent 3 hours farming crates on Nar Shaddaa. The rewards are horrible. I'm okay with having purely aesthetic rewards, but only if the event is fun. The last event was the most fun I have had playing this game. This event makes me want to cancel my sub. Can't believe I waited three months for this.
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I saw zero indication of anything of the sort and I spent a couple of hours on it yesterday. Blindly stumbling across a smuggler crate is not my idea of a good clue either. Either way, bad implementation.


It wouldn't be a very good smuggling crate if it had a giant neon sign saying "Open Me" with an arrow pointing to it.

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  • Dev Post
Hello everyone. We had to remove several posts from this thread for being off-topic or for being personal attacks. Please remember to keep personal attacks and "haters vs fanboy"-type arguments out of the forums. Providing your feedback is fine, and we appreciate constructive comments, but please avoid insulting others or bashing the game without giving actual feedback.
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I enjoyed the event. I don't know why people stuck around on full instances to fight crowds instead of just switching to one of the other 4 available with 15% of the people....


The bowcaster rewards are great and is the main reason I did the event. It was a very welcome bonus to find out that these are BoL weapons (the one thing missing from Legacy vendors). Now I can send my bound barrels to my alts :)


The only item that really disappointed me is the 90% speeder. I hope a 110% one (or a repair kit for that one) becomes available as the event continues.

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It wouldn't be a very good smuggling crate if it had a giant neon sign saying "Open Me" with an arrow pointing to it.


And there being 2000 of them around the planet does not scream, "Hey customs guys over here! A truck load of suspicious packages has appeared in town."?


The existence of the smuggling crate portion is the worst part of the whole event, especially since you have to find about 20 to get the 6 quest items if the rng hates you.


At the very minimum, a satisfactory introduction to the event indicating that one or more items may have been smuggled in pieceso onto the planet would have added some much needed context.

Edited by Gungan
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You used a bowcaster just because it was in your database.



Hold on.. do you even know how MMO's are made?


You do know EVERY MMO puts items/quest/content into their patches before they use them right? Unless you want to download a 3.4 gig patch everytime.


Im sure as heck we got stuff for 1.4 in the files already.


like a spoiled brat, "Mommy i dont want this, it was in the store's back room."

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Apparently you have to be careful when giving constructive criticism about this event or else they delete your post and send you a warning so let me try this again...

The event is extremely boring to me and I don't think it was very well thought out. It appears to me as if there was very poor planning put into this event as it is a simple fetch event that resembles an extended daily quest rather than something new and exciting. There is no fresh dialogue, no challenge or difficulty involved other than trying to outclick the 80% of the players that don't understand what they are supposed to do for each quest because they would rather just click the glowing item, and the rewards were poorly thought out. The only benefit at all to this event is that you can get a legacy weapon to transfer color crystals with between your alts. This event would have been much more enjoyable with more challengable mobs and puzzles. I don't want to be bored running around in circles trying to click a smugglers crate before someone else I want to run a gauntlet with a group in a world event...I want something fun! This could have been fixed by instancing parts of it to eliminate the outside forces ie ignorant players who don't know what they are supposed to do on the quests and then ramping up the difficulty.

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And there being 2000 of them around the planet does not scream, "Hey customs guys over here! A truck load of suspicious packages has appeared in town."?


The existence of the smuggling crate portion is the worst part of the whole event, especially since you have to find about 20 to get the 6 quest items if the rng hates you.


At the very minimum, a satisfactory introduction to the event indicating that one or more items may have been smuggled in pieceso onto the planet would have added some much needed context.


I liked the open world PvP during the crate hunt so it didn't feel like a grind to me. I do like the idea of adding the context of that item into the event but I'll be honest and didn't read the mission details yesterday so maybe there was a clue in there somewhere.

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I notice you totally skipped over all those people complaining about the lack player choice or player dialogue.


I didn't bother with this event after the first 15 minutes because I saw it for what it was; a giant waste of time with little story to actually get me invested. No character dialog, no companion dialog, half the info done through items mailed to you, it may as well have been WoW, except add in super long load screens getting between Nar Shadda and Dromuund Kaas.


Also, summarizing a thread without reading all the posts sounds a bit like space-barring from 1-50 ;-0


Well you see the people who dislike the event for the lack of dialog disliked the rakghoul event as well. Since it appears most people liked the rakghoul event, that would put those concerns in a severe minority group and not be worth addressing in a summary.

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I liked the open world PvP during the crate hunt so it didn't feel like a grind to me. I do like the idea of adding the context of that item into the event but I'll be honest and didn't read the mission details yesterday so maybe there was a clue in there somewhere.


I can assure you I scoured the mission log and there are no clues of any kind in the log except for the portions you get in the mail.


The problem persists in the quest mechanics. When you are following the bounty hunter, who would possibly think that following someone means "look for little circles on the ground" instead of "where did that mob go?" I am following a mob, not a bouncing ball, at least make the points of interest footprints or paint scrapes on the wall or any kind of marking at all that a bipedal humanoid would make.

Edited by Gungan
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Well you see the people who dislike the event for the lack of dialog disliked the rakghoul event as well. Since it appears most people liked the rakghoul event, that would put those concerns in a severe minority group and not be worth addressing in a summary.




I loved the rakghoul event, but for a different reason. It was neither tedious nor boring. They managed to get the entire fleet infected with a plague. You didn't even have to fully participate in the event to be pulled into it. They didn't need any other mechanism to draw you into the story it was part of the world you were playing in.


Your entire argument is flawed; this event is boring and tedious; character dialogue could have helped that by drawing you into the problem; making it so that you the player had some thoughts or insight into what was going on, rather than blindly following the scavenger hunt.


Plus; regardless you can't just say, "these people must be a minority thus ignored" there is simply no argument there, it is so ludicrous I can't believe I read it...

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