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Experiencing An High Amount Of Lag [ Alderaan Warzone ]


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Hello Everyone


Are guys experiencing the same problem? obviously i am complaining about this because my connection is 4/4(full) and i hava lag,bah! Naturally i always have no downloading programs active that could low the game performance.


Strange is i experienced it only in Alderaan because in Huttball and Voidstar i don't have almost any lag.Some people say this is normal for a starting MMO and then in the next few weeks they will fix it;i hope it!! Anyway i have almost always around 100fps Latency and i think this is not normal because some ppl have like 50-30fps :eek

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I have the same problem. Alderaan is the worst of the 3. My connection is always full and never have any issues anywhere else but in PvP. Bad part of me is I play a Smuggler and to do some things I have to change my stance. I could hit button to change but has good 2-3 second delay and sometimes that is difference in life or death.


At least I'm not only one with the problem.

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Hello Everyone


Are guys experiencing the same problem? obviously i am complaining about this because my connection is 4/4(full) and i hava lag,bah! Naturally i always have no downloading programs active that could low the game performance.


Strange is i experienced it only in Alderaan because in Huttball and Voidstar i don't have almost any lag.Some people say this is normal for a starting MMO and then in the next few weeks they will fix it;i hope it!! Anyway i have almost always around 100fps Latency and i think this is not normal because some ppl have like 50-30fps :eek


Yup Alderaan is lag city -yet my ping is 50-70ms -on Voidstar im getting 30-40 kills on alderaan lucky if i get 5 with the lag.

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