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Looks like new event - Chevin & Nar Shaddaa


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Never been to prime but I go to PAX east every year and it always seems smaller (don't know the numbers just going by perception so I could be wrong)


Gencon 2011: 36,733 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gen_Con)

PAX East 2011: 69,500 (http://www.joystiq.com/2011/03/14/pax-east-2011-attendance-69-500-officially-becomes-biggest-pax/)

PAX Prime 2011: 70,000 (http://www.joystiq.com/2011/08/31/pax-prime-attendance-grows-to-70-000/)

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The cynic in me notices it is 3 days until all 6 month subscribers have to pay again ...


But let's be happy - they do do stories very well :):)






EDIT You Tube video here - I'm off to play


Sweet! cant wait! bump for an awesome find!

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It wont happen until a patch.


Like perhaps the patch we had last week? They're not exactly going to put a surprise event in the patch notes.. at least they didn't for the Rakghoul event.. at this point I think its safe to assume the assets are already in the game (especially considering the fact that Torhead has the event data mined) so really we just have to wait for whatever internal spawn timer Bioware set to go off.. kindof annoying that they announced it so soon before the event actully started.. I wasnt there fior the first few hours of the rakghoul event but didn't it start like within an hour of the announcement going live?

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Like perhaps the patch we had last week? They're not exactly going to put a surprise event in the patch notes.. at least they didn't for the Rakghoul event.. at this point I think its safe to assume the assets are already in the game (especially considering the fact that Torhead has the event data mined) so really we just have to wait for whatever internal spawn timer Bioware set to go off.. kindof annoying that they announced it so soon before the event actully started.. I wasnt there fior the first few hours of the rakghoul event but didn't it start like within an hour of the announcement going live?


I think so. We just have to wait for an announcement on the fleet from news booths or for someone to post on the forums.

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But during the Rakghoul event, if you tried to leave on your ship while infected (your hangar is a class story instance, remember) some containment officers would utilize lethal force to try to stop you.


Aha, I remember those guys. Didn't pose much challenge to a level 50, but it was interesting to see a Jedi beat up Republic Troops.


Anyway, I've been looking forwards to a new event since the Rakghoul one ended (still holding out hope it'll come back next year :) ) , can't wait to make some Grand Acquisitions! I'll keep my schedule open for the rest of the week.

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Aha, I remember those guys. Didn't pose much challenge to a level 50, but it was interesting to see a Jedi beat up Republic Troops.


Anyway, I've been looking forwards to a new event since the Rakghoul one ended (still holding out hope it'll come back next year :) ) , can't wait to make some Grand Acquisitions! I'll keep my schedule open for the rest of the week.


Haha yah same

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It was most likely put in game with the last patch. Just hasn't been activated yet. It was the same with the Rakghoul Pandemic.


My memory must be off then. Anyway, all the "stuff" has been in the game clients for a long time as this event has been data mined to death. Guess I just figured it would have to be patched to activate the event. I hope I'm wrong!

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My memory must be off then. Anyway, all the "stuff" has been in the game clients for a long time as this event has been data mined to death. Guess I just figured it would have to be patched to activate the event. I hope I'm wrong!


Same. I would like the event some time today :p

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I'm hoping that some kind soul will shout here on General when it starts so that try to end whatever real life thing I'm currently doing and head home to my little computer as fast as possible ;)


*bounce bounce* :D:D


Haha same

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