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Looks like new event - Chevin & Nar Shaddaa


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OH BOY ! One event every six months. I happy we get one and all, but come on. I've played many cheap F2P that have a staff of ten people that push out a new event every single month. Sad.


At least we get something. Enjoy all, this is all we will see for months. I have fallen to the darkside now. I really wanna move onto a new game now, but there's nothing out there that's Star Wars . :(


There's no way in HELL we're gonna see fresh new content every six weeks. Not gonna happen.

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OH BOY ! One event every six months. I happy we get one and all, but come on. I've played many cheap F2P that have a staff of ten people that push out a new event every single month. Sad.


At least we get something. Enjoy all, this is all we will see for months. I have fallen to the darkside now. I really wanna move onto a new game now, but there's nothing out there that's Star Wars . :(


There's no way in HELL we're gonna see fresh new content every six weeks. Not gonna happen.


Don't turn this into hate thread. Just don't!

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Just to add to that. The levels scaled but only for the event specific quests and enemies. The "normal" enemies that just happened to be there remained the same level.


It scaled but to not get completely swarmed by the nearly by none scaled NPC (was on tattooine so around Lv25) you still need to e around Lv20 if you wise to solo the whole thing or I guess you can bring your friends and have them carry your <20 toon.


IF the event take place on Nar Shaddaa which is even lower level zone (for imps) Maybe its viable for toons Level 12 and up.


Wonder what's the new shinies gonna be. Maybe black white crystal or something insane. Maybe mini Chevin pets?

Edited by warultima
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It scaled but to not get completely swarmed by the nearly by none scaled NPC (was on tattooine so around Lv25) you still need to e around Lv20 if you wise to solo the whole thing or I guess you can bring your friends and have them carry your <20 toon.


IF the event take place on Nar Shaddaa which is even lower level zone (for imps) Maybe its viable for toons Level 12 and up.


Nar Shaddaa is the same for both factions. It's levelwise bellow Tatooine. I believe it was something like level 18? Could be wrong.


Edit: Just checked and Nar Shaddaa is level 20-24. (that is for the non bonus quest series area) So Yeah a level 18 or something shouldn't have that much trouble.

Edited by dosadnik
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Bleh, why post the video if it hasn't started yet?


Oh, I don't know - to alert players in advance so they can choose to participate and not miss it, as some apparently did last time?


Why complain? It seems no matter what a game company does, forumites COMPLAIN. New event? Bleh, how come there haven't been more? Bleh, why are we getting advanced notice on this one?

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Bleh, why post the video if it hasn't started yet?


Because players on this very thread were complaining that BW should release details of an event prior to it starting so people could "plan their time accordingly".


- Arcada

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IF the event take place on Nar Shaddaa which is even lower level zone (for imps) Maybe its viable for toons Level 12 and up.


You'd be having a really hard time on Nar Shadaa if you went there at level 12. You have to be level 15-17 to even hurt Nar Shaddaa mobs. This might be a live event that spreads across the planets though. That would be interesting.

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I have a question if there's still a BW Staff member still on: Is the announcement for this more in advance than the Rakghoul event? I remember that event was in-game on the day it was first announced. If so, is this in response to players complaining that there wasn't enough warning causing people to miss most of it?
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Why complain? It seems no matter what a game company does, forumites COMPLAIN. New event? Bleh, how come there haven't been more? Bleh, why are we getting advanced notice on this one?


I have a feeling that the poster we just referenced would have been joining the chorus requesting more details had the youtube video not been released.


The only depressing thing about this game is *some* of the people who play it.


- Arcada

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What did the Chevin's translated text say in the video? I couldn't squint enough to tell what he was saying (and I'm at work so I didn't want to full screen it on my work PC).


Click the gear icon and you can select a higher resolution. Also full screening might help.

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Something else also. You won't even be able to go to Nar Shaddaa at level 12. You get your ship at around 16, so 14 is like the minimum you can get it. Definitely not level 12 though.


Interesting point. However, I *heard* someone claim the other day that you could go anywhere you wanted, provided you could convince someone with a ship to take you (join group, enter ship, travel to destination, exit).


I suppose once you are there you could always fleet pass out.


Can anyone confirm this capability?


- Arcada

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Why is the event announced before it has started? Kinda seems silly to say "Come meet our representative" when he doesn't really exist yet.


The video should of been different. Maybe him saying he will arrive at 12 noon. As an example then start the event at 12 noon

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Why is the event announced before it has started? Kinda seems silly to say "Come meet our representative" when he doesn't really exist yet.


To be fair bioware are getting "damned if they do, damned if they don't" on this one


The feedback from Rakghoul Plague said "give us more warning!"


They listened and I applaud them for that :)

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