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Looks like new event - Chevin & Nar Shaddaa


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Why is the event announced before it has started? Kinda seems silly to say "Come meet our representative" when he doesn't really exist yet.


People complained that there wasn't any warning that there was going to be an event. So they couldn't make the most out of it. So they are acting upon feedback and giving us a fair warning that there will be an event fairly soon.

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Why is the event announced before it has started? Kinda seems silly to say "Come meet our representative" when he doesn't really exist yet.


Scroll up a few posts and you'll see people specifically asking for event details prior to the event starting.


This is in response to people who complained that they weren't given enough fore knowledge of the rakghoul event.


- Arcada

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Awesome can't wait. But those of you that can't stop complaining, just go away. Seriously, some of you complain about everything. If Bioware discovered a cure for cancer you would still complain they didn't discover it yesterday.
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Oh, I don't know - to alert players in advance so they can choose to participate and not miss it, as some apparently did last time?


Why complain? It seems no matter what a game company does, forumites COMPLAIN. New event? Bleh, how come there haven't been more? Bleh, why are we getting advanced notice on this one?


I complained because the video said go to nar shadda. And yes no matter what this company does people complain, it happens in every mmo, but with bw and swtor how often have they actualy done something right?

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Interesting point. However, I *heard* someone claim the other day that you could go anywhere you wanted, provided you could convince someone with a ship to take you (join group, enter ship, travel to destination, exit).


I suppose once you are there you could always fleet pass out.


Can anyone confirm this capability?


- Arcada


Tried this the other day with an alt.. I got a message that I couldn't enter because I had no ship myself..

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Because players on this very thread were complaining that BW should release details of an event prior to it starting so people could "plan their time accordingly".


- Arcada


Mhm. Plan for event that will be happening "soon". Eh. I know there's supposed to be some excitement about it happening "all of a sudden", but some rough kind of date would be nice. Today, tomorrow, or later in the week?

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Interesting point. However, I *heard* someone claim the other day that you could go anywhere you wanted, provided you could convince someone with a ship to take you (join group, enter ship, travel to destination, exit).


I suppose once you are there you could always fleet pass out.


Can anyone confirm this capability?


- Arcada


Well yeah technically you can do that I believe. But you'll still be having a very hard time dealing with the event on your own. Maybe with a friend though...

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I have a feeling that the poster we just referenced would have been joining the chorus requesting more details had the youtube video not been released.


The only depressing thing about this game is *some* of the people who play it.


- Arcada


You could always check my posting history. :p


The only details I really want regarding a live event is when and where. We got the where, but not the when. Also knowing roughly how long an even will last is pretty important in my book, since thus far, we don't know when or if these live events will ever return.


Edit: Plus, I'm not the only one who saw the video, went to Nar Shadaa, and wondered where the event is. It's kind of confusing.

Edited by Coldin
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Awesome can't wait. But those of you that can't stop complaining, just go away. Seriously, some of you complain about everything. If Bioware discovered a cure for cancer you would still complain they didn't discover it yesterday.


If bw found a cure for cancer it would be discovered that the cure gives you something that causes chronic explosive diarrhea, an orange affro , your skin to turn green and kills you even faster than cancer. But they would fix it in 7 or 8 months and then it would do all that but only turn your skin blue.

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Mhm. Plan for event that will be happening "soon". Eh. I know there's supposed to be some excitement about it happening "all of a sudden", but some rough kind of date would be nice. Today, tomorrow, or later in the week?


Early stages just yet. They might do just that over the next few hours.


I personally enjoyed the Rakghoul event and don't mind learning about these events in-game. I think the trick is either making the event longer, or making sure players can get some kind of decent reward per evening.


- Arcada

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Just to add to that. The levels scaled but only for the event specific quests and enemies. The "normal" enemies that just happened to be there remained the same level.


Just to add to this.

The event should only require completion up to getting your own starship.


The reason being that the Chevin said "Those that cant travel space, need not apply"

I reckon it will be more of a "Go here, meet this person, get jumped by scaled enemies on way back to ship, Go here etc etc"


Hopefully with a bit more too it.

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If bw found a cure for cancer it would be discovered that the cure gives you something that causes chronic explosive diarrhea, an orange affro , your skin to turn green and kills you even faster than cancer. But they would fix it in 7 or 8 months and then it would do all that but only turn your skin blue.


Eh. Have you heard of chemo? Does most of what you describe.


- Arcada

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Just to add to this.

The event should only require completion up to getting your own starship.


The reason being that the Chevin said "Those that cant travel space, need not apply"

I reckon it will be more of a "Go here, meet this person, get jumped by scaled enemies on way back to ship, Go here etc etc"


Hopefully with a bit more too it.


I thought it was just a flavorful way of saying you'd have to go to multiple planets, so you'd better hurry up and level to ~18 and get your starship.


But during the Rakghoul event, if you tried to leave on your ship while infected (your hangar is a class story instance, remember) some containment officers would utilize lethal force to try to stop you.

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