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A Thousand Papercuts


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Please stop making the automatic logout due to inactivity so aggressive. If I am pressing any key on my mouse or keyboard in game, I am not inactive. I had a hard time coming up with a name for a character once and was cycling through the random name generator for ideas. Without warning, *boom*, logout due to inactivity and lost all of the time spent customizing that character.
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I would like to see some sort of a way a percentage (that i as a player can set) of credits collected could be deposited directly into a guild bank, or into a legacy fund.



Also the ability to pull my individual crew skills onto my hot bar.


Once you hit 50 "unique" speeders should have top speed boost applied, like the CE mount and event mounts etc.

Or allow speeder venders to "upgrade" speeders to increase speed.

Edited by FontusSW
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[*] Come hither sitting pose.

Could we maybe have a pose that wasn't quite so....yeah.


rofl :o


From other posters:

Sending my companion out to sell all my grey junk is fine and well, but clicking through every single item at a vendor is tedious at best.


Agree, there should be a sell trash button when you are talking to a vendor.


It’s not easy to determine the level of a given item’s augment slot.


Moreover, item mods in general are a nightmare to compare. How does my Reflex Mod 19 in my inventory compare to my Mod (42) that's slotted in my boots? No way to know! Why are there differnt numbering systems!!!


What do I do with all of my planetary commendations now that I’m level 50?


Very hard to address this without encouraging people to save and trade up. What I would really like is a way to clean up that tab in my inventory. Why do I still have lines for Centurion Commendations, Champion Commendations, Battlemaster Tokens, etc.


A "Show Nonzero Only" button is all we need.


Now my own papercuts:


  • Scale mission respawn timers to number of players in the instance.
  • Trade in Tionese Crystals for commendations and vice versa at 3:1 rate
  • Space barring and Movies at the beginning of warzones. Need an option to always skip.
  • The Big Jedi Butt!!
  • Friends List often shows empty until you drill down into it.
  • Gear manager, dual spec, etc. for pve/pvp gear/specs.
  • As Amuntet said, Respawn at Flashpoint/Operation checkpoint, instead of back on the fleet/ilum. At least give us the option so people can repair gear if they need to.

Edited by LarryRow
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Is it cool to add a -check box- that will enable/disable cutscene clips that loads up during Novare coast and Voidstar?


This would be a really nice temporary fix. However, in the long term I wish they would re-do the warzone intro's to no be cutscene's, but be actually part of the game play. For example:


Novare coast. The cut scene shows people arriving on boats, etc. Why not load starting out actually on a boat? That would have been cool.


Voidstar: Why not start on the shuttle flying to the ship? When you land the game begins.


Would be much better than a cutscene imo.

Edited by Elboc
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I'll keep this particular Papercut to one topic




While the take-off/land animations are fine (but we usually spacebar through them) the timing of WHEN your ship takes-off/lands and what prompts the take-off/landings are awkward, a little immersion-breaking, and often require re-re-loading a planet (and the loadscreen that comes with that). Sigh.


Here are my suggestions for revised starship piloting:





1. Navigation to planets occurs as normal


2. When you wish to LAND, you press a control on a panel on the bridge (no more running to the door to trigger the animation and loading)


3. After pressing the Landing Control, the landing/loading animation occurs as it now does EXCEPT when you finish the load you are STILL ON YOUR SHIP and not in the hanger/spaceport.





1. You can leave/enter your ship while docked/landed through the main hatch door WITHOUT TRIGGERING THE TAKE-OFF.


2. After landing, you go to your door and exit. This works like an elevator (but doesn't need a load screen) and you end up outside your ship as you do now.


3. If you have to go back to your ship to have a holoterminal conversation, you don't first take-off, have the conversation, then find out you have to go back down to the planet and load it again.


4. The interior of your ship exists ON THE PLANET (or space dock) and you see the hanger outside your cockpit window until you take off.


5. When you enter your ship, same elevator idea - no take-off, you are now just on your ship and still docked/landed.


6. You take-off from planet using a control on your bridge. This triggers the take-off animation and loads the "outer space" area with the view of the planet outside your cockpit.


This slight change will not only feel more logical and immersive (of course the ship should land before you run to the exit door!) but also prevent unnecessary loads and re-loads.

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Even when active in using the GTN terminal, I still go idle if that’s all I’m doing.


Changes were made to reset the idle timer for chat and engaging in crew skills, so that clicking around and searching the GTN still doesn’t count against your idle timer is a bit baffling.


To expand a hair on this, I would like to say that there is an easier fix to this than the approach that BW has been taking. Instead of adding new code to prevent idle timer autologs, they could simply change the idle timer to be reset by any keyclick or mouse movement withing the SWTOR window. That is how I have seen other games fo it and it works great. AND! BW won't have to reapeat code over and over (which is, after all, a programming no-no). Saves time. Saves money. And it vastly improves the quality of life for players. Especially for the ones that spend a lot of time on the GTN and crafting (like me).


Rock on BW!


And thank you for starting this thread, OP!

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Fix floating combat text so that gained buffs and debuffs appear. Useful for headups play w/o having to stare at my character to see if a certain attack is buffed yet, or if the super crazy debuff has been applied and needs to be cleansed.
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I like this idea. I've a few special snowflake papercuts of my own that I haven't seen anywhere.


Holstering your weapon


I love my trooper, I love the feel, I love the mechanics. I sometimes wish I could take cover too, but that never bothered me.

What bothered me instead was my trooper constantly putting his blaster rifle/assault cannon away for a second until a new combat situation broke out. Then I'd casually walk into a dialogue with my target, a nekghoul, and his human bro.


Long story, short question: Could we have an option to toggle auto-holstering on/off just for the fluff of it? Since holstering appears to be an automatically triggered method after combat and while standing still, I wager you could add an optional switch that would prevent the holstering from occuring automatically.


Secondary but not important thought... option to walk into a dialogue with weapons drawn or holstered? There've been combat-to-dialogue transitions that felt out-of-tune, for me, personally. I don't think a pre-cutscene selection box or dialogue-like selection mid-cutscene would help. Perhaps it could rather trigger based on whether your weapon is drawn or not.


Which brings me to Tactics-emotes!


This is an idea I've had since the closed beta but never voiced. 6 out of 10 Tactics emotes have animations tagged to them. Very good, probably underused, animations. Why not tie weapons into these animations? Sadly, I'm no expert, so I wouldn't know whether you'd have to redo whole animations from scratch or just part of them. If the second, I could see it easily done with lightsabers and pistols involved, but likely a bit trickier with sniper/blaster rifles and assault cannons (I imagine /giveup with an assault cannon one would be a nightmare to design). But let me tell you something: in KOTOR, I as-good-as spammed the 'flourish weapon' key :D And I probably wasn't the only one out there.



Visual stuff, really. :p

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From the OP


First, I just want to thank everyone for making such great suggestions and even better posts. And thanks for being so civil, it's very refreshing to see.


Secondly, it appears the thread has made it to the Oceanic Gamer blog yesterday, which was then linked to on SWTOR Life and a Greek fan site. I really wasn't expecting to get this much attention to the thread so quickly. It's rather heartening to know that I've struck a chord within the community. But be fully aware, our job as a community is far from finished. :)


Finally, my morning roundup will (hopefully) be a bit shorter for a couple of reasons. For one thing, a few ideas and complaints have been repeated, but no new ideas put forth in most cases, so I won't address them again. But do know that I have read them and do appreciate the time and effort you've put into posting them.


Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, I want to keep the length of my posts a little shorter so people are prone to read them more. This has nothing to do with vanity or ego, but rather that I try to respond to things that I think might need emphasis, or that I might have an idea to expand upon that I'd like to hear people discuss and pick apart some.


That said, there is a lot of great content from other users that I've quoted or referenced so far, and it would be a shame to gloss over some of that discussion. :)


Hey everyone,


I just wanted to hop in to this thread and commend everyone on how respectful and constructive the feedback has been. We have been reading all of your feedback and will certainly pass it on to the appropriate teams. We will continue to watch this thread as well for anything else that is added. We always love to see threads like these!


Wow, thank you so much for your response, Mr. Musco. :)


It is very pleasing to know that you guys are so very interested in this project. Thanks for letting us know you're looking into it, and please relay to the others that they are welcome to join in the discussion. I would be very interested in reading a developer's take on the discussion, or anyone else from the Community team.


Skimpy gear (otherwise known as, I'd like some options please)

Female versions of gear is often skimpier. I'd like two things done about this. 1) Give females the option to also wear a full-coverage version and 2) Give males the option of wearing skimpier gear.


Come hither sitting pose.

Could we maybe have a pose that wasn't quite so....yeah.


More LI options.

Females only have one heterosexual LI option. Most males only have one as well. More LIs so we have choice should be implemented, and people who want SGRAs should have them.


Very nice suggestions, thank you. A lot of different people, from a lot of different backgrounds and lifestyles, play this game, and I do feel that they ought to have content that represents them, too. And as much as I've enjoyed corrupting Ashara Zavros (I do want to see more story there, too; I want her to embrace the darker things with a little more gusto), having other romance options would be very welcome, indeed.


End of story feels like the end of the story.

Suggestion: Please don't neglect story in your updates. Provide small things (like letters, small branching conversation quests with companions, exploration dailies that send us to odd little spots, class specific dailies, minigames, etc.) over time. Trickle them out on a regular basis so that we continue to see our story progress, even in little ways, while waiting for the next Act to begin. Otherwise, like intermission, we will get out of our chairs and go do something else.


It does feel a bit like we've ended our stories, but with our being in the "Interlude" phase, I'm sure there's more to come. I'd like to see little vignettes of story in between the large acts that will be released with major content patches, too.


Develope more content that rewards the community. something to fight for. Whether world pvp controlled sectors[...]


Some planets dedicated to being PVP warzones for the purposes of story, that would shift the balance of power between the opposing factions, would be very interesting, indeed. Again, this is something that EVE Online has pioneered, both in their start with null-security non-empire space in the outer regions, and perhaps more recently with entire regions of empire space that are up for grabs, and which empire wins a given system is determined by the players that ally with said empires. There could be an interesting dynamic here, but I think it requires a great deal more consideration and brainstorming.


1b. Along with the above, why not offer us a choice of symbols for armor instead of branding them with the Havoc logo or what-not. Heck, let us choose the symbols from a preset group.


In my original post, I go into the whole idea of making all armor styles faction- and class-agnostic, so I won't reiterate that an any more detail. However, your idea for logo branding would be very nice, indeed. And, of course, being able to choose to have a logo or not. In EVE, CCP regularly accepts submissions for corporation (i.e. guild) logo art for corp. tickers and whatnot, and are about to implement the ability to brand their ships with these logos. I think it could be very interesting to similarly award guilds unique logos for these armor style types.


3. Hyperbole Wars.[...]


I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one very much bugged by that. I understand the metrics of scale for rewards at certain levels, but as you say, the dialog just doesn't match up.


5. Lack of branching story lines. If there is an option to save or let die an NPC, this choice should have REAL consequences to your story. Right now they don't, but wouldn't it be cool if these became optional companions? Would this entice most people to take the 'Save' option? Possibly, so the 'let die' option needs to have some benefit as well(or the save has some big negatives).


This is a neat idea and would add a lot more depth and connection to the companion storylines. Furthermore, I'd like to see more companions, and not just HK-51 (which I'm excited for), but one of the other ideas for a choose-your-own-companion type of thing (I believe I quoted the person and discussed it in my last post). Companions need more love, and not just in the story sense.


Some Harder Ideas

- Can we have Empire Troopers and Smugglers and Republic SIS Agents and Bounty Hunters? Anyone who has done the class quests knows that there are all of these exist.

- Can we have robotic 'races'?


These are kind of tricky, though I would kinda like having them, at least for the purposes of story. On the subject of Troopers and Smugglers on the Empire side, and Agents and Bounty Hunters on the Republic side, you're risking a repetition of class mechanics that are already present (although your suggestion is not an unbalanced one, save for the lack of Force users, which actually kinda makes sense when you think about it).


As for droid races, this would be really cool, but it would require a revamping of a slew of dialog branches, as well as eliminating some romance options (although--why the hell not, really; robot love is love, too). The biggest issue, to ground this idea in some realism and the context of the Star Wars setting, is that I'm sure a lot of groups and governments would take umbrage with the idea of a sentient droid with any semblance of freedom, excepting rare circumstances (IG-88, for example).


I don't know if this would qualify as "small" or not, but a colorblind mode would be really helpful for people like me (red-green colorblind). TBH I didn't really have any problems until the Chevin event with the matching lights, but a colorblind mode would be really helpful!


PS- Can't tell the difference between the yellow and green sabers But that's not something I'd expect to be fixed.


This isn't a small issue, no, but it's a damned important one, and I thank you for bringing it up. Color blindness is a lot more common than many people think, and I feel it's an issue that ought to be addressed very quickly. I've said it once and I'll say it again--I really believe that Bioware should hire some usability experts to tinker with the UI and user input/interaction; it would be to everyone's benefit.


I maxed affection for and married Kira because I did like her character in game. When in a cantina or fleet (or similar non-combat situation) can she stand closer than 10 meters to my character? Always the separation! Incidental touches reflect real life between two companions. I'm not talking full on XXX rated shows, but what your closest friend/significant other would do on occasion. You know, a quick touch of the hand, a caress. Maybe i'm getting too much into the RP aspect.


Papercuts with this game for me are mostly companion related. Hopefully they can get love from the devs too, including matching outfits.


I agree, companions really need some love. While I personally feel that Inquisitors kinda got the short end of the stick in the romance department (although, the personality of my particular character really fits with the idea of corrupting and seducing the goodie-goodie), I would like to see Ashara try to get closer in more private areas, to act playfully, and certainly to send me more letters (I really enjoyed that!).


My papercut is crew skill related. [...]


I have heard that they are looking into the dominance and repetition of certain crew skill missions, but I agree, I'd like to see some changes implemented there.


Fix of the humongous butts when wearing various Robes/Chestpieces[...]


But...I like big butts...and I cannot lie... :D In all seriousness, though, I do think there need to be a number of tweaks in the art department, as well as a periodic implementation of graphical improvements--not just art/content-wise, but also in terms of graphical capabilities.


You have a lot of other interesting suggestions, too. Thanks for submitting them. One thing that really drew my attention was the mention of X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, although I'm probably thinking of the much older game than the one you're suggesting. I had such a blast playing with my friends on a LAN back in the day.


I'd quote snowyv, but I want to save some space. Instead, I'd like to thank you for the post and the suggestions. You make a great number of very salient points and express them eloquently. I especially agree with the need for tweaking time/credit sinks, as well as a need for another player/commerce hub. I think Nar Shaddaa is intended, in some fashion, for the latter purpose, but it takes quite a long time to load the whole planet.


And speaking of Nar Shaddaa, I know the game is T for Teen, but it really ought to be grittier, dirtier, and definitely trashy/sleazy. We're talking about an ecumenopolis that makes no attempt to hide the fact that it is paradise for the underworld.


ome semblance of a social proffession?


This is a really interesting idea. I would like to hear the thoughts of others on the subject. Seems like something with lots of potential.


When the taxi vehicle is a two-seater, I'd love to see my companion riding shotgun instead of just having an empty seat there.


It would be sweet to be rollin deep with Khem Val in the two-seater hooptie.


First: LOL! I seriously laughed at that. Secondly, I would also like to see this.


* Promise to never, ever, ever again create quests that 30 people stand around while one person does the quest (I'm looking at you, Grand Acquisitions Race)


I think a lot of us are infuriated by this, as well as the pure lack of sportsmanship, etiquette, and camaraderie within the player base present at these particular spots.


* Skimpy clothing for the male characters. And something pretty for the gay community as well. (Sparkle powder only goes so far.)


I fully agree that all peoples of the game's community ought to be represented in the game, with content and styles of play befitting their personage.


* Need - Compannion - Greed - Pass loot rolls. And don't let Inquisitors roll need on Warrior saber tokens, only "need" on your class items if it's better than a green item.


There definitely needs to be some tweaking here. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but too many people in PUGs just aren't very well mannered, or have no sense of etiquette or honor. That said, DCUO did implement a feature that limits the Need function on loot rolls to characters with classes for whom the item was intended. I think a similar addition to SWTOR would be greatly beneficial.


* Bring in the Gray side, not just light or dark side goodies.


* Let me give companions gifts on my ship if I'm standing in front of him/her.


It's something I thought was already present in the game when I first started playing, only to find out close to level 35 that it wasn't. I've heard rumblings that going Grey is something that's being tinkered with. In fact, I believe there was a Legacy unlock on the PTS for going Grey; I saw it in a screenshot somewhere, just wish I could remember where.


Neloth mentions the GTN, crew skills, and crafting. I fully agree, and have mentioned before (but it bears mentioning again) that they definitely need some love.


Nezumi brings up the lack of non-combat options for level 50 play, which I would like to see further elucidated and discussed, and also mentions some interesting Legacy additions.


ThePedigree has offered the suggestions of new hair models that are longer, and also mentions Ashara Zavros' lack of...skin. While I probably wouldn't put her in the Slave Girl outfit, the grey bodysuit has got to go, especially if I want her to at least show some midriff.


Thana Vesh's entire outfit[...]


YES! I rather like that style, and I think it would fit my Sith Inquisitor character. DO WANT.


A little more weapon flexibility for the blaster-using classes. It's silly. Agents pull out a pistol for every dark-side kill option, that is permanently glued to their thigh in every cutscene, but we can't use one? Operatives run around throwing knives in people (which is cool and all), but you can't ever see them otherwise? A Bountyhunter and Trooper, masters of heavy armor and all tech equipment...are stuck using certain blaster types (Either one or two pistols, or a rifle or cannon?) This is really silly, from both a roleplaying and lore standpoint.


This really bothers me, too, and really messed with my immersion when I started my Agent. That Troopers are the only ones able to use minigun-style blaster cannons is a crime, too.

Just read what Boba Fett does in the Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy with a turbolaser cannon from a Star Destroyer that used to be a guy's head...yes, it's that awesome.



ArchangelLBC suggests a Legacy-wide friends list, and I think this is a fantastic idea. Granted, most of the friends I've made playing the game have mostly Empire characters, but there are a few that have Republic ones.


Costello wants more alien species options for character creation, and I couldn't agree more. And we know many are present in the game already, and have been rigged for various combat styles, so implementing them shouldn't be too hard, save the spoken dialog that will likely need to be recorded or reworked from existing files (of which the latter is kinda repetitive...).


I've seen Legacy ships mentioned a number of times and I think this is a really cool idea. Legacy is the crown jewel of this game and would greatly benefit from a lot more content in this vein.


Another thing I thought of that really REALLY irks me: For every character that wears robes/skirts/kilts, when they walk, why does the model bend in the back with their legs? Material doesn't behave that way and it makes it look as if everyone is suffering from an extreme case of static cling. (Okay in the case of an Inquisitor, maybe they are.) I know that fabric can be programmed to flow (semi) freely (see the Agent Tionese/Columi/Rakata level jackets, Jedi/Sith robes, trench coats, etc), so why do the skirts/kilts have this awful, clinging style to them?


Clothing movement bothers me, too. It feels far too artificial and static. CCP, when working on the first phase of their ambulation project (i.e. Captain's Quarters and the Character Creator), wanted very much for clothing to be as realistic as possible, and to hang on and move with a character in a proper way. They actually hired a fashion designer not only to design some of the outfits for the characters, but also to provide valuable input on how clothing interacts with the human body in stillness and in movement.


Cleet_Xia mentions a handful of the many errors in the maps and terrain of various planets, and I think it's something worth a little attention.


AstralProjection lists a number of interesting ideas, a few of which I will expound upon.


For starters, companion naming options are an interesting idea, but I worry that it would require too much work on the back end, as well as the recording of a lot of new dialog, in order to implement. Perhaps we would be better served by the aforementioned choose-your-own-companion.


Ship customization options--both external and internal--is also a fantastic idea. Ship mods changing one's ship's appearance ever so slightly is a cool thought. I really want to know what everyone else has to say about the idea of modifying the internals of your ship. Could be an interesting entry for the use of Cartel Coins, certainly.


The need for more dialog options after reaching maximum companion affection is also a good idea. As stated, companions need more lovin'.


Capturing pets? A Pokemon-style minigame? :) Interesting thought. Not quite my cuppa, but I know many people would really dig that.


Well, this post went on a bit longer than I had intended to, but there was a lot of ground to cover. Thanks, everyone, for submitting your papercuts, ideas, and solutions, and do keep them coming. As I said, I take the time to read them all and try to comment on all the ones I can without being too redundant, so know that you all have my full attention at the very least (and now Bioware's, too, it seems).

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In the GTN, I want to be able to TAB between the level text fields. Currently we have to move the cursor to one box, type a number, go back to the mouse to move a centimeter, and back to the keyboard to type the other number.


Amen! Chat tab customization should have a primary chat selection so that when I click on that tab I am already in the chat type I want. Misstells are huge in this game and that is why. I second Tomisu's sugestion!

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I just wanted to hop in to this thread and commend everyone on how respectful and constructive the feedback has been.

I agree. Now please show us that it was worth the effort by actually fixing/implementing some of the issues mentioned in this thread.


Some of the papercuts that bother me:


  • Companions that keep their weapons out in social areas but then constantly reholster them in combat zones..
  • Companion cut scenes stop once you hit max affection. I miss talking to some of the companions that my characters are supposedly married to. Please add some random chit-chat cut scenes with spouses. No XP, no LS/DS points, no rewards just some random conversations with my "spouse." Bonus points if making the correct choice rewards me with a fade-to-black/off-camera activity. Afterall, we are supposed to be married.
  • Speeders are WAY TOO SLOW. As in slower than a bicycle or a riding lawn mower.
  • I understand why BioWare doesn't want us to have flying speeders (even though they are in game and in the movies), but can I at least get a Landspeeder? Like the one that Luke had in the original Star Wars movie. One that holds multiple passengers and cargo.
  • Please stop telling me that mounts aren't allowed here. Do I look like I'm riding a Tauntaun? I'm on a speeder. A speeder is a VEHICLE.
  • More character/equipment customization. If my Smuggler wants to use a rifle, instead of a pistol, and wear one of those chest pieces that looks like it's covered with mag pouches he should be able to do that. If my Commando wants to use a rifle instead of that gawd-awful stovepipe then he should be able to.
  • Please! No more chest pieces with gigantic, spike-covered, kite-sized shoulder pads. Seriously, how does Darth Baras even manage to walk through a door with those things on?
  • While we're at it, can we please have an option to get rid of the mud-flap / butt-cape that appears on so much of the gear? It looks really stupid.
  • Robes give everyone giant butts. Ridiculously bad.
  • Barbershop / plastic surgeon.
  • The lag spikes since the last major patch are getting old.
  • The 30 second loading screen every time I use an elevator are really getting old.
  • It's difficult to see my little purple teammates on the little blue map. Especially if you're partially color-blind like 25% of the Earth's men, including myself, are. Then they look like blue on blue. Please change them to white or yellow or orange or something.
  • The roads on the maps. Seriously? Tiny, thin, faint redish lines on the map? You do want me to actually see the roads on the map, don't you? Once again, please change them to white or yellow or orange or something that makes them easy to see. My eyesight's bad enough as it is.
  • The GTN, the Galactic Trade Network. Why in the world can't we access the GTN from every planet? Please stop trying to force people to go to the 'social hub.' Now that you've forced everyone onto heavy servers the lag on the fleet is ridiculous. Please just put a GTN terminal on every planet.
  • It's really nice that I can now sort armor in the GTN by location (hand/wrist/waist). Now can I please have the option to just see the ones that use the main stat (Str/Aim) that I want?
  • Please make the GTN interface a little larger and allow the [TAB] button to move the in game cursor between the various fields. Trying to click inside a space that's only slightly larger than the head of a pin so that I can then type in the level range that I want is more than a little annoying. Especially given the now constant lag on the fleet.
  • 2 days is the max allowed posting time on the GTN? How about 2 weeks?
  • Let me preview weapons like I can armor pieces and companion customizations. And let me zoom in so I can really see it.
  • Legacy items, especially character perks, are just way too expensive.
  • Other players not being able to see my cutscene. Either on my ship, or because I have a holocall that's not in a phase. They should always have the option to watch my cutscene instead of just sitting there twiddling their thumbs. Being able to do this increases incentives to team up with others.
  • Sidekicking / Bolstering / whatever-you-want-to-call-it. This is an MMO. Being able to equalize your level with your friends so that you can play together increases incentive to team up and remain subscribed.
  • People shouldn't be able to even select 'Need' if the offered loot doesn't have their primary stat.
  • Need-Companion-Greed is really needed now that you're giving out special rewards for PuGing with the group finder.
  • Some sandbox content. The leveling story content is awesome. TOR is also the most directed and straight-jacketed themepark MMO I've ever played. Some sandbox content that allows us to keep playing after 50 if we're not hardcore raiders or PvPers would be nice.
  • A way to use those old planetary commendations would be nice. I hate seeing them just sitting there, useless.
  • The ability to kill or fire certain companions, aka the Quinn option.
  • Remove weapons from some NPCs. Seriously. The guy who's in jail or on hospital bed shouldn't have a blaster pistol glued to his right leg.
  • Speech emotes, bindable to certain keys. So I can touch a single key and say "Incoming!" or "Follow me." or whatever. This is an MMO. Please make it easier to communicate with other players.
  • I'd really love the ability to toggle-lock the camera at a certain angle and distance from my character. Really getting tired of the camera suddenly shooting up toward the sky in the middle of combat.
  • Emergency Fleet Pass cool down is way too long. If you log in the next day but a little earlier then you're locked out of it for awhile. 6 hours should be plenty long enough.



And finally, to quote brainpsyk:

  • The ridiculous amount of stuns in this game

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Even if I can't use armor of the opposite faction, it would be nice if I could see what it looked like. My Sage is a synthweaver, so when looking for a cool set of orange armor for my Marauder, I had to make one of everything that wasn't listed on the gtn, and transfer between characters, just to see what it looks like.


I understand why we can only pick one crew skill, but it would be nice if we could have all the harvesting skills. All the other MMOs I've played have let you harvest materials with any character you wanted, and I think it's the better option.


Color matching to another piece of armor besides just the chest would be great.


An option to color match in the preview window would be great. At the very least I'd like to see my current color match transfer to the preview window so I have a better idea of what the new piece will look like with what I'm actually wearing.


A preview of the quest reward in the quest description would be great.


As someone who likes to level through pvp, can we pretty please get something else to spend our commendations on pre-40? Anything would be good. Different colored speeders, more orange armor options. Or just let us buy the higher level items even if we can't equip them yet.


Modabled speeders would be great. Even a simple customization tab, like with companions, would be nice.


I'd like to be able to adjust just the font size in windows other than chat, without increasing the size of the whole window. It's difficult to read from across the room when playing on my htpc.


This is a big ask, but I'd like to see all the armor in the game use the mod system. Some of my favorite pieces of armor have been regular green items, and although another piece of armor might be similar, they aren't exactly the same.

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The first papercut is my most important one:


  • There is no paid service for character re-customization, name changes, or faction changes.
    That being said, there is no way the Devs will offer this service for free, either. I think with the upcoming free to play model that is being implemented, adding this feature in would be a good source of cash for Bioware and will make a LOT of people very very happy. (I would add it in sooner than later, however.)
  • Companion pets should be auto put away in stealth, or stealth with the player
    I actually think that players should remember to put away their pets in PvP, but this would be a nice quality-of-life touch for someone who wants to show off their new rare pet.
  • Chairs (yes, chairs again!) should be sittable!
    This one has been repeated before, but I am re-emphasizing it.
  • Please, Bioware, please improve the sitting animations.
    They look silly from a roleplayers perspective. We recently had an event where our characters ran into an avalanche, and seeing one of our Darths sitting like that on the ground to symbolize his burial in snow was possibly the saddest yet funniest thing I'd seen all day. A laying down emote might be a good idea, too.
  • Companion toggle for ships
    If this has been mentioned before, which is probably has by some of my guildmates at least, then I apologize. I would love to see a toggle to display your companions on a ship, perhaps even an option as you walk in or something of the like. If you choose not to display them, you of course will not be able to complete their quests or talk to them at all, but it would create a better atmosphere for RPers. I would love to see more people allowed on a ship as well.
  • More clothes!
    Just more of it. I know theres a lot in the game, but there are many recolours of the same outfit, or the same type of outfit. We should get pants, shirts, dresses, formal attire, casual attire. Yes, maybe you can't play the game in these clothes, but the roleplayers would be eternally grateful.

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I posted this in another thread, but it sounded like a fun idea, so I'll put it here too.


I don't think it's needed to make everything on the galaxy map explorable, but I like the idea of adding lore type fluff to the map, like points of interest to view some pretty graphic of and read about.

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Please! No more chest pieces with gigantic, spike-covered, kite-sized shoulder pads. Seriously, how does Darth Baras even manage to walk through a door with those things on?


Maybe he's an Oakland Raider fan?


One more thing...


Make gathering missions que like crafting so we can accomplish something when we are logged off.

Edited by Owsley
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Posting again. Again, this is a well written thread. The OP, especially after today's synopsis is making me wonder suspiciously if he is a Dev playing a Devils Advocate role. Surprising the amount of papercuts out there. Not all of them bother me, but everyone has their own expectations and priorities-and the list got huge quick.


One suggestion caught my eye. The X-wing vs. Tie fighter and Balance of Power Space arcade. In the early 90s I spent thousands of hours at computer LAN parties, this is an all-time favorite game of mine. Even now, with a couple graphical and audio tweaks and coding to make it work in Win7- XvT would compete well if released as is, again- it is that good. I still have those disks and attempt to make them work on my newer machines. Maybe not a papercut- but it would be infinitely cool if BW could ask LucasArts for the right to integrate that game engine into the SWTOR universe. All my characters would instantly be Starfighter Command pilots. Add Guild Capital ships to the mix as well so we can land/launch from them ala Fleet and Space Stations. Allow us to interact with allied guild ships, and attack opposite faction or other enemy guild ships. Give us open Space PvP furballs. I mean, in a galaxy spanning war, not all pivotal events happen planetside or entirely enclosed within a Capital ships corridors. I would definitely love an open space environment to pursue missions in. Replace the X Wings and Tie Fighters with period correct craft, maybe not necessarily sticking to the 6 ships we all call home now.


This started out as less a papercut and more a suggestion, but as I keep scratching the itch, well; it feels more like a cut now. Everyone has their ideal role in this game. Some love being a Trooper, others love swinging a lightsaber. Myself, I am a pilot- I would love to be able to have an expanded flight capability for this game.

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Best thread on the forums, thanks OP.


One papercut that's been bothering me lately - let us have a legacy perk that lets us get PvP/PvE daily missions from anywhere. Call it a fleet communication droid, maybe? You guys built some beautiful worlds, make it easier for us to be in them. :)

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I mean, in a galaxy spanning war, not all pivotal events happen planetside or entirely enclosed within a Capital ships corridors.


Actually... This is Star Wars, right? Not Planet Wars? In each of the movies, space was a major setting of major story plot altering combat. To be honest, I don't understand why LucasArts has not come down hard on BioWare for making space combat a rail-shooter? That is downright sacrilege! I hate to be so critical, but this is the one single biggest dissapointment in my opinion. Star Wars without emersive space combat? That is like a Marine without a rifle or a pilot without an aircraft. It reallly does boggle my mind that this is the case.


I would be much more understanding if BW had said that the current space set-up os just a place holder for a more comprehensive space design, but all I have seen is the Devs ignoring commentary on the topic and adding tidbit updates to it.


The current space design has to go. It needs to be completely redesigned to an open flight system with PvP/PvE and free navigation capabilities. This is a no brainer.


But! If BW is simply using the current system as a place holder for something more like what I mentioned, then kudos on BW at least for doing that. But they need to tell us that is the cas, if so.

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Faster object respawn timers


It would have been great if the game had been designed with a more modern object spawn/looting system -- like ones that give everyone their own instance of interact-able objects -- but as it is, simply decreasing the time between object re-spawns would go a long way towards removing some of our least favorite paper cuts!


The slow spawn times are particularly hostile to play on populated servers and in groups, things which the game otherwise seems to be encouraging. Specific current pain points are weapons racks/crates in Black Hole and smuggler's crates on Nar Shaddaa (but this was annoying through the whole leveling process). I suspect that the current guild chat reaction to the Chevin in-game event ("Worst event ever :(") would be much more positive ("What a cool idea!"), if people didn't have quite so much time to fume as they searched for a crate spawn point that wasn't being camped by a dozen other desperate players on our really lovely, but highly populated, server.

Edited by Sonora
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It's important to roleplay to be able to sit down in places to talk. The captain's chair on your starship is one of the few working chairs in the world. If these chairs were in more places, we could at least sit down places and talk and roleplay.

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The OP, especially after today's synopsis is making me wonder suspiciously if he is a Dev playing a Devils Advocate role.


I don't think I'm really good enough to be a developer, to be honest. I'm actually a technology consultant that's trying to play at being a writer someday.


As for playing Devil's Advocate, I find that, in many (but not all) cases, the truth of a matter lies somewhere in the middle.


I'm obsessed with being able to view all sides of a subject, to know it inside and out, so that I can formulate a more accurate hypothesis or method of (inter)action. This method of thought is rooted in the way I was raised and the way my mind developed as a child. It has allowed me to become naturally adept at absorbing information through reading (of which I do a great deal, on a wide range of subjects), as well as bestowing a certain affinity for using and understanding technological systems.


I also find that it applies fittingly with my aspirations as a writer, in which I try to ground as much content in realism as I can, given the context of the story. Perhaps we may be dealing with hyperdrives and lightsabers, and other technologies that seem currently impossible or beyond our reach, but they have some basic rules, and the behavior of those elements--as well as other things like xenophobia, politics, sociology, psychology, et. al.--within the confines of said sandbox should adhere to those rules and interact in a realistic fashion.

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