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Awesome thread! Not sure if someone has already said it but adding a NPC that can change your toons appearance (such as hair style, complexion, etc.). I think it would be a great thing to have for those who wish to change something about the toon mid-game.
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I must confess, I haven't read the whole thread... that would be a mammoth task. But there are lots of little things (more than I can remember right now, that's for sure) that are just a bit annoying. If they've been mentioned already, then feel free to ignore them. I'm just going to start with companions now, I'll be back later with other topics, no doubt.



  • The gift boxes you can choose for your companion's gear upon leaving the first planet don't always contain matching sets of items (Most recently noticed on Corso Riggs).
  • I'd like to see companion armour colour matching. Ugly companions make me sad.
  • Alternatively, colour matching your companions armour to YOUR chest piece. To make it a uniform?
  • I'd like to see a companion head slot hiding toggle. If I go to the trouble of getting a custom appearance, I want to see it.
  • Once I get to 10k affection with a companion, I don't like taking them into conversations for "fear of losing affection", especially in dailies that you just space-bar through anyway because you've read them so many times. With no advantage, reason or whole-sale repeatable method to reduce affection, perhaps lock it when it reaches 10k?
  • A toggle for companion chatter. I don't need Vette to tell me that my latest combat was Brutal, and that she needs to check her parts any more. I know I'm brutal, it comes with the dual lightsabers.
  • Companion chatter when finishing a crafting assignment doesn't seem to reflect success/critical in any way.
  • If a companion has a DoT when combat is over, they won't collect a resource node till the DoT has full worn off.
  • When grouping, I only get companion affection if I win the roll, whereas light/dark side points are awarded based on what I "would" have said.
  • If I initiate a conversation while on a speeder, companion affection gains/losses don't pop up, even though they still seem to accumulate and register at the quest hand-in screen.
  • It is highly annoying that Malavai, Light-side Jaesa and Qyzen don't have a companion gift that they "love". It is more annoying that Elara only has a "love" item if you are male. It is even MORE annoying that Ashara Zavros doesn't even have a "favourite" item unless you are male.
  • It is impossible to get companions with no available "mod-able" main hand weapon to keep up statistically with those that do.
  • Companions with bonuses to craft skills we don't posses seem like a waste. It would be great if we could instead "train" them with bonuses of our choosing, if their default abilities aren't to our liking.


Really BIG ask:

I feel that I just like some companions more than others. I really like Bliz. I particularly dislike Tharan Cedrax. Sadly, I find it is often my spec that determines which companion I use (because of their role), and not the actual companion I WANT to use. Given that all companions of a specific role seem to have some pretty generic abilities, could there (some way down the line) be a way to choose which role a companion performs.


A few might be ill fitting (The idea of Skadge as a healer is pretty hilarious), but the ability to take Bliz as a healer for my Powertech for example, would be really awesome. Or to not have to take Tharan as a healer for my consular, and have Iresso be able to do that instead.


More to follow on other topics. (or this one, if I think of stuff I've forgotten).

Edited by Tyrias
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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but

-- Color match to chest when previewing items.

It would be really nice to see if a piece of gear would look good when color matched together. At the moment, you just have to hope that the pants you are about to buy on GTN are going to look good once you put them on.

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1) A button where if a Sith or Jedi are wearing something with a hood, they can cover themselves or not

2) Anybody should be able to use any ship (like in Battlefront II OR how Cad Bane used his own fighter then a Republic fighter)

3) A non-Jedi should be able to use a lightsaber, except their ability to deflect, parry and block is as good as a non-Jedi with a vibrosword

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Wow this is an awesome Forum chain and really deserves to be noticed.


my two cents regards basic graphical assets.



1. Force powers animations should be more alignment dependent. An evil Jedi sage should get some evil looking graphics to their moves. Dark Jedi and Light side Sith should have some graphical benefit for all those hard gained alignment points. . Heck change more moves to be based on crystal color. A red glowy ball looks more appropriate for a dark jedi sage than a white one.


2. Customization of gear works great, but isn't available for companions. Color toggle, and hat toggle need to be implemented for our hero's best friends.


3. Free up some of the outfits the NPC's have. For example : All the sith on Illum where white gear that to my knowledge can't be found to use in game. Those assets are just there waiting to be used, free them up. Same goes for any other NPC assets. :rak_01:

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hello dear developers and the community!


first of all, thanks everyone for this amazing game! now let's hear my suggestions :)


- this has been suggested by many people, but i would like to re-suggest it, unify colours option for companion outfits. community wants it!


-day & night time cycle, changing weather conditions


-ecumenopolis planets should look more crowded, perhaps adding more NPC who are busy with their daily stuff, walking around, visiting cantinas, commuting via taxi just like we do, riding their speeders etc, taking pets out or even visiting vendors, random NPC interactions & fights. it would be nice to see the planet we're visiting is actually a living place for those people and they have to do something to live instead of being static and useless.


-customization for protocol droids


-more features in fleet vip section, vip vendor is currently useless, digital deluxe edition owners feel a little bit disappointed.


-allien companions like gault, skadge etc would be able to physically wear at least goggles and rebreathers


-standart blue armor on mandalorians look awesome, it would be nice to have it as social gear


-more diverse end game items, people look like each other's clones


-we should be able to change our hair style, make up and jewels. feels boring to have the same hair style for ages


-why not adding more familiar planets from the movies like naboo, kashyyyk? or perhaps an aquatic planet like dac, kamino etc


that's all for now, thanks for reading :rolleyes:

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Crafting (I have to say, quite a few of the issues from the past have been cleared up over time, so that's been great):



  • Luck is something that really frustrates me in crafting, because even though people will tell you it's a fact that it all balances out in the end, some people do seem to be more lucky than others at learning schematics through reverse engineering. It would be great if you could earn an additional cumulative 5% success chance to learn a new recipe (which resets when you do learn a new recipe) every time you failed to do so.
    I've made the first 10 levels of barrel on my new armstech, and I've made 10 of each. Given that I have had at least one crit in those 10 crafts each time, If my maths is right, I should be looking at ~8.5% of my recipes not getting an RE into a blue over 11 RE attempts. Yet 3 of those 10 recipes never yielded a new recipe. Bad luck? Possibly. But it would make me happier (and better reflect RL success) if we learn from our failures as well as our successes.
  • Some crafting components still feel like they are very underused compared to others, meaning you quickly build a large back-stock of one useless component while scrounging around trying to find enough of another one. Perhaps add in some crafting traders that let you trade two of one component for one of the same grade and crew skill.
  • Getting the crew skill missions you want is a complete faff, which makes the crafting experience less pleasant. It is (I believe) a well known fact that traveling between locations with a loading screen resets the available missions, so it is possible to easily, but still tediously, send your crew on the precise missions you want most of the time. Given that this is true, perhaps a better way to work crew skills would be to make sure there is one of every type available all the time, until you have enough crew out on that type of mission to have no quests of that type left.
  • More of a question, has that thing where people not taking a node's content would then lock the node until the next server reset been fixed? I haven't noticed it recently, though I don't recall reading it in patch notes anywhere.
  • PvE adrenals no longer function in Warzones. Warzone Medpacks can be crafted AND far exceed the output of anything else I can craft for use in a warzone. Med-kits can only be used once per boss encounter. Can you revisit the idea of re-usable consumables now that it doesn't give an advantage to PvE-ers in PvP, and only gives a small monetary bonus to PvE-ers (at the cost of a minor statistical loss)? The whole reason I picked Biochem was because I've played other games where you had to log in 10-20 minutes before any guild scheduled even to make sure you have enough consumables, and then farm for/buy them if you didn't. It is something I've loathed in every MMO I've played to date, and this was such a nice idea at launch of SWTOR.
  • Slicing money lockboxes really aren't very rewarding. I'm ok with small gains, but as soon as I do anything more costly than a moderate lockbox, I tend to start losing money. That just seems counter intuitive.
  • I would mention the cost of pulling out high tier mods, but I think that's an already pending issue.

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-ecumenopolis planets should look more crowded, perhaps adding more NPC who are busy with their daily stuff, walking around, visiting cantinas, commuting via taxi just like we do, riding their speeders etc, taking pets out or even visiting vendors, random NPC interactions & fights. it would be nice to see the planet we're visiting is actually a living place for those people and they have to do something to live instead of being static and useless.

While I do (generally) agree, wouldn't adding more NPCs (even if they weren't "proper" NPCs with "proper" AI) add massive amounts of load to the player's (sometimes/often) already overloaded CPU/GPU? And what happens when you start "doing a quest" (ie, opening up with some AoE), I don't think the Jedi Council (or the Republic High Command) would be particularly happy if a Consular/Trooper wasted a load of innocent civilians as they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just imagine the paperwork! ;)

That said, it would be more in keeping with the films/life if the core planets/cities were the teaming hubs that they should be (Coruscant as a good example).


I admit I skipped virtually all of this (excellent) thread (I do have to do some work today), but I'd love to see improvements to REing (suggested above) as well as a few minor changes such as a tooltip in PvP to tell you what you've got the medals/whatever for (dmg/heal >2.5k, 10 kills, etc),

a shared/legacy bank,

some stats on the space missions (shots fired, hits, damage done, missiles fired, etc),

number of PvP games played (why has this been missed out from the other PvP stats on the queue screen, it gives context to the other stats)

a bank tab for crafting materials (with no stacking limit, or a very large one), rather than have them take up space as current, this would also make it easier to see how much of what tier/grade mats you have without mousing over them all

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  • When I Reverse Engineer an item, the only notice I get that I've learned a new recipe is fleeting text on the screen and a sound. I'd like to have something show up in a chat channel so I can walk away from the computer. FIXED Also, being able to stack up REs when I've made 5 Enhancements would be nice.
  • Not being able to stick Warriror armor on Lord Scourge and other class-specific items on similar companions.
  • Costuming in general. There are an enormous number of green and blue items that would look nice, but, as I can't update them to keep up with leveling, get vendored. I really do want to play dress-up.
  • Datacrons are often behind jump puzzles that are beyond my limited eye-hand coordination. I love lore bits and not being able to reach them is quite frustrating. Also, this is the thing that most keeps me from feeling like a Jedi. I'm so great in The Force I can take on the Empire's toughest, but I can't use it to jump two feet?

Edited by Gyrfalcon
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Great thread - I've read through the first 15 pages or so, before jumping to the end.


I guess this is technically a bug, but (apart from all the good suggestions regarding Companion improvement), my papercut is when you kill a mob, and instead of collapsing dead to the floor, they stay frozen in position. I've lost track of the number of times I've been meele-ing a dead mob without realising it (and sometimes getting killed myself in the process!)

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my biggest issues with the game:


- open world pvp is practically discouraged. put all the convenience amenities of the Fleet in the faction bases on Ilum (GTN, PvP quest terminals, PvP vendors, etc) and you will see more people hanging out on Ilum, and therefore increase the frequency of open world PvP engagements.


- please optimize this game correctly. whatever optimizations happened for 1.3, they were terrible. lag actually INCREASED dramatically, especially in warzones where lag should be at a minimum. a proper game engine would go a long, long way to giving this game a better quality of life


- more server mergers. we need them at this point, the population has dwindled significantly.


- more PvP daily/weekly quests


- interrupt for merc/commando! :D


the overall direction of this game is not a good one. with the enormous amount of potential this game has, and the reality that it still is not 1 year old, means it can still be saved, and having 2mil subs again is possible. but the devs need to start making smart decisions, start playing their own game, and start interacting with the player base an excessive amount. ive seen a large number of amazing gameplay ideas come from players, and theyve all been 100% ignored by the devs

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How about an RE BUFF? - IDEA for RE issues and getting items to RE. One that stacks up to say FIVE with each RE adding 1% chance to RE something. (So you can RE FIVE items and the 6th one you would have an extra 5% buff). The third one you would have an extra 2% stacked buff when starting to RE it after the first two.


Put a TIMEOUT on this buff of course. FIVE Minutes from the first RE/buff and you can't reset until it's over.


I mean think about this... you make 5 Earpieces that took 15 min each to make. You wait to RE them at the same time to have the max chance to RE them. You effectively pull materials out of the market (At least 5 of them) and it would mean more people que up larger amounts of crafting items. Most folks will do 5 at a time, those having issues are going back 2-3 times to RE something in groups of five. The more RE items you have the better your odds to RE after each failed attempt.


This would be for those that are in "Crafting" mode and trying to find that perfect schematic. This BUFF shouldn't tie back into the CRITICAL one you can already increase via Legacy (which has a low % - but understandable).

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I would gladly jump into an consumer group or brain storming session if one get's formed.


Excellent thread! Thank you for posting and BW team reading it as well. (I hope a couple times to see highest repeats)

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Companion Gathering Missions - Return Ratios


Please change them up a little bit for Slicing. I agree the Advanced Neural Augment should be hard to get, but the 4 blue sliced components we get for each failed mission are a complete credit sink in hopes of getting 3-4 Adv Neural Augments.


SUGGEST: How about just ONE of those dropped if NOT successful with small amount of the blue? Personally I've stacks of 99 a bound and it just seems like a waste of credits and materials. (Aug kits helped aleve a little, but not alot).


PLAN B: Ability to convert 25 Blue for one Advanced maybe?


Same for some of the other gathering missions like for Corusca Gems.

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I play an Operative in pvp and pve. I'm concealment build and use my vibro knife as my main weapon. I get that you have a blaster rifle on your back because you cant put it in your pocket, but I would like to see the vibro knives be placed on our your or at your sides. My character just pulls them out of nowhere to execute her move. Not too sure where they are kept on her body, but the thing is way too big to go in your pocket. The force wielders get to carry their main weapon around all the time such as the sorcerers, and they don't even use their lightsabre as a main weapon. Pretty much my point being is that it would be cool to see the weapon you actually use be placed on your character.
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  • Datacrons are often behind jump puzzles that are beyond my limited eye-hand coordination. I love lore bits and not being able to reach them is quite frustrating. Also, this is the thing that most keeps me from feeling like a Jedi. I'm so great in The Force I can take on the Empire's toughest, but I can't use it to jump two feet?


This is a great source of frustration to me. It irks me that so many of these are places in such places that you find yourself jumping on crates, walking on pipes, crawling through sewers... This is exactly what my Inquisitor, who is a cultured lady and diplomat, really goes around doing. I prefer the ones that are out of the way in *clever* ways. Like a couple on Nar Shaddaa... the one in the incinerator room, and the one where you jump down to the taxi that takes you to the datacron. The Ancient Probe (STR on Hoth) is also a nice idea: You find the probe, kill it, loot an item then take that item to create the datacron. As frustrating as they are to find, the data cubes for the Green Matrix Shard on Belsavis. The one hidden in the castle on Aldaraan...These mechanics are all much preferable than having to make 103842 jumps, any of which you can miss and then have to start all over again. Especially when auto unstuck will put you back at the beginning (STR on Corellia is really bad for that one). Or ones that are just plain impossible to get (like the Empire Willpower one on Corellia).


Ones that involve more than one person are just plain annoying. :(

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I would like to see chat bubbles so I can talk to the people near me on a world or station. When it posts into the window up top, no one seems to read it. The only time I read it is when I am using it to chat with someone from across the world or zone. The General Tab i great, but the chat bubbles would incorporate a more of a social aspect into the game.
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This is a great source of frustration to me. It irks me that so many of these are places in such places that you find yourself jumping on crates, walking on pipes, crawling through sewers... This is exactly what my Inquisitor, who is a cultured lady and diplomat, really goes around doing. I prefer the ones that are out of the way in *clever* ways. Like a couple on Nar Shaddaa... the one in the incinerator room, and the one where you jump down to the taxi that takes you to the datacron. The Ancient Probe (STR on Hoth) is also a nice idea: You find the probe, kill it, loot an item then take that item to create the datacron. As frustrating as they are to find, the data cubes for the Green Matrix Shard on Belsavis. The one hidden in the castle on Aldaraan...These mechanics are all much preferable than having to make 103842 jumps, any of which you can miss and then have to start all over again. Especially when auto unstuck will put you back at the beginning (STR on Corellia is really bad for that one). Or ones that are just plain impossible to get (like the Empire Willpower one on Corellia).


Ones that involve more than one person are just plain annoying. :(

I agree. This game is called Star Wars, not Assassins Creed in a Galaxy Far Far Away with only 1 acrobatics move called jump which is bound to your space bar.

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Hood toggle for robes, even if it is an instant up/down that doesn't come with a cool animation.


Remove some class restrictions on orange gear. I'd like to have my trooper who is the son of my Jedi be able to more easily wear a Jedi robe, or even if I'm a Jedi Knight, I'd like to be able to equip Kira with Consular DPS gear.


Legacy wallet/cargohold. Maybe bind to legacy drops from ops instead of bind on pickup so that I can share gear with alts (or perhaps make us pay credits to unlock this feature), or make it cheaper to rip mods out of gear, put them in legacy gear, and reequip on the alt.




Not as easy, but Wookiees. I know there are problems related to skinning and voice acting.


But there are Wookiee companions. If I even had the chance to play a Wookiee with 5 alternate gear appearances like the companion customizations I'd be happy.


As for voice acting, there are already canned lines by the main PCs that are used on multiple mission, like "That should be easy enough" or "If I have time." There are already canned Wookiee grunts, maybe just have short length, medium length, and long and rely on the subtitles like you when an NPC speaks in Huttesse or some other non basic langauge.


I know it'll take time and work, but maybe pretty pretty please could we someday have Wookiees as a playable species in a future update sometime down the road.

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Lightsaber Ambiance.




I play for immersion. I play this game because it is Star Wars. When I got my Lightsaber on my Inquisitor I could hear the activation that I have grown to know, I could hear the hum that I had grown to know and I could hear the saber wiz through the air like I had grown to know.


That saber was however a little bland and I could not wait to get a new Lightsaber Hilt. So I did. I activated it and it sounded nothing like any Lightsaber I had ever heard in my life. It did not even sound like a Lightsaber at all. I thought to myself, "what is this all about?"


I can not tell you how much in game currency I have spent buying various Lightsabers trying to find a Hilt that I liked, that had the original Lightsaber sounds that I grew up with. This has proven to be extremely difficult. Can we do something to fix this? I am tired of wasting money on Lightsaber that sound nothing like they did in the movies.

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When I die, and need to respawn at a medical station, I would like it precisely indicated where I will respawn. At minimum with an accurate name of the respawn point. Ideally I should be able to open my world map and it will show me where I died and where I would respawn.


On Corellia I had a lot of problems with the respawn point being called "Area Start Point". I assume that might be the start of the Instanced area, or an area near to where I died, but it turns out it was the medical droid located at the rocket tram station. If I knew where I would respawn, I might be more likely to wait the 2 minutes or even the 10 minutes (if necessary) than have to walk all the way back to my mission point. Or, at least I can make the decision in a well-informed fashion.

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