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From a gear standpoint you are shooting yourself in the foot by not picking a side while you are leveling. At endgame you can go back to neutral if you dont care about titles or have items that dont require light or dark. The developers have included no rewards in the game that honor the neutral fence-sitter, and at least for early relics force you to be the good or bad guy.
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Despite what they said when the game first launched. There are no rewards for staying neutral. I did it on my IA just in the hopes that at some point in the future they will add neutral gear or titles or maybe even a mount.
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From a gear standpoint you are shooting yourself in the foot by not picking a side while you are leveling. At endgame you can go back to neutral if you dont care about titles or have items that dont require light or dark. The developers have included no rewards in the game that honor the neutral fence-sitter, and at least for early relics force you to be the good or bad guy.[/quote


Well that sort of sucks because I thought it might fun to stay neutral as a Bounty Hunter. So does it matter which side I choose in terms of gear Light or Dark?

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I don't see how it's supposed to be "more fun" to go light or dark, as long as you do choose one side. As with pretty much every other choice you make in this game in the end it comes down to want you want to get out of it. I answer questions the way my stupid companions want so I can gain affection. When I want 100 LS points more than I want 27 affection I dismiss them. it's not about fun or how cool it is, it's about working for a goal.


The LS and DS vendors are really the only thing that make choosing a side worth anything, but they're worth it. They both have the exact same things on them so it doesn't matter which side you choose, but you have to choose one to take advantage of the gear they offer. Once you get closer to 50 and start doing PvP and flashpoints and gaining access to better gear it won't matter, but while you're grinding it does... but it's not like you can't finish if you stay "neutral"


TBH, light and dark side mean nothing outside of a RP standpoint, and it doesn't have any effect on your game play, it's all the same missions no matter which side you choose.

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The whole "being neutral is gimping my character" arguement is extremely weak. Any relics worth having do not have a morality associated with them.


If you are really fussed about having relics while levelling, man-up and make do with the matrix cube only.


Also, I levelled a neutral Powertech tank.

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The whole "being neutral is gimping my character" arguement is extremely weak. Any relics worth having do not have a morality associated with them.


If you are really fussed about having relics while levelling, man-up and make do with the matrix cube only.


Also, I levelled a neutral Powertech tank.


Pretty much what this guy says... You are by no manner of means 'gimped' if you choose to stay neutral. I levelled my agent from 1-50 answering conversations how I would irl and never made it past light 1 or dark 1 and hovered between the two a lot. When gearing my toon I try and sort out a full set of custom gear sometimes without bracers and belt, and just get new mods as and when I level to keep my gear up to date. This holds me over till I reach endgame and start prepping my guy for endgame content, if you need relics, you can grab a couple for your class from the recruit vendor to tide you over till you get better ones.

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I just wanted to thank everybody for their opinions, and I think I'm going to continue to stay neutral. I mainly want to do this because this is how I see bounty hunters. They are not good or bad they simply do their job and don't care what other people think.
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this is one of the potential game breakers or game savers for me


this game was touted as the game where the experience evolves based on the choices you make


a somewhat nostalgic/anecdotal lookback on kotor 1 and 2 had me remembering that missions could be very subtlety woven where there were consequences within a chain for making "darkside," "lightside," and "neutral" choices throughout a questline - swtor is more like dao where the sense of deep choice is really an illusion - truly thinking things out to fit your character many times results in net neutral - a gimped net neutral at that


i was hoping the different choices would take a quest into totally different realms - not the next room over or kill all the victims quickly (lightside) or let them agonize (darkside)


the current result is to either herpderp sociopath dark or wussy goodie goodie light


if the developers can make this work properly then swtor has a bright future

Edited by Daxy
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