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So difficult to find people for flashpoints/heroics!!

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I am in the Fatman server which is a relatively popular server with more people. I am seeing a lot of people at my level in the servers. Yet when I queue up or even post a LFG message in chat for flashpoints/heroics, I am unable to find anyone. It is becoming very difficult to assemble a party of 4 or more.

I am usually able to get into warzones very quickly but it seems that no one wants to queue up for flashpoints. Usually the prospects of better gear is a great incentive for people to do these group missions. I am not sure why no one is interested. I am currently level 18. I am not sure if this is the case only for my level range or all level ranges face this problem?


I am generally very patient and have been waiting an hour or more each time :)

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I am in the Fatman server which is a relatively popular server with more people. I am seeing a lot of people at my level in the servers. Yet when I queue up or even post a LFG message in chat for flashpoints/heroics, I am unable to find anyone. It is becoming very difficult to assemble a party of 4 or more.

I am usually able to get into warzones very quickly but it seems that no one wants to queue up for flashpoints. Usually the prospects of better gear is a great incentive for people to do these group missions. I am not sure why no one is interested. I am currently level 18. I am not sure if this is the case only for my level range or all level ranges face this problem?


I am generally very patient and have been waiting an hour or more each time :)


Three comments:


1) now that server transfers went live, a lot of the people who piled on the Fatman months back for PvP action are drifted back to their own servers and transfered their characters to the designated target server. Result: The Fatman is often at the bottom of the list of 12 active servers in NA.


2) It is THE PvP server, by virtue of all the people that piled on it earlier, and many are probaby still there primarily fr the PvP, not PvE content


3) even on the busiest PvE servers, a lot of people are playing at (or near) cap level. Those thare are playing lower levels are in many cases rerolls who skip the content you want to run.

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I can say on my server that it is fairly easy to find groups, regardless of faction, specialization and class up until Level 35.


After that point I've noticed an absence of people who can fulfill the Healer and Tank role. I often find my more advanced characters having to fill in as healer for missions and flashpoints that are far beneath my capabilities. It has worked out but I'm get a little sick and tired of the Foundry and Red Reaper (Colliqoid War Games I never get tired of for some reason).


Worst planet to complete the heroics on is by far Hoth. It was fairly easy to find a group prior and after this for some reason. I honestly think this is the planet where people decide they are committed or lose interest in the game.


- Arcada

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@ Angedechu I am a Jedi sentinel (dps).



I am defnitely seeing a shortage in tank/dps roles. Though I love to PVP myself, I never have skipped the PVE content. Probably what you guys said is happening and many are doing only warzones.


I hope with the upcoming F2P, more people pour into the servers and fill this gap.

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So what is happening anyone with a lower level character can't find a group to group with to do Flashpoints ....in the 12 servers that have heavy use ...so now the game is broken ...like so many MMO's out there if everyone is not at the same level , and have the same high level equipment you are not going to find a group. So MMO's have become a game for only Elite MMO's players ...the rest of the players are just noobs. Game developers wonder why gamers are leaving MMO's for other type games , why gamers don't want to play anymore , whats the purpose if you don't have a group of friends you play with all the time, or a top guild you belong to ....who are they making these MMO's for where is the fun in MMO's . The auction houses become filled with Elite player stuff they want to sell off to low level players whoopie. Now that all the low level players are gone who's playing, whose buying the the stuff who cares if you have the top guild , or have the best equipment , and have done everything in the game means nothing when the game is a ghost town , the race to be the best , have the most , has left most MMO's empty of new players. The fun that use to be in MMO's is gone.


I have played solo , in groups, and guilds ...the problems with groups, and guilds is getting players together helping each other , showing up , not dropping out , having the time to get through the end game content if any.....and keeping the members from fighting over every little thing. If you have a group of friends who all get along , enjoy gaming together , and you all belong to the same guild then MMO's are probably the next best thing to slice bread. But for the solo players ,or those who do not belong to your group it is just one long grind with limited game play that is made for groups, and guilds. MMO's need to have more options for solo players to get epic equipment...and play through flashpoints, dungeons...that was what made Guild Wars fun you had a group characters you could hire to get through dungeons, like in Dungeon Siege , not just one....options Bioware options.

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I am in the Fatman server which is a relatively popular server with more people. I am seeing a lot of people at my level in the servers. Yet when I queue up or even post a LFG message in chat for flashpoints/heroics, I am unable to find anyone. It is becoming very difficult to assemble a party of 4 or more.

I am usually able to get into warzones very quickly but it seems that no one wants to queue up for flashpoints. Usually the prospects of better gear is a great incentive for people to do these group missions. I am not sure why no one is interested. I am currently level 18. I am not sure if this is the case only for my level range or all level ranges face this problem?


I am generally very patient and have been waiting an hour or more each time :)


I'm guilty of not feeling like looking for groups while leveling and just sticking to my normal questing. I can't speak for everyone on the fatman but I kind of just do my own thing till I hit end game.

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