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Orange Modable items and Loot Rolls


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You're assuming that they're dumping the Orange... which isn't a likely assumption to make. If they need the upgrade in stats, it's much more likely they'll just wear the item. Of course their can be exceptions to this, however it's unlikely.


People into looks are more likely to roll with lower stats to achieve a look.


People into stats are more likely to wear whatever it is, just to get the stat boost.


Some people are into both, however standard loot etiquette is the piece goes to whichever class benefits most from the stats on the gear. If two people benefit equally, they both Need.



Also.. Stats literally affect whether you live or die in playing the game. The argument of Looks being Equal to Stats makes absolutely no sense unless you're playing a game where you ONLY RP and never actually have to fight against anything.


That would be true and it would make a lot of sense if all of the armor and weapons were orange, but they aren't. I just don't see the point in keeping someone from rolling on a piece they might very well wear through level 50 just because it doesn't have their base stats to start with.


For me personally, I never roll need on an item that isn't specifically for my class and an an upgrade without asking the group first. That's just bad form. I also don't think I should have to abstain from rolling on moddable gear just because the base stats don't suit my class (which would be remedied literally 10 seconds later).



It's definitely a tricky situation and I doubt the community will ever come to a consensus on it. To me, moddable gear is meant to be cosmetic. The base stats that come with it are irrelevant. If it's an upgrade for someone in the group, great, roll on it. But that shouldn't prevent other people from rolling on it as well since it is intended to be a cosmetic piece.

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You're choosing not to roll on "regular" gear. He's choosing to roll on gear that's an upgrade. He's not limiting you, you are.


Right. Just like I'm choosing not to roll on items for other classes or any other drop that I will not use.


The problem is the people using modifiable gear are getting screwed in this scenario. As of level 25 I have never seen a modifiable piece of gear drop outside of a flashpoint. Guess modifiable gear is not the way to go until they work out some kinks, since the community is apparently not going to allow anyone to obtain any other than the AH.

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Ask before you do it.


You aren't in LFD anymore and you are actually playing with an actual pick up group. If you make the group yourself you can even set the loot rules and hope that the others agree to it.


Just keep in mind though. There is no vote kicking. The party lead has final say in this and won't for a second think about not booting you for taking something he thinks you don't deserve.


The problem is the people using modifiable gear are getting screwed in this scenario. As of level 25 I have never seen a modifiable piece of gear drop outside of a flashpoint. Guess modifiable gear is not the way to go until they work out some kinks, since the community is apparently not going to allow anyone to obtain any other than the AH.

There are a lot of mods to be bought through the commendations from the various planets. It definitely makes it rather easy to gear up relying on these mods then actual gear.

Edited by Kabloosh
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Yes we know all about it..

doesnt mean that is a "need" for you..

the class the armor was BUILT and STYLED for will always get the first NEED roll.

everyone else gets a greed period no gray area..


You roll need with that class in the grup and that makes you a greedy freaking ninja..


and I personally will make sure you are blacklisted to any of my guilds groups as well as our allies groups..


this is not a single player game.. you cant have things your way..

there are ways to get what you want the right way.


Yeah, this is not a single player game.. you can't have things your way... So you better do it my way OR ELSE!!!


You are a hypocrite.


In my opinion if you can put it on and mod it to fit your needs then by all means roll need on it.

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Yeah, this is not a single player game.. you can't have things your way... So you better do it my way OR ELSE!!!


You are a hypocrite.


In my opinion if you can put it on and mod it to fit your needs then by all means roll need on it.


Really... Obvious hypocrite is obvious.

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could you post your char's names and server so i knwo not to group with you? Orange Gear is not Fair Game if it has stats on it for someone else.


Can you post your info as well so I can never group with you? Orange gear is fair game because stats are irrelevant when they can be changed.

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If you're greedy, just admit it. You're taking gear specifically designed for someone else and creating reasons why it's acceptable. The ability to change out mods is secondary to what's included.


Who is the greedy one? Is it the one that wants and equal chance at winning the item through a need roll, or the one who wants to be given special preference on the roll?

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You're choosing not to roll on "regular" gear. He's choosing to roll on gear that's an upgrade. He's not limiting you, you are.




Orange gear was made that way to bring more depth and meaning to the crafting system as well as offer cosmetic options. However, that doesn't change the fact that if the gear is an upgrade for someone without being altered, their need is greater than yours. That is the essence of Need vs. Greed.




They ARE using Modifiable Gear, which is why they're upset you're rolling on Gear with their stats on it already. And no they're not forcing you to have to go to the AH. If you want a specific piece of gear and it drops, but it suits someone else moreso, then you run the Flashpoint/OP again until you get it. That is the proper etiquette.




If the gear is an upgrade and it has their stats, they have the right to Need it. If the gear doesn't have your stats, it's NOT an upgrade until you alter it, putting you in the Greed category. It's a very basic concept. Some groups you'll get, the person whose class the gear is intended for won't want it and you'll get it. Some groups they will want it and you won't. That's how running PUGs works.


You'll quickly find that in a game with no Cross-Server queues, if you don't abide by proper loot etiquette, you can and will get blackballed on the server. If you want the easiest time getting what you want when you want it, join a Guild and run Flashpoints and Ops with them instead of PUGs. It's that simple.


When the etiquette is based on opinion why do you feel your version of loot etiquette is the right one? This isn't WoW or any other game. This is a new game with its own loot system. Perhaps it is time to look at things a little different and try to understand the difference between your opinion on what the etiquette should be and what other people think it should be. Neither side is more right than the other, but only your side is threatening people with blacklists if people don't do it your way.

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Ok this is really simple.


Orange gear is rolling on 4 things in one lump.


Armor visual





Only the mods are stat relevant. If some of the mods need replacing to make it suitable for you, then obviously you should at least ask if the other player minds. They'll say one of two things:


Go Ahead: yay, roll need


It isn't the right stats for you though I need it more: Then you can either loot ninja OR if you really like the visual but the mods are all easily replaceable, come back at a higher level and grind it. You'll live in the mean time.



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As the Orange Item stands now It is a new loot system mechanic that is more far diverse than a hard stated loot. It has 5 tiers of user interest. 1) armor restriction 2) cosmetics 3) Armor Rating 4) stat bonus 5) defense bonus.


By definition, if you were to remove the mods you would make this a far less complex loot drop and thus "dumb it down".


In fact this new mechanic is really very interesting and I am not the least bit afraid of it. Further more, to every one claiming it is greedy to roll on a Orange Mod item if it doesn't have your stat I would say that YOU are the greedy ones! Why?


You liked it better when loot rolls were restricted to just your class because your odds of winning a roll are better with less competition. Now with 5 different attractions on an item, you have more competition and thus less chance to win. This is what you really hate you greedy little rats.


So you try to stop it by claiming blacklist and what ever other weird nonsense your up to. Mark the time, I have taken your measure!


This may be true on an individual level, but not on a macro level. A group of people, comprised of different classes will gear up quicker by taking pieces that are stat upgrades and not modifying them. By taking a piece of Orange gear and overwriting the mods, you are deleting stats that would be useful to your groupmate. Now they have to wait for the next lockout for that stat upgrade, or take a piece of your gear and change the mods. In one case you are sacrificing time, in the other you are sacrificing money that could be spent on other upgrades. This is true at a group, guild, and server level. Try thinking about someone besides yourself.


You are essentially saying that you are willing to sacrifice another player's chance to see content for the sake of your appearance.


And don't say that 'it has one stat that's an upgrade for me'. If you are going to remod the stat you can't use, you might as well remod the stat that's an upgrade for the same cost in your current gear. Then everyone makes out.

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