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Orange Modable items and Loot Rolls


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I'm going to laugh when all of you greedy people can't find a group for anything because everyone on the server has black listed you.


Nobody is going to want to run a group with someone who need rolls on loot for a companion over a player or who takes an item for cosmetic reasons over someone who needs it as a legit upgrade.


You guys are fanatics. WoW didnt have a Orange Mod system afaik, its is a new system for a new game. Stop trying to force your old rules into a new game. Open your minds and try to think about this NEW SYSTEM in a new way.

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I do not come from WoW so I have only read about your views on "need and greed". From what I can tell the majority feel that it is absolutly wrong to need for an item if it doesn't have your stats. With that said...


I am a BH and a super cool looking piece of orange heavy armor drops. Turns out it has great armor too but it doesn't have my stats in it. However, all I need do to make it my stats is open it up and pop in the right mod.


I am of the belief that any heavy armor that drops which is orange is a "need" for me as a BH since I can make the stats as I wish. I just am wondering what others think.




Still not cool.


Also not cool to roll need for your companion if someone elses actual character needs it.

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You guys are fanatics. WoW didnt have a Orange Mod system afaik, its is a new system for a new game. Stop trying to force your old rules into a new game. Open your minds and try to think about this NEW SYSTEM in a new way.

No, I'm pretty sure I won't want to group with people that will take a major upgrade from me 'for the looks'. That is in no way a need.

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It just depends on the player and the people in your group... I myself roll greed on almost everything because friends are more important then gear that will be replaced in hours/days.


I used to have a friend who rolled need on everything... it was just the way he was in real life to... he would never help anyone with a quest but expected 100% help for his quests witch he would then roll need on everything... It became such a problem that other players wouldn't group with us because he was known as a bad on the server becasue of his selfishness and stupidity... It can cause a real problem so think about it... Needless to say I do not play games with him anymore and def not mmo's...MMO's are best enjoyed with others while helping others!


It's easy to see how selfish some players are... all they think about is their own char... "a piece drops that is ready to go for a certain class... and you want to take it and mod it up for your own.... "selfish IMO" I refuse to play this game like most MMO"S are played.."first to power trip and finish all the content wins"!


I kind of wait for all the uptights to form their powertrip guilds then I look for a nice laid back guild... the laid back guilds are usually much better for helping you out as the leaders and officers aren't so selfish and busy lvling thier own chars...

Edited by HeroCrusher
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i had something similar happen to me.


I'm IA operative and there drops an orange blaster rifle.

There is an IA sniper in grp aswell who uses the same statts but he uses snipers instead.


He rolled need on it cause he said yea i can use the mods to make my weapon better. and sells the orange item.


How to roll in situations like these ?

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But if the armour of the item is higher, and so it is an improvement *despite* the current mods in it not being ideal then surely that is a "need"? With a quick swap of mods it is an even better improvement ...



"Greed" to me is for things that I can't use and will sell. Such as items that are for my class but worse than I'm using right now, or things I can't physically use. Things I can use, because they're an improvement (even if I have to tweak some mods) is "need". If for example a rare Elmo hat dropped, which has no decent stats on it but has a unique appearance, should no one roll "need" on it? If you don't have the elmo hat then I don't see why you can't 'need' it. Others who have the hat already can either pass or greed on it.




I guess this thread has just shown how differing people are in their expectations and how they behave towards one another. Have fun spending 30mins in gen chat whining about others!


The armor of orange items is the determined by the lvl of the mods, that argument is invalid.

If someone else wants the whole package of the item as is, and u need to modify it, he should get precedence.

You people should learn the difference between "want" and "need". That the holmark of ninja looters is that they can't tell the difference. Need isn't for any item u can use in some way, only for items that improve your GAMEPLAY. By your definition of "need", you justify crafters who want to RE the items, or people "needing" max lvl purples so they can sell it on AH. Crafters who want to RE should even get precedence, since they improve their craft and can get schematics, which are much more importent than cosmetic considerations. You want cosmetic oranges, go to a commendation vendors who sell tons of oranges of different kind.

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No, I'm pretty sure I won't want to group with people that will take a major upgrade from me 'for the looks'. That is in no way a need.


Oh brother... nobody is debating this^. I am talking about a situation where the armor is for ones spec and it is an upgrade in every way except it has say idk power instead of aim.

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You guys are fanatics. WoW didnt have a Orange Mod system afaik, its is a new system for a new game. Stop trying to force your old rules into a new game. Open your minds and try to think about this NEW SYSTEM in a new way.


Let's put it a bit more simply. Talk to the group first about what you want to do. If everyone agrees, cool.


Also look at it this way. the armor in your OP only dropped because the Sith Warrior was in your group, if he hadn't been in your group you wouldn't have even seen the armor in the first place, so it makes more sense that it's HIS. Run the FP again until YOUR armor drops.

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i had something similar happen to me.


I'm IA operative and there drops an orange blaster rifle.

There is an IA sniper in grp aswell who uses the same statts but he uses snipers instead.


He rolled need on it cause he said yea i can use the mods to make my weapon better. and sells the orange item.


How to roll in situations like these ?


I can see how with the new system people would role oranges for the mods. I would suggest a compromise in this position where he takes the mods he want, and u get the rifle since an orange rifle is more valuable to you than the mods (usually). It's common curtesy.

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I see ninja's are already trying to justify themselves in this thread.


If your trying to loophole due to swappable mods or companions etc over someone who can need it for their main without......that is ninja'ing regardless of any excuse you want to make. That's what greed roles are for...win it there and there's no arguments.


Some folks are going to get blacklisted pretty damn fast.

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Oh brother... nobody is debating this^. I am talking about a situation where the armor is for ones spec and it is an upgrade in every way except it has say idk power instead of aim.


You are actually the one debating this. Your taking all the mods out of an item and replacing them with what you want. So in essence you like the look of the armor and want to put your own mods in it.

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the armor of orange items is the determined by the lvl of the mods, that argument is invalid.

If someone else wants the whole package of the item as is, and u need to modify it, he should get precedence.

You people should learn the difference between "want" and "need". That the holmark of ninja looters is that they can't tell the difference. Need isn't for any item u can use in some way, only for items that improve your gameplay. By your definition of "need", you justify crafters who want to re the items, or people "needing" max lvl purples so they can sell it on ah. Crafters who want to re should even get precedence, since they improve their craft and can get schematics, which are much more importent than cosmetic considerations. You want cosmetic oranges, go to a commendation vendors who sell tons of oranges of different kind.


/\ /\ /\ /\ qft thank you

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I play a Consular Shadow.


In general:

non-moddable gear w/ increased stats - Need

non-moddable gear w/ decreased stats - greed/pass


moddable gear w/ increased stats - need

moddable gear w/ decreased stats - greed (because if I want it so I can switch in my own mods, that doesn't result in increased stats as I already have moddable gear on me - essentially I'll just be switching mods from one piece to another for cosmetic reasons.)


That said, yesterday I found a blue moddable chest piece on corusant, so I'm set for a long time (on that, anyway).

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I do not come from WoW so I have only read about your views on "need and greed". From what I can tell the majority feel that it is absolutly wrong to need for an item if it doesn't have your stats. With that said...


I am a BH and a super cool looking piece of orange heavy armor drops. Turns out it has great armor too but it doesn't have my stats in it. However, all I need do to make it my stats is open it up and pop in the right mod.


I am of the belief that any heavy armor that drops which is orange is a "need" for me as a BH since I can make the stats as I wish. I just am wondering what others think.




I am of the opinion you roll need for the things you will use. I would check with the group at the beginning of the FP to set the ground rules. Orange gear is fair game imo.

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I do not come from WoW so I have only read about your views on "need and greed". From what I can tell the majority feel that it is absolutly wrong to need for an item if it doesn't have your stats. With that said...


I am a BH and a super cool looking piece of orange heavy armor drops. Turns out it has great armor too but it doesn't have my stats in it. However, all I need do to make it my stats is open it up and pop in the right mod.


I am of the belief that any heavy armor that drops which is orange is a "need" for me as a BH since I can make the stats as I wish. I just am wondering what others think.




This really comes down to who you're grouping with. IF you have a sith warrior with you he's going to be really miffed off. Its far better to let the person its intended for have it and if he doesn't want it or there's no sithwarrior STILL ASK and explain.


Oh and definitely don't roll need on something for your companion without asking.


Its always good etiquette NOT to take something you can't immediately use over someone who can immediately make use of it. (this does not count fo rcompanions they're completely last place to everyone in the group).


Ninja's always end up on alot of ignore lists which makes it far harder to group in the end with good groups.


Don't be a Ninja. In a social environment greed gets you no where but on the A hole list.

Edited by Kindara
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If the armor type is a type of armor your class can wear then you should be able to roll on it with out someone crying, especially mod armor where you can change out the plates.


If they cry, slap them upside the head and tell them to grow up.

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I am of the opinion you roll need for the things you will use. I would check with the group at the beginning of the FP to set the ground rules. Orange gear is fair game imo.


could you post your char's names and server so i knwo not to group with you? Orange Gear is not Fair Game if it has stats on it for someone else.

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As for the OP, if you would atleast offer your group members the mods, since your main reason for wanting the gear is esthetic. Its still not be ok to need, but it will lower the flames, and show goodwill.

Your party members realy don't care if your BH wants to walk around in with gear. If you're after a specific piece of gear that comes from a boss, you should say it up front, and even than they'll want to roll for it. If you're farming better to bring guildies who will be more accommodating. But saying up front pretty=need in a PUG, is an express trip to GTFOvile.

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As for the OP, if you would atleast offer your group members the mods, since your main reason for wanting the gear is esthetic. Its still not be ok to need, but it will lower the flames, and show goodwill.

Your party members realy don't care if your BH wants to walk around in with gear. If you're after a specific piece of gear that comes from a boss, you should say it up front, and even than they'll want to roll for it. If you're farming better to bring guildies who will be more accommodating. But saying up front pretty=need in a PUG, is an express trip to GTFOvile.


The mods are bind on pick up for Orange Gear.

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i had something similar happen to me.


I'm IA operative and there drops an orange blaster rifle.

There is an IA sniper in grp aswell who uses the same statts but he uses snipers instead.


He rolled need on it cause he said yea i can use the mods to make my weapon better. and sells the orange item.


How to roll in situations like these ?

I think it's very wrong to roll on an orange items YOU CAN'T EVEN USE just for the mods. Mods are easy to come by so thats a ****** thing to do IMHO.

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Major design flaw, IMO.


Either OJ stuff shouldn't drop in instances, NBG should lock in on your class (ie, BH can't roll on SW heavy), or ditch the rolling stupidity entirely and go with the goodie bag thing they had in beta til some idiots cried about missing the random rolls for some reason.

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Orange items should just drop with the mod slots empty. That would solve all the problems.



If they did the only fight then would be people who claim that they should need for companions BUT atlast it'd be 1 problem down.


It'd really help if they had better Loot Options. I've hated their loot options and controls since beta.

Edited by Kindara
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I believe this is something you should discuess with your group. For me it will be easier as i will mostly just group with my guild and we have already set rules for the rolls.


1) Orange items need rolls are only for the item, not the mods. If you can use the item (with or without the current mods) need the item if you wish.


2) Need rolls are only for items your Character can use, no need rolls for your Companions.


our guild is pretty tight knit, so we make mods for those who need them.

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