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Orange Modable items and Loot Rolls


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I do not come from WoW so I have only read about your views on "need and greed". From what I can tell the majority feel that it is absolutly wrong to need for an item if it doesn't have your stats. With that said...


I am a BH and a super cool looking piece of orange heavy armor drops. Turns out it has a great armor rating too but it doesn't have my stats in it. However, all I need do to make it my stats is open it up and pop in the right mod.


I am of the belief that any heavy armor that drops which is orange is a "need" for me as a BH since I can make the stats as I wish. I just am wondering what others think.



Edited by Matty-Wan
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look at it this way if a mod dropped with the wrong stats would you roll on it?


No but he isn't rolling on mods.. He is rolling on gear. Mods are really cheap to buy with marks from various planets, from PvP marks and can easily be crafted using crew-skills.

Edited by Arutassin
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the MOD's are bound to you when you take it, so theres no trading them off to the guys you took the armour from,


look at it this way if a mod dropped with the wrong stats would you roll on it?


Im not sure you understand. I am talking about an Armor drop. That armor has 3 mods in it. One of them dosent have in my case Aim and Endurance but otherwise is a great get for me. I can pull the mod out and trash it and put the one with my stats in it and blamo.

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No but he isn't rolling on mods.. He is rolling on gear. Mods are really cheap to buy with marks from various planets, from PvP marks and can easily be crafted using crew-skills.



the mods are in the armour and are bop, so he is rolling on the mods, and mods are easily made? isnt armour easily made too?

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I can see both sides to this argument. Also, depending on your crew skills it might be beneficial for you to extract those mods and reverse engineer them.


People who need the item (for whatever reason) are saying they need it. Meaning, it's far superior to what they have.


People who greed the item are saying they want it but they don't need to have it and they can get by without it.


Going based on description of the word alone, you fall in the "greed" category. However, Bioware has made it clear that orange drops are meant more for looks than for stats (since they can be customized). So really the stats shouldn't be what you take into account on orange, it should be the appearance.


I'd need. Other people who "need it" will need as well. Just make sure you need before everyone else so they know to need if they want a shot at it.

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Orange gear is open to all who can wear it imo.....That is the purpose of allowing one to replace the mods. Although it didnt come with your stats, in 5 minutes you can have your stats in it. Roll away imo.


My opinion exactly. I have a feeling this will be shared by all in time. I wonder though if the folks who are stuck in "it dosent have your stats!" may take some time to come around.

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If a piece of armor is itemized for another class that is in your group you should not take it over them, it's called common courtesy. Stop being selfish.


If you want to start off a new MMO with a bad reputation on your server though, by all means.

Edited by Hypernetic
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If a piece of armor is itemized for another class that is in your group you should not take it over them, it's called common courtesy. Stop being selfish.


If you want to start off a new MMO with a bad reputation on your server though, by all means.


This is an example of why the "orange modable" items are going to cause some tension.

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I think the bigger question is whether or not you should roll need or greed. This happened to me in a 4 man heroic yesterday. Group was a Guardian, two Sents, and a Sage. A nice set of mod-able pants dropped, medium armor. Sents should have been the only rolling on it, so we both choose greed. The Guardian, who wears heavy, snipes it with a need roll. I don't think it was deliberate.


Granted, it was our fault for not speaking up before the rolls, but this is something people need to pay attention to. The problem is people see shiny stuff and just roll without checking first if they can even use it.

Edited by BlownSi
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If I decide that I'd like to pursue a piece of gear, I'm going to need on it regardless of the stats. If it's because I like the style of a piece of mod gear, or if it's for one of my companions, then those are perfectly valid reasons.


Greed is there for those who simply want to sell an item. If you plan on using the gear in any sort of capacity, then a need roll is acceptable.


Players need to accept the fact that this game has a mod system and companions, and people will want to pursue gear for a wide variety of reasons.

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Is the gear better then the gear you are wearing (Need)? No, the stats aren't for your class. So you want (greed) it for the way it looks.


Your wrong to roll Need on it with out first talking to your group. If the piece is not an upgrade for me, and you asked first, my response would be "Sure, go ahead and grab it". If you Need it without asking the group, welcome to my ignore list, and if I'm group leader enjoy the boot.

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Appearance tabs...


But seriously, it does suck that when you want something for the looks and could use it for that, you might have to 'concede' the item because another player can use it for its stats.


While I would ask if I could have it first... well... I may be a jerk here, but I'd say you're both allowed to need it, you're just needing it for different reasons. Don't like it? Tell BioWare to implement an appearance tab.

Edited by DeaconX
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It's wrong to "need" an item for cosmetic reasons, which you need to modify to use, when there are people who need it for the stats. If you want it for cosmetic reasons it's clearly "greed". If someone tries to do it to me, I'll kick him out, put him on ignore and spend the next half hour bad mouthing him on the gen chat and forums. Such behavior should be penalized.
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I have not had any issues with this so far but then again i am only level 25 and could care less if I do not get the good gear right now. If I like the looks of something then I will run the instance until I have it.


I was wondering though if something is fact or if I just seeing a pattern that is not really there.

It seems that for me at least when I run something the items dropping are for the classes that are present. If this is the case and you are rolling on gear that would not drop unless the specific class is there to make it drop then this does seem pretty ****** to roll need.


Again I am not sure this is how the loot is working but it does seem this way on my runs.


Something to think about.

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It's wrong to "need" an item for cosmetic reasons, which you need to modify to use, when there are people who need it for the stats. If you want it for cosmetic reasons it's clearly "greed". If someone tries to do it to me, I'll kick him out, put him on ignore and spend the next half hour bad mouthing him on the gen chat and forums. Such behavior should be penalized.


I'm sorry we disagree. It's not the player's fault that BioWare's idea of an appearance customizing system was to allow these mods - then have drops that people will want for appearance and others will want for stats.


Both players have the right to roll NEED, imho. They're after the item for different reasons.


Again, don't like it? Well maybe BioWare should have considered a proper appearance tab system (still hoping they are...)

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