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Is Bioware really this inept? How is this not fixed? (pic)


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For months now, I among others have reported this issue frequently, complained here on the forums, written several ingame tickets, it was even addressed as being fixed in the patch notes once. But yet again, here we are... i have once again been spawn glitched.




Can someone, anyone please tell me how something this simple has been added to the game, then kept in the game for this long? how is this ok? Is Anything being done about this?

Edited by RiP_AzaZeL
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Happened twice yesterday for me and three times for a friend when we were group queuing. Bioware really needs to fix this.


yeah absolutely they do... and the problem is that they claimed they fixed it, then they told us to make tickets, (which ive done over and over)


it happens in rateds too, which is the worst. how is it ok to get a loss because they cant fix a glitch.

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it's probably getting worse now because word is getting around that it's happening when operative / scoundrels knock people down and kill them while they're knocked down. i've noticed that I've personally been knocked down more when I was near the end of my life.


luckily, this hasn't happened to me, yet.

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it's probably getting worse now because word is getting around that it's happening when operative / scoundrels knock people down and kill them while they're knocked down. i've noticed that I've personally been knocked down more when I was near the end of my life.


luckily, this hasn't happened to me, yet.


Both times it happened to me was when a Marauder/Jugg used the Rage tree ability "Obliterate" (mirror to Zealous Leap) to land the killing blow.

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Yeah, I've reported this multiple times now - I stopped bothering after a month or so.


It's not limited to knockdowns - plenty of animations carry through death (fire being an obvious one) - and every now and then I'll have someone throw a sticky grenade or AP on me just before I die, which explodes and damages me after I've respawned. They just can't seem to get the hanging of wiping all non-beneficial effects after death.


I think they gave up on it.

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this is a l2p issue. working as intended. stop laying on the floor and actually help your team


Right on, you tell em! :D


Seriously though, it's a disgrace!

This bug has been around since launch, was "fixed" in 1.2, and yet it's still alive today. :(


Who knows if BW ever gets a handle on this, but for now, a sorc/sage can pull you up when it happens - works most of the time, but (unfortunately) not always.

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For months now, I among others have reported this issue frequently, complained here on the forums, written several ingame tickets, it was even addressed as being fixed in the patch notes once. But yet again, here we are... i have once again been spawn glitched.




Can someone, anyone please tell me how something this simple has been added to the game, then kept in the game for this long? how is this ok? Is Anything being done about this?


These are the same morons that maintained and developed Warhammer Offline. There was once an "out of range" bug in that game where you could be dry humping your target as a melee and still be out of range. They left that one untouched for over 2 months. So nothing surprises me when it comes to the incompetence of Mythic/Bioware.


It is no wonder why this game is bleeding subs and probably set a major mmo record with going F2P in 7 months.

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These are the same morons that maintained and developed Warhammer Offline. There was once an "out of range" bug in that game where you could be dry humping your target as a melee and still be out of range. They left that one untouched for over 2 months. So nothing surprises me when it comes to the incompetence of Mythic/Bioware.


It is no wonder why this game is bleeding subs and probably set a major mmo record with going F2P in 7 months.


NO NO, its because they "listened to the fans" and gave us what we wanted, thats why its failing.

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